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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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NB: Loving the idea btw that detaining weans in a classroom all day and giving them absolutely zero responsibility for their own learning will set them up best for all those 9-5 office-based jobs that'll be around in a few years' time. Or indeed further/higher education where there isn't a state employee acting as childminder telling you to learn until you're legally allowed to leave the room.

You'd be as well putting handloom weaving and shipyard riveting on the curriculum while you're at it. It's all completely detached from reality.

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6 minutes ago, Snafu said:

International passengers arriving at Abu Dhabi airport must be fitted with a tracking device for the duration of their mandatory14 day quarantine.

Changed days in the ME when you have to chop your own hand off just to go to the shops.

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17 minutes ago, bernardblack said:

There surely can’t be another full scale UK lockdown?

The economy is in bits as it is

That can't happen. We're all going to have an adult conversation as to how we intend to live with the virus. Any day now, I'm sure... 

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Home schooling is not blended learning, you imbecile.
Show me where I said it was, again seeing what you want to see. I was referring to the period March to June which, for the vast majority, was supposed to be home schooling not blended learning. I will assume you are of reasonable intelligence and thus assume you realise blended learning will consist of in class schooling and home schooling. I may be assuming a bit too much but for now I'll stick with that assumption.

Your angst for all things teacher / parent / children is utterly bizarre and it's not new either, this is just your latest stick to beat them with.
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Dildo Hardon says 27% of all tests booked are by people with zero symptoms on presentation. Surely they just send those time wasters on their way. Yes the slot they have booked is already lost but it would save the sample going to already under pressure Labs.


She also divulged that a "hard" percentage (her words) of those asked to self isolate for 14 days don't according to their analysis. When asked why, she said it had been established that it was "very hard" !!!


Total shambles



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17 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

62% of people are now commuting to work, with 20% still working from home.


That includes people who never stopped working, not just people who were furloughed or working from home

Edited by Jim McLean's Ghost
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Quite surprised at that figure, thought it would be much lower than 62%, obviously anecdotally but not one person I know that works in an office is back in the workplace.
Aye, I'm not buying it. There is absolutely no traffic on the M74 in the mornings or evenings and the trains after 5 heading back are absolutely dead too.

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32 minutes ago, Adam said:


Quite surprised at that figure, thought it would be much lower than 62%, obviously anecdotally but not one person I know that works in an office is back in the workplace.


62% of all workers I think, not 62% of people who WFH'd over the last few months

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