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1 minute ago, MixuFruit said:

I still maintain we should try it for say 3 years

You'd be better with a Purge, surely. Imagine the anticlimax of killing BoJo, only to realise you're going to need to wait another year for Farage.

...they'd be away in a bunker during a Purge, right enough.

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1 minute ago, MixuFruit said:

No c**t would behave themselves with a purge. No it's got to be like everyone walks about each day knowing one burst of incivility could make it their last.

I'm just envisioning myself ending up like a spoilt wean.

"...but mum, please, just one more!"

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My dad has been invited to the local Masonic club for some drinks next week, they are calling a picnic table in the car park “The Terrace”.

We should collate terrible Scottish pub beer gardens for posterity.

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On 04/04/2020 at 08:26, Steven W said:

I've tried to remain optimistic, yet also level headed through this.

However, coming round to thinking this virus will be among us for a good couple of years yet. Can't see pubs / restaurants / the football starting again in that timeframe.

Economy will take a tanking obviously, which will take upwards of a decade to recover from. The life we all knew before, will be a very, very long time in coming back ☹️. Apologies for being the prophet of doom.


On 08/04/2020 at 08:15, Steven W said:

So the upshot in all of this is, either you'll die in the near future from it. Or if you survive you'll most probably be unemployed and lose your house.

Can't see football, gigs, pubs, restaurants on the go until a vaccine arrives, which is probably a couple of years away.

Tough times.


35 minutes ago, Steven W said:

Booked in to my local's beer garden on Thursday for a meal and several pints.

First positive post I've made on this thread 😂


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30 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

My dad has been invited to the local Masonic club for some drinks next week, they are calling a picnic table in the car park “The Terrace”.

We should collate terrible Scottish pub beer gardens for posterity.

I'm sure I remember something similar on here when the smoking ban came in and every jakey old-man pub put a couple of folding chairs next to the bins.

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I'm sure I remember something similar on here when the smoking ban came in and every jakey old-man pub put a couple of folding chairs next to the bins.

The smoking ban killed loads of jakey old man pubs - basically anywhere without a good beer garden or outdoor space. I worked for a brewery and pub conoany at the time and we had a presentation that basically showed a slide with s pub that had covered seating, with flatscreen TVs and heating as the winners and then a slide with a boozer that only had one door in and out as the loser.

Pubs with a flat roof will be in big trouble from all this.
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8 minutes ago, ICTChris said:



The smoking ban killed loads of jakey old man pubs - basically anywhere without a good beer garden or outdoor space. I worked for a brewery and pub conoany at the time and we had a presentation that basically showed a slide with s pub that had covered seating, with flatscreen TVs and heating as the winners and then a slide with a boozer that only had one door in and out as the loser.

Pubs with a flat roof will be in big trouble from all this.


Almost hard to believe the fuss about that now that we're 14 or so years down the line, it's mental when you go abroad and it's still permitted in a few places,  yet at the time the licensed trade got on their knees and begged not to implement it, proper five stages of grief process -  it wont work, you can't enforce such a law in rough boozers full of hairy arsed bruisers,  then it was a conspiracy against the trade who already suffered since the clampdown on drink driving , then bargaining - extractor fans , separate rooms anything but a total ban. you know the rest.

To be honest I don't think the smoking ban did as much as people give it credit for, going outside for a fag is a great excuse to chat to a burd, get away from an annoying c**t ( altho you can easily get the same problem outside ) or just get piece from the shite music for 5 mins. The decline of pubs probably has more to do with other factors like the rise of cheap carry outs, drink driving no longer acceptable ( especial out the road pubs) Changing of attitudes- modern women won't tolerate their man sitting in a pishy boozer every evening leaving them at home to do everything.  And a problem shared by Scottish football-  people simply have a wider choice of leisure activities they wish to spend their money on. people are more likely to stay in on a Saturday in falkirk kirkcaldy or perth and save their money for 3 nights in benidorm or Dublin    a trip to anfield or old trafford 

f**k all to do with covid but there ye go

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It wouldn't have looked any better back in February tbh.
While the UK government clearly deserves the bulk of the blame for this week's rolling airbridges/lifting foreign travel restrictions clusterfuck, the SG now pretending that it needs extra time to hum and haw over whether to accept travel from, say, Germany is pathetic in its own right. They should by all means consider different policies for some of the more questionable countries on England's list but there are dozens of countries that pose no serious risk at all and could be given the green light right now. The reason for not doing so is 100% political. 
They have all week to decide given the English "science" says the new system isn't safe until next Friday so calm down.
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My dad has been invited to the local Masonic club for some drinks next week, they are calling a picnic table in the car park “The Terrace”.

We should collate terrible Scottish pub beer gardens for posterity.
My golf club Facebook page had a few posts from folk demanding the bar be opened so we can open up the "beer garden". We have 3 picnic tables at the side of the clubhouse, even with 1m social distancing you would only get 12 folk maximum.
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5 hours ago, ICTChris said:


Jimmy is the modern day embodiment of the Stakhanovite ethic. Up all night tarmaccing roads, no sleep and off to the boozer to help our ailing locals. He is a hero.

I’d take a nation of Jimmy over a load of whiny man babies who have their mental health diagnosis and Harry Potter house in their Twitter bio any day.


This brought a tear to my eye, brother. Want to head down to The Orwells and buy everyone a pint of T.

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Absolute state of the utter helmets on the border. I’m pro Indy, and I’m concerned about the risks regarding the border too, but that kind of behaviour is just embarrassing and completely counter productive. Plays straight into the SNP-bad narrative and makes us look like a bunch of Anglo-phobic tinpot idiots.

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