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Just now, djchapsticks said:

My problem with it isn't so much the content of what was said (though tiers coming back is a fucking stupid idea) it's that it was not nearly far reaching enough. 

Yeah I agree. We're well under way vaccinating all vulnerable groups, the vaccine works and case numbers are generally dropping along with numbers of seriosuly ill people in hospitals. We should be getting our lives back sooner than this.

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3 minutes ago, GiGi said:

H_B already does that.

Disappointing that we're not lifting restrictions any faster but this is near enough the same thing Johnson announced yesterday, yet he's 'giving people hope' or some shite while Sturgeon is dashing it. Hypocrites everywhere.

Boris has given dates which are "ealiest possible" whilst Nicola has stated that things may open up quicker if the data allows....with the hope that we get a greater supply of vaccines soon I see this as the more positive of the two approaches.

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Just now, superbigal said:

The non contact element for Kids means they can train (Well run around a field and play passes and shoot at the goalie) but not play football matches.

Waste of time imo.

Yep. Thats the point I'm making.

In England they'll be able to play actual football come 29th March. It will be many weeks later before the same in Scotland 

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4 minutes ago, Monkey Tennis said:

Erm, ok.

Thanks for telling me.

Maybe quoting the wrong but of the conversation. Just pointing out the irony that opening up churches is likely very low risk given the standard demographic in CoS we're probably all in JCVI groups 1 and 2....

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6 minutes ago, Day of the Lords said:
10 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:
She said initially all in level 4 will go to level 3 on wc 26 April and all in level 3 go to 2.

My guess is that she'll maybe go further as surely cases etc will allow a quicker drop and get a nice wee pre election boost.

Hopefully. Selfish AF but I've got 10 days' Hillwalking in shite weather in West Highlands to look forward to in mid May.

I'm away to book for early May on this basis.  Hopefully  pick up a bargain.

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24 minutes ago, Thereisalight.. said:

I didnt watch the announcement, just got updates from the app. I know Boris said the things outlined in the English routemap "wont be before" a certain date, is it the same for us or is there scope for things like non essential shops to open before the end of April? 

She made a comment at the start about possibly being able to move a bit quicker or words to that effect. No detail on what would trigger that though. 


My my hope for the levels system is that the current level 3 basically disappears and the remaining 3 move up one with level 0 in the new system being the no restrictions type of thing Boris promised yesterday. If we were to be moving in to a level of restrictions similar to the current level 2 at the end of April that would be an acceptable start. 

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10 minutes ago, Steven W said:

Yeah its a league club. The rules are that under 12s can play non contact sports. Football is allowed but has to be non-contact (so just passing drills and no more really) Football is ultimately a contact sport, and furthermore kids at that age are going to have contact with one another no matter what.  So the right thing (although you've had hand forced really) to do is to stop playing football. I know some clubs have continued on a non-contact basis, but I can't help but think that the 'non-contact' element goes out the window after five minutes

Likewise around here, there's a local facilty which seems to be very busy every day. Presumably with 'non contact football' (Neil Lennon air apostrophes there)

Yeah we've not been sending our youngest to his football training as the boy running it seemed extremely proud to have found a loophole meaning it could still go on. Whether or not I agree with the restrictions, I'm beyond fed up of people treating the rules like something you've to find a way around. Plus, he's wanting to try egg chasing (I know) and was due to start in Jan but that club hasn't been on, I guess from what you've said that's because it's impossible to play that sport without contact. 

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54 minutes ago, The Moonster said:

Has there been an announcement yet that @Billy Jean King hasn't defended as if his life depended on it?

The church stuff is a ridiculous piece of bollocks. There are more people unemployed than attend a church service, getting things opened and people back into jobs is far more important than letting people pray to their god in their preferred building. Aside from that it is pretty much as I was expecting. 

I know she said we'd release things faster if the data allowed, but did she give any indication of what sort of data levels we need for that to happen? She's left it deliberately very vague, which I understand but I do find a bit frustrating.

She has never opened anything up earlier so far, no way is she starting now without extreme pressure from falling hospitalisation/ICU numbers. 

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1 minute ago, D.V.T. said:

What were the vaccine numbers today? Rest of the UK seemed poor.

Very poor. I thought they were going for @30k a day but the last three days have been approx 21.5k, 15.5k and 24.5k (first and second jag totals combined). They need to get the finger out again and get the numbers up massively. Heard something about it ramping up again but it needs to seriously get moving when the supplies are in place

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This from the Scot Gov strategic framework: IMG-20210223-WA0002.jpg.93cfc82f79c1fc6adce913dc0255ce71.jpg

Green line is the "Kent variant". Christmas pretty much quadrupled it's prevelance, whereas the older variant got a smaller (1.5x) boost.

Note also that we seem to have already largely suppressed the older variant now, but the slope on the "Kent variant" is much more shallow.

Might explain the anemic decrease in case loads over the last two weeks.

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4 minutes ago, D.V.T. said:

What were the vaccine numbers today? Rest of the UK seemed poor.

Hancock was saying there's a supply issue* this week but expects it to ramp up in March, beyond even where we were a couple of weeks back. 






* BuT sUPpLy!!!! 

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So, after my hopefulness last night in terms of at least getting a drink in the pub for the Euros’s. 

26th April, everywhere closes at six and no alcohol. Chances six weeks later that pubs will be open later with alcohol allowed.... I’m thinking slim. 

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1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

Dropping like a stone atm


They'll need to drop like a stone and then some, she's a cautious person, she'll push business owners close to the f**k it we're opening stage IMO. 

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