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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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For me its time to revisit shielding in a serious way. If the new variant really can spread so much easier, its going to bypass every measure we put in place except a Wuhan welded into the house job. Aye shielding is shit. Not as shite as trashing any semblance of an existence for literally everyone in the country though.

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5 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Collectively we just need to hope that cases stay as they are or drop off even despite Christmas day, and this bullshit only lasts the 3 weeks. I reserve the right to have a cranial supernova event though if we stay in tier 4 come late January even though cases are dropping.

...the only way out has always been herd immunity and overly drastic lockdowns merely served to prolong the pain on that in the absence of effective pharmaceutical intervention. As long as the vaccines that have been or soon will be approved for use are still effective against this (conveniently just in time for reversing Christmas relaxations and keeping the plebs indoors for a no deal Brexit) variant that's not that far off. Keep the heid and resist falling into mass hysteria.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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Just merely pointing out that given the savaging that nasty Boris and the nasty Tories get on here, it seems a bit odd than Nicola escapes criticism for following him about like a little puppy.

I dont think nicola has followed him all the time? Not saying they havent been rather shit but they have been slightly better than boris etc although that is not saying much
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49 minutes ago, Aufc said:


I dont think nicola has followed him all the time? Not saying they havent been rather shit but they have been slightly better than boris etc although that is not saying much


She didn't even folllw him yesterday when this claim was made. 

Johnston has essentially cancelled Christmas for large parts of the South East. Not much has changed here aside from the travel ban from outside Scotland (which will def impact on some, but nowhere near all) 

She'd ready shortened the Xmas window from 5 days to 1,something Johnston hadn't done. It's just a bitter soundbite that bears little scrutiny. 

Whether she's done better or worse, fact is, we've done things differently than WM (as have Wales). 

Edited by madwullie
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Pal works in morrisons in Perth.

Apparently people have already started panic buying.
These idiots shouldn't be allowed out their house without a proper adult escorting them.
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13 hours ago, alta-pete said:

I think the problem is the media is such a fragmented estate these days that anyone caught causing trouble or asking difficult questions just gets sidelined. You want in? Don’t rock the boat. 

Plus the general dumbing down of society for quite a while now means a lot of these journalists are not very bright.

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13 hours ago, Blootoon87 said:

This is the lowest I've felt in the last nine months. Fucking miserable. This isn't fucking living.


13 hours ago, mizfit said:

Tonight broke me. I’ve not been so low in a long time.

Been crying for the last half an hour, don’t really know what else to do. Works been a distraction but it can only be for so long.

Away to watch the penalties from the Serbia game. That’ll put a smile back on my face.

I fucking feel for you guys, I really do.

Against the tide of people who have understandably been saying 'what must be done, must be done', many others on here who were fully supportive of the first lockdown in spring, have been massively and justifiably concerned about the negative, serious and long-lasting effects of continually pulling the rug from under people's feet and removing their ability to live, function and move. A concern that people will become fatigued, disheartened, depressed is now very much a reality.

They CANNOT continue to impose these restrictions indefinitely. The cost to human life will be far greater and long term than Covid and won't be fixed by an injection. The long term issues on people's psyche caused by this are already out there and will be felt for many, many years to come.

All I can say just now to both of you guys is to please try and endure and know that whatever you're feeling, it's shared by millions of others. My messages are open if either of you, or anyone else who is feeling it just wants someone to talk to or vent to.


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Think it harkens back to the days when people with anxiety etc were given strong tranquilisers or sedatives, leaving them spaced out.

What an atrocious thing to say

I’m a mental health patient myself but didn’t understand the pile on because I’ve never heard that reference before
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4 minutes ago, Donathan said:

What an atrocious thing to say

I’m a mental health patient myself but didn’t understand the pile on because I’ve never heard that reference before

Raging with myself as I had a go at marshy for trying to wind him up the other week, clearly he remembered him of old and wanted him to GTF as quickly as possible.

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12 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:
12 hours ago, Scary Bear said:
I’m pretty sick of the government. Jason Leitch was on the radio again today saying the government were just trying to be fair to everyone but realised they were ending up pleasing nobody. It’ll be interesting to see how that works out come the election.

I'll tell you know, it will be an SNP landslide like it or not !

As I say, I’ll watch with interest. If they manage to get a majority again I’ll be amazed. Personally, as a regular SNP voter I’m not voting for them. At the moment I’m not inspired to vote for any of the parties.

Sturgeon is way to cautious to inspire me to vote for her. There’ll be no independence or even freedom with her in charge.

She’d make a good council leader somewhere.

Edited by Scary Bear
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1 minute ago, Scary Bear said:

As I say, I’ll watch with interest. If they manage to get a majority again I’ll be amazed. Personally, as a regular SNP voter I’m not voting for them. At the moment I’m not inspired to vote for any of the parties.

Sturgeon is way to cautious to inspire me to vote for her. There’ll be independence or even freedom with her in charge.

She’d make a good council leader somewhere.

I’m sure she’s gutted.

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47 minutes ago, mizfit said:

Pal works in morrisons in Perth.

Apparently people have already started panic buying.

Just been to Sainsbury’s in Dundee, absolutely no indication of that at all.  Place fairly quiet, didn’t see a single overloaded trolley.

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