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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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4 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Possibly the most sensible thing a UK politician has said during this whole debacle 

It's a meaningless rhetorical phrase that you can graft anything you want onto and it will still make sense. His 'learning to live with' is 'take more risks because I don't want to keep paying you in case you realise there is a magic money tree after all'. Another person's is 'I am learning to live with it by mitigating the risks and not moaning that I can't have everything my own way every five minutes'. And so on. 


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Possibly the most sensible thing a UK politician has said during this whole debacle 

It's basically the opening line of the paragraph where he announced that the likes of clubs, kids indoor play centres, conference venues, concert venues etc were no longer seen as viable businesses and as such employees of these businesses will be left to fend for themselves if their employer isn't able to (which they can't as they are not allowed to open).


By living with it he means he has decided which businesses are viable in Covid times and which aren't. Those not viable will no longer be supported financially by the govt.


That was the context !


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On 21/09/2020 at 13:41, Jacksgranda said:

Jack's not in a great mood at the minute, confined to barracks awaiting his wee sister's Covid-19 results. He's only started back at Tech, so that's been knocked on the head, although one of his mates is away in despite his younger brother having been sent home from school with a cough. Not sure if it's the same class or even school as Jack's wee sister.

Unless everyone is playing by the same rules this thing is never going to be hit on the head.

She was down yesterday, her mother had an urgent appointment with her optician - fortunately the eye problem wasn't as bad as feared - and we were babysitting for about an hour.

She didn't know our old dog had died, and she wanted to go up the garden to see his grave, which I found rather poignant, tbqh.

Meanwhile the baby sat on granny's knee, observing everything with great concentration while everything within grabbing distance went into her mouth, and the 3 year old charged about creating havoc.

Then they went home...

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Where's your evidence for this?
I assume you have some, seen as you've described anyone who's expressed doubts about schools as following "made up wee fairytales" for making assumptions based on data without being able to provide hard facts.
Yeah it would be a real shame if we allowed the thread to descend into folk making claims about transmission and not provide evidence......
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I wonder if we as country, most of us never having seen anything like the War or properly major civil unrest have ever been closer to it... I know folk claim that it will all kick off over various things over the years, but it's never really happened. Not to a major extent. Theres also been a bit of chat on here that folknthink compliance with the restrictions is going to be a problem going forward. Does anyone think this could be the time? What do we think it will take to push it over the edge?

I see on the Championship thread someone saying the UK Gov have told the FA they arent getting any money. What's going to happen when someone emotive like folks football teams start going under.

I think over the winter there might be a huge push from people towards implementing shielding of the over *insert an age here*, and a big swelling in the "all this damage for a flu" narrative.

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I wonder if we as country, most of us never having seen anything like the War or properly major civil unrest have ever been closer to it... I know folk claim that it will all kick off over various things over the years, but it's never really happened. Not to a major extent. Theres also been a bit of chat on here that folknthink compliance with the restrictions is going to be a problem going forward. Does anyone think this could be the time? What do we think it will take to push it over the edge?

I see on the Championship thread someone saying the UK Gov have told the FA they arent getting any money. What's going to happen when someone emotive like folks football teams start going under.

I think over the winter there might be a huge push from people towards implementing shielding of the over *insert an age here*, and a big swelling in the "all this damage for a flu" narrative.
If the swelling got to a large enough level, the govt would change tact to a Swedish like model. I doubt we'd see any genuine civil unrest.
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3 hours ago, virginton said:

Completely agree with this: if universities are providing online-only content then they should be forced to slash their fees accordingly. Anything else is a con. 

There's definite advantages to having a blended learning setup that all levels of education could apply after the pandemic: still having a set lecture in a big theatre at a certain time of the week is daft and doesn't reflect the needs of students today (increasingly mature and working at the same time as studying). Using those set times for tutorials and active group work while punting lectures onto a recording for students to view in their own time makes much more sense. 

Agree completely, although you know it'll never happen as it'll set a precedent forever more.  I've passed lecture theatres whereby oversubscribed courses have had lectures beamed over from one on the other side of the building and thought that this may have well been prerecorded and watched from their parents' house.  

Without the opportunity to ask questions then being present at lectures in person is a complete waste of time.  That said, it would be somewhat problematic when it comes to registers for proof of attendance, although how important they are when you're just f***ing yourself over if you can't be arsed watching from your own bed is something I've yet to figure out.

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7 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

Lecturer pal says his university just lied to everyone. They lied to staff, saying it was all going to be done remotely, then at the last minute said no it will involve some face to face teaching. They lied to students, saying there would definitely be face to face teaching then once they'd paid for their halls and moved in and inevitably got covid, said actually no it'll all be remote. It's all motivated by whatever they thought at the time would ensure the survival of the uni. Complete lack of leadership.

Out of interest, which university does your pal work at?  

It sounds a lot like the Glasgow situation.

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1 minute ago, MixuFruit said:


Yes, it sounds like a widespread approach.

My annoyance isn't so much that they moved all the kids in.  In the run up, I was really hoping that it would happen.  My annoyance isn't even that there's been these pretty inevitable outbreaks.

It's that the only real justification for getting all the youngsters to move into such risky environments in the first place, would involve offering them some classes.  The fact that that's not happening is actually sort of disgraceful, given the situation students have been placed in, and the fact that other educational workplaces are carrying on full pelt.

The only possible conclusion is that halls were opened as a financial measure.  That there is apparently no need to be even seen to be offering some sort of accompanying input on-site, is sort of shocking.

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1 minute ago, Marshmallo said:

I would presume that if you contract Covid in a hospitality setting your bumped out the uni?

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52 minutes ago, Rob1885 said:
1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:
I wonder if we as country, most of us never having seen anything like the War or properly major civil unrest have ever been closer to it... I know folk claim that it will all kick off over various things over the years, but it's never really happened. Not to a major extent. Theres also been a bit of chat on here that folknthink compliance with the restrictions is going to be a problem going forward. Does anyone think this could be the time? What do we think it will take to push it over the edge?

I see on the Championship thread someone saying the UK Gov have told the FA they arent getting any money. What's going to happen when someone emotive like folks football teams start going under.

I think over the winter there might be a huge push from people towards implementing shielding of the over *insert an age here*, and a big swelling in the "all this damage for a flu" narrative.

If the swelling got to a large enough level, the govt would change tact to a Swedish like model. I doubt we'd see any genuine civil unrest.

We're already well beyond the Swedish model, they closed down all school education for over 16s and colleges/universities. 

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I downloaded this from a forum and I’ve ticked my symptoms.

Any medical folk here who can tell me what my ailment is.

It would save me making an appointment with my doctor.

BTW I’ve been sneezing each summer for the last 5 years so I’m assuming it’s hay fever.

And I was a heavy smoker for over 60 years but I stopped 8 years ago.


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58 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I wonder if we as country, most of us never having seen anything like the War or properly major civil unrest have ever been closer to it... I know folk claim that it will all kick off over various things over the years, but it's never really happened. Not to a major extent. Theres also been a bit of chat on here that folknthink compliance with the restrictions is going to be a problem going forward. Does anyone think this could be the time? What do we think it will take to push it over the edge?

I see on the Championship thread someone saying the UK Gov have told the FA they arent getting any money. What's going to happen when someone emotive like folks football teams start going under.

I think over the winter there might be a huge push from people towards implementing shielding of the over *insert an age here*, and a big swelling in the "all this damage for a flu" narrative.

You might be right that the population will start getting angry upon these lines but this will only be grist to the Tories' mill. They seemingly intend to re-make the economy to some degree off the back of this crisis and they would like the losers to think that it's because of the response to the virus rather than Brexit and their determination to thrash through for a low-wage economy. There's also a pretty good chance that any rebound in the economy post-restrictions (which would actually just be down to folk using things as they open up properly again) will be attributed to a mythical 'Brexit bounce' which has 'stimulated the economy'. Given many things will have been 'deid' for months and any sign of life will look like an improvement, some may buy this nonsense. In short, the Tories are using the crisis to tank some things now, so they don't tank later and they want to use this crisis which is 'bad luck' and 'unfortunate' to do it, rather than it being a choice following on from their policy aims post-Brexit.

The 'the virus is a hoax' brigade lose the plot here. Nothing needs to be a hoax for the Tories to be their opportunistic selves and turn a real problem into a situation where they get what they want.

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I downloaded this from a forum and I’ve ticked my symptoms.
Any medical folk here who can tell me what my ailment is.
It would save me making an appointment with my doctor.
BTW I’ve been sneezing each summer for the last 5 years so I’m assuming it’s hay fever.
And I was a heavy smoker for over 60 years but I stopped 8 years ago.
RIP Wee Wille.
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12 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

All that's going to do is discourage people from being honest when contact tracing is done.

Make the rules too strict on compliance will go done. In Belgium when they tightened the rules for second wave, all they found was when the rules got too strict people stopped caring, and things didn't get any better, and stopped being honest about who they had been in contact with. So they've actually had to loosen rules while things are getting worse.

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What a miserable time for students, especially those beginning first year. Adjusting to moving away from home and starting university can be tough in normal times, never mind with all of this going on.

Hopefully the universities are giving them plenty of support, having been happy to pocket their tuition fees and accommodation costs under false pretenses.

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Vale of Leven and 'Labour big gun' battling it out El Clasico style for the biggest minter in that headline (absolutely no contest about who takes the prize in the following sentence). 

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