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1 hour ago, Gaz said:

Bold of yon Granny to go back to folks' wild predictions when at one point he had 17 billion folk dying within four hours.

Also strange to dredge up wrong statements in hindsight, when he refused to stop going to the shops with his wife as he didn’t see any extra risk in doing so.

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1 hour ago, Granny Danger said:


Twisting the facts? 

Did you or did you not continue to drive to the supermarket with your wife (whilst hilariously saying anyone who criticised it were virgins/couldn’t get a wife) despite the supermarkets explicitly stating it was a 1 per household maximum and the government stating you should only leave the house for essential purposes?

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Twisting the facts? 
Did you or did you not continue to drive to the supermarket with your wife (whilst hilariously saying anyone who criticised it were virgins/couldn’t get a wife) despite the supermarkets explicitly stating it was a 1 per household maximum and the government stating you should only leave the house for essential purposes?
Favourite question I've seen put to someone on here in a long time.
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It just blows my mind that they want to test healthy people, yet those that are truly unwell can’t get tested for the likes of cancer. As usual it’s covid above everything else 
I phoned my doctor on Monday 9th November, saw the doctor on the 11th. Referred to see a specialist and have an appointment on December 14th.
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1 hour ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

Twisting the facts? 

Did you or did you not continue to drive to the supermarket with your wife (whilst hilariously saying anyone who criticised it were virgins/couldn’t get a wife) despite the supermarkets explicitly stating it was a 1 per household maximum and the government stating you should only leave the house for essential purposes?

Since we want facts, as I remember it he drove his wife to the supermarket, stayed in the car while she did the shopping, and drove her home again. Who was he putting at risk?

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11 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:
12 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:
A few “pop up” test centres are opening in Ayrshire tomorrow. The local politicians have been all over FB urging everyone to go to them. Crazy that they’re pleading for healthy people to go and get tested, just makes me think they want to drive case numbers up to justify restrictions 

You surely can't be that ignorant of their purpose ? It's the exact opposite of your reasoning, it's an attempt at isolating asymptomatic people to break the chain in community infections more quickly.

The data from Liverpool doesn't suggest that mass testing had much of an impact on the spread.

Nor, for the matter, did the introduction of tier 3 restrictons.

The trend was already going down when both were introduced.

There's only one set of data to look at but based on it I'd maintain my view that rapid tests have their place (i.e. to allow crowds to gather for events etc), but they aren't going to be a magic wand to reduce spread.


Edited by Todd_is_God
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1 hour ago, peasy23 said:
11 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:
It just blows my mind that they want to test healthy people, yet those that are truly unwell can’t get tested for the likes of cancer. As usual it’s covid above everything else 

I phoned my doctor on Monday 9th November, saw the doctor on the 11th. Referred to see a specialist and have an appointment on December 14th.

Doing it wrong

You should have just posted your symptoms on here.  Would have been diagnosed within minutes.

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2 hours ago, peasy23 said:
12 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:
It just blows my mind that they want to test healthy people, yet those that are truly unwell can’t get tested for the likes of cancer. As usual it’s covid above everything else 

I phoned my doctor on Monday 9th November, saw the doctor on the 11th. Referred to see a specialist and have an appointment on December 14th.

Chilled on Sunday.

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5 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Since we want facts, as I remember it he drove his wife to the supermarket, stayed in the car while she did the shopping, and drove her home again. Who was he putting at risk?

Yes that is correct, plus she doesn’t drive but the ironically named Honest Man knows this.

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Check out whats happening outside Celtic park just now....I wonder why there will be no fans allowed in outwith the tier 1 areas
Incidentally Sportsound on BBC Scotland last night said there were 3-4 hundred Sevconians gathered outside the Falkirk stadium last night to welcome their team bus. No reason to disbelieve Neil McCann who I think it was broke that news and if correct shite like that and at Parkhead needs stamped out immediately or we won't be back and games until god knows when.
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8 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Since we want facts, as I remember it he drove his wife to the supermarket, stayed in the car while she did the shopping, and drove her home again. Who was he putting at risk?

It’s very low risk, I don’t dispute that. But if the car breaks down, or they have an accident or anything like that then it’s an extra person interacting with the public that isn’t required at the peak of a pandemic. Main point being that he’s dragging up old posts to laugh at posters for thinking the pandemic risk was low, whilst he personally clearly didn’t think the risk was huge as he ignored government restrictions at the peak because he was scared his wife would fall out with him.

2 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

Yes that is correct, plus she doesn’t drive but the ironically named Honest Man knows this.

So I was correct then, you drove your wife against government restrictions at the time instead of just going yourself like the vast majority of grown adults. Thanks for for confirming.

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40 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

When I go against the guidelines = fine

When anyone else goes against the guidelines = scum, idiots

I am very smart.

He has been claiming we need a full national lockdown to stop the second wave recently.




As long as he can still drive to the shops with his wife that is.

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29 minutes ago, welshbairn said:


It's not 'zero risk', though, that's the point. It brings an element of avoidable risk into the equation.

At a time we were all being told to leave our house as little as possible there really was no need for two people to go to the shops.

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1 minute ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

He has been claiming we need a full national lockdown to stop the second wave recently.




As long as he can still drive to the shops with his wife that is.

Anyone who doesn't do that has never had any ass in their life 

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