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The last few pages seem strange as I seem to recall the First Minister promising way back in the spring an 'adult discussion' with the Scottish public on restrictions and why they would have to be imposed - rather than floating shite policy on Twitter and stating blatant lies about the safety of their utterly failed full-school policy.

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2 minutes ago, super_carson said:

I take it the latter is due to the copious amounts of swearing that I did when I received the text?

Malcolm Tucker when he sees the line-ups for the daily briefings:

”What the f**k is this? Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, c**t?”

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1 hour ago, Detournement said:

Unless kids start getting seriously ill then schools are safe. 

The risk is higher for teachers but no higher than NHS workers, care workers or retail workers who will work through each wave.

Race to the bottom, is it?

18 minutes ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

House of Cards and The Thick Of It would appear to be rather apt viewing in current times.


14 minutes ago, super_carson said:

I take it the latter is due to the copious amounts of swearing that I did when I received the text?

be sure to watch Kevin Spacey's alternate ending for House of Cards on his Twitter. It's his second to last tweet.

Edited by NotThePars
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2 hours ago, Squirrelhumper said:

Sturgeon's tone has been shocking for weeks.

She's got zero willingness to address the huge elephant in the room, which is schools being open and instead just blames every other aspect of society.

Opening schools was a political decision, they said they would be safe but anyone who has family/friends who work in schools know this is a nonsense.

Wish they would just admit the huge surge in cases is due to the schools/uni's being open and for once be honest.

all this circuit breaker nonsense will do more harm than good, as you'll see it end just as furlough ends and plenty of businesses will not open back up.

She's spent all summer telling folk to book staycations and is now about to ban them just as the October holidays start. Talk about shafting tourism here.

All these hints were given today minutes after she announced ZERO deaths in the last 24hrs.

I'd love to see their plan for the next years for economic recovery as I'd stick money on them not even being able to write it on a fag packet.

And I say all this as an SNP voter for the last decade.

You'll do what the fucking Tories tell you do, you won't need to plan for anything.

You'll like what afterthoughts they come up with for Scotland because not enough of you decided you could run your own country and would rather be run by someone who couldn't give a f**k for anyone outside Greater London.

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8 minutes ago, NotThePars said:

be sure to watch Kevin Spacey's alternate ending for House of Cards on his Twitter. It's his second to last tweet.

The Donald back from the dead in a couple of weeks. 

"Miss me?"

Whatever happened to Spacey?

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9 hours ago, bernardblack said:

How bad is the covid test?

Asking for a friend...

Who has the same name as me...

Looks like me....

Okay it’s for me

A total piece of piss.

I've genuinely got no idea why people make out it's even slightly unpleasant, never mind some sort of ordeal.

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18 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

I don't get how spitting image said they couldn't find anything to send up about Sturgeon's character but still managed this garbage


The covid conspiracy laden comments below the original tweet are proof positive that the bullshit version of satire we see today only serves to persuade the absolute worst people that their views are valid.

Eta also reminded of this:


Edited by Genuine Hibs Fan
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17 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

I don't get how spitting image said they couldn't find anything to send up about Sturgeon's character but still managed this garbage


I see she gave up Twitter after Facebook livestreamed the Christchurch massacre.

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The bottom line is that safe or not, you have as many people complaining about their kids being at home and off school as you do about them being open. There is no right answer.

There is no answer to this pandemic. We are treading water until there is some kind of significant change, I.e a vaccine, and trying to keep things down as much as we can so that health services don’t get overwhelmed. 

Half the country is questioning why things aren’t back to normal whilst simultaneously moaning about cases rising and things (that they don’t care about) being open. That’s why we can’t have a fucking adult conversation - because half the UK don’t have the ability to think like adults.

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4 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

The bottom line is that safe or not, you have as many people complaining about their kids being at home and off school as you do about them being open. There is no right answer.

There is no answer to this pandemic. We are treading water until there is some kind of significant change, I.e a vaccine, and trying to keep things down as much as we can so that health services don’t get overwhelmed. 

Half the country is questioning why things aren’t back to normal whilst simultaneously moaning about cases rising and things (that they don’t care about) being open. That’s why we can’t have a fucking adult conversation - because half the UK don’t have the ability to think like adults.

And it's the half who think schools aren't leading to increased transmission because "the wee man husny hud it"

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8 minutes ago, Jambomo said:

The bottom line is that safe or not, you have as many people complaining about their kids being at home and off school as you do about them being open. There is no right answer.

There is no answer to this pandemic. We are treading water until there is some kind of significant change, I.e a vaccine, and trying to keep things down as much as we can so that health services don’t get overwhelmed. 

Half the country is questioning why things aren’t back to normal whilst simultaneously moaning about cases rising and things (that they don’t care about) being open. That’s why we can’t have a fucking adult conversation - because half the UK don’t have the ability to think like adults.

Well no, the answer is to start imposing restrictions on a priority of public health risk and setting universal applied precautions to all environments instead of just pretending that you can have thirty weans in a classroom without masks all week because snippy parents. This current attempt to balance handling the outbreak against keeping going what the government deems to be important was tried once already in March and it failed spectacularly. They're now doing it all over again. 

Greater Manchester now has 495 positive cases per 100k of the population. It has also been under a local lockdown for the best part of two months. The ridiculous measures being imposed on their everyday lives clearly don't work then because when you make massive exemptions for work and education for a respiratory disease outbreak in fucking autumn then you are leaving an open goal for the outbreak will exploit regardless of every other diktat that you make.

You'd be as well ditching everything and going for a free for all rather than this latest, gubbins halfway house.

Edited by vikingTON
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