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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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But they will be less busy when the same number of people are dispersed across a greater number of spaces and over a larger radius though. The wider that allowable travel radius, the more dispersed that they can be. The onus is on the government to have a joined-up set of policies that both gives people scope to both enjoy their free time for the first time in fucking months as well as the ability to exercise some common sense into the bargain.
Toilet usage seems to me to be the hurdle that joined up thinking was unable to clear.
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1 hour ago, Am Featha *****h Nan Clach said:

It would cause a lower level of compliance across the country.

'If it's ok for *insert council name* that's 5 minutes away, it's good enough for me'

I do think the islands are a different case though.


Regional lockdowns, or at least regional 'measures' will be a part of dealing with this virus in the long term, just as they are in other countries. It is never going to go away totally, so we may end up with small, probably seasonal, flare ups. Ideally a track and trace system that works would avoid this, but if we ended up with an outbreak in say Aberdeen next year, are we going to shutdown an entire country? No, we'll probably introduce measures for 2-3 weeks in that area - ban non-essential travel to and from that area and shut the schools, and hope that deals with it. If it doesn't then we may have to use a national measure. That is a perfectly sensible solution and the vast majority of people would abide.

With the benefit of hindsight (although I thought this weeks ago) the idea that people in Benbecula have had to live under the same restrictions as people in Glasgow through this is crazy. It's crucial that looking forward we have clear and practical methods of putting in place regional measures.

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57 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

Yes, but permanent damage will be done to many individuals's finances and livelihoods. Which will have a knock-on effect on health outcomes. My point is, lots of different people are looking out for what they perceive as what's in their interests and aren't as bothered about how it effects others. This isn't something unique to the young so let's not pretend otherwise.

Agreed, but I don't see how joining in a huge gathering to get pished is in anyone's self interest. Of course self interest is important but hopefully this (my) generation properly gets away from the Thatcherism of "I'm Alright, Jack" less of it in Scotland but still holds us back 

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5 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:
41 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:
lol no we don't.

Completely agree - go beyond the central belt and the public transport options are bloody awful.

Parts of Glasgow have almost zero public transport. Once the Tories deregulated the bus service that was it goosed.

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26 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

Please explain.

You don't see the difference between a union with England and a union with the EU?

Given that I've said I was currently in favour of independence (and being in the EU) I clearly do.

You seem to be of the opinion that it would be absolutely impossible for the political landscape of the UK to ever change to allow Scotland to be an equal partner as it has a small percentage of the population, yet this is exactly what it would have in the EU.

My point is simply that, however unlikely it might appear right now, should that shift happen then it is a choice that needs to be given serious consideration ahead of your "Independence at any cost" mantra.

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1 hour ago, Billy Jean King said:
4 hours ago, Mr. Alli said:
Ah, yes. Thousands of people only congregated in Kelvingrove as they feared repercussion of going by the 5 mile from home part of the lockdown. 

Troon and Prestwick were similar yesterday, mobbed but without the "takeaway pint" option as consumption of alcohol in public spaces has been banned by the draconian SAC for years and the police have always taken great delight in enforcing that particular bye law.

yip same at Girvan. The parks and beach was busy. The snack bar and chippy were mobbed with motorbike guys. I got chatting to two of them who’d came from Stranraer (30 miles away). Outside the snack bar there was a group of about 20 of them and social distancing wasn’t going on. From day 1 they’ve flouted it. Maybe the leather gear repels covid, who knows 

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3 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

yip same at Girvan. The parks and beach was busy. The snack bar and chippy were mobbed with motorbike guys. I got chatting to two of them who’d came from Stranraer (30 miles away). Outside the snack bar there was a group of about 20 of them and social distancing wasn’t going on. From day 1 they’ve flouted it. Maybe the leather gear repels covid, who knows 

Didn't repel you.


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17 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

yip same at Girvan. The parks and beach was busy. The snack bar and chippy were mobbed with motorbike guys. I got chatting to two of them who’d came from Stranraer (30 miles away). Outside the snack bar there was a group of about 20 of them and social distancing wasn’t going on. From day 1 they’ve flouted it. Maybe the leather gear repels covid, who knows 


13 minutes ago, beefybake said:

Didn't repel you.


MRW a Hot Girl Sits Next to Me on the Bus - GIF on Imgur

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27 minutes ago, beefybake said:

Didn't repel you.


There is something quite funny about people turning up to places and complaining how busy it is. How dare they do the same things we are doing! 

People's choices are very limited in terms of what they can actually go out and do so it shouldn't be any great surprise until more opens up. In the meantime, we all have a choice - if you're not comfortable, stay inside or go elsewhere. 

Edited by Michael W
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17 minutes ago, Michael W said:

There is something quite funny about people turning up to places and complaining how busy it is. How dare they do the same things we are doing! 

People's choices are very limited in terms of what they can actually go out and do so it shouldn't be any great surprise until more opens up. In the meantime, we all have a choice - if you're not comfortable, stay inside or go elsewhere. 

I wasnt complaining, just stating how it was. Girvan is on my doorstep (I can cycle to it in 20 mins) so I wasn’t “turning up” there. As I’ve stated before I actually find it so much better to see the roads and beachs/parks busier than when lockdown began and it was so empty and eery. I just object to there being no public toilets open and seeing folk peeing against the snack bar wall 

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