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Guest Bob Mahelp
1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:

Someone take a bit of time to mock up a vaccine lighting a fat stogie with the dental qualifications of J. Leitch plz

That matters not to Leitch. 

Leitch is obsessed with the 'know unknowns' scenario.....that is, there may be a variant out there that evades vaccines, but we don't know what it is or if it even exists. If you say to him that every single factual indication so far points to the fact that vaccines work against all variants, he'll just turn round and say 'ah, but what if.....' ?

That's the thing that 100% guides his thinking, and is there in pretty much every statement he makes. 

As I said yesterday, this philosophy is dictating policy at the moment. At some point in the next 6 weeks or so, Nicola Sturgeon is going to either have to continue with this ultra-cautious, safety first way of thinking and keep us locked down, or accept that we can't destroy the country based on something that may never happen. 

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2 minutes ago, virginton said:

One study doesn't 'prove' anything champ and the government's own actions speak for themselves. We were told schools were safe and yet transmission has ticked up ever since they were opened in August, 'circuit breakers' have been implemented to take advantage of holidays when they are no longer spreading plague as much before they then had to be closed down for fully two months at the start of this year because, err, they were driving up the infection rate and overwhelming the NHS! A solution whose impracticality was ridiculed by chumps like yourself until... the Government caved in to the facts that were pointed out on here and of course elsewhere and did it no bother. 

If you believe that a fraction of the public getting Covid in a work or employment setting at any one time confers herd immunity then supermarkets, care homes etc. must be bastions of herd immunity by now as well and so we can open up everything tomorrow with no ill effects.

It proves a lot more than you slavering nonsense. Infections trended down while schools were open in November and December and we have seen similar infection curves to the UK in other countries like Spain and Sweden which kept schools open so it's unlikely that closing schools caused the downturn rather than just seasonality. 

If you take two minutes to think about it school kids have a minimum of 30 hours a week social contact with a large number of other children. Compare that to the average UK adult at the moment and it's likely to be minimum 5 times higher in terms of time and close contacts. It's probably much greater than that considering many millions of adults barely go outside. 

When you also factor in that kids on average live in larger households than adults and are far more likely to live with front line key workers then again it drives up the likelihood of them being infected versus the average adult. 

So with 1/5th of adults having been infected you either need to conclude that infections amongst kids will be far higher than that 20% or as the Norwegian study shows kids don't catch or transmit the virus the same way adults do. 


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47 minutes ago, virginton said:

Vaccinating employees will not stop an outbreak when the non-vaccinated to vaccinated ratio in their indoor workplace is 25:1 if not higher. Would you similarly expect vaccinating prison officers to stop an outbreak taking place at a prison?

That's a nonsense comparison. A prison is a large  intimidatingly bleak institution full of people who have  failed to be useful members of society who find themselves there through poor judgement, poor character and desperation

Are you seriously drawing parallels between that and a Weathers... oh hang on.. I appear not to have thought this post through fully, sorry to have bothered you

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10 minutes ago, topcat(The most tip top) said:

I want a categorical assurance that neither of the Johnsons in "Johnson & Johnson" is related to the PM before I trust this one


Here you go......it's these two guys...both completely trustworthy


Edited by Caledonian1
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59 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

That matters not to Leitch. 

Leitch is obsessed with the 'know unknowns' scenario.....that is, there may be a variant out there that evades vaccines, but we don't know what it is or if it even exists. If you say to him that every single factual indication so far points to the fact that vaccines work against all variants, he'll just turn round and say 'ah, but what if.....' ?

That's the thing that 100% guides his thinking, and is there in pretty much every statement he makes. 

As I said yesterday, this philosophy is dictating policy at the moment. At some point in the next 6 weeks or so, Nicola Sturgeon is going to either have to continue with this ultra-cautious, safety first way of thinking and keep us locked down, or accept that we can't destroy the country based on something that may never happen. 

It's not just us who are thinking this way though. There must be some credible science behind at, as most countries you read about are concerned about potential new variants. Even Israel, whose flag we currently all have as duvet covers, are being cautious because of this. 

PS would it not be unknown knowns? 

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58 minutes ago, Detournement said:

It proves a lot more than you slavering nonsense. Infections trended down while schools were open in November and December and we have seen similar infection curves to the UK in other countries like Spain and Sweden which kept schools open so it's unlikely that closing schools caused the downturn rather than just seasonality. 

That'll be why the government closed schools for two months then, you utter imbecile.

Go back to your tinfoil hat nonsense about Tony Blair stealing your ID champ. 

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35 minutes ago, G51 said:

Johnson and Johnson. You've done it again. First it was the no more tears shampoo, now it's a vaccine for the rona.

That's a tempting looking cross and

6 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

First no more tears.

Now no more tiers.

Boom!, back of the net! Clinical finish!

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I believe my earlier patter was accepted and it's now VACSCENES!!!! in circumstances like this.

Also, inject it into my veins etc.

Seriously, get that fucking good shit into my veins and I will see you down the pub, whereupon we will drink tennents and beat anyone relentlessly who mentions VaRiAnTs
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