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11 minutes ago, Snafu said:

It's typically German, they have a Plan B, and a Plan C if B doesn't work, probably a Plan D as well and so on.

What's our plan if Plan A fails?

I'm sure I read somewhere that we have the most vaccines per head ordered.

ETA:. Appears Canada and the USA have more ordered.


Edited by strichener
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19 minutes ago, Snafu said:

It's typically German, they have a Plan B, and a Plan C if B doesn't work, probably a Plan D as well and so on.

What's our plan if Plan A fails?

Do it again usually.

Piss off @coprolite

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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It's not so much that I want a positive message to "feel better" but rather that I want to know that, at some point, we will have our lives back.  Restrictions are all fine and well in the here and now given the situation in hospitals, but there are several vaccines with more on the way and that should dramatically reduce the number of people in hospital/dying.  
I'm not asking NS to come out and give a tangible number of hospitalisations required, to ease restrictions.  I would like them to come out say there will be some point (whatever that might be) whereby the situation regarding the rate of people being hospitalised is such that we can lift restrictions, that we might not know what that looks like at the moment but we are hoping that the vaccine will help with this and that we will get there.  At the moment it is a constant bombardment of fear and emotional messaging which, excuse the hyperbole, is bordering on propaganda with (seemingly given the tone of messages) no end in sight.
What concerns me is that the language is no longer about using hospitalisations and deaths as the barometer in their rhetoric.  It's about transmission and cases all of a sudden, and there seems to be a blinkered approach to covid.  Up until now it has been about protecting the NHS and saving lives - well, if the vaccines do their job (and they surely wouldn't have been approved if they didn't?) then those two things should be taken care of through vaccination.  But the goalposts get shifted again to talking about cases & transmission.  The goalposts can't keep being shifted, there has to be a point at which we learn to live with it.  
It's fairly obvious why they've gone done the harem scarem route - still a significant minority of arseholes who they want to put the heebee jeebees up.

Not saying it's right but I get why they are doing it.

At some point though they have to give people some hope - even if it is in the tone of the messaging. That being said, it's a fine balance - you don't want to go the Bojo Clownshoes route of making ridiculous predictions you won't keep.
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Some really heartening decreases in these figures.
Hospital numbers also decreasing.
Total number in hospital now 1983 having been 2053 a week ago. 
Likewise ICU numbers down from 161 to 142 over similar period. 
It's those numbers that should give everyone a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel.
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7 minutes ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

You've got a cheek, I got pelters on the Dumbarton thread for saying Auschwitz had a pleasant appearance than the old Boghead. I think you might have been one who expressed dismay at such a sick joke.


Very much an Iran-Iraq War vibe coming from this particular sense of injustice. 

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1 minute ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

Go to the Dumbarton thread and admit your a Nazi, Then post10 times that Boghead is worse than Auschwitz.

I'll accept nothing less.

Natürlich, Herr Feldwebel Wilson. 

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