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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

I think it's fair to say that

"we just don't know" and

"we do know, but don't want to admit yet that we have a huge cigar order placed" are essentially the same thing.

Yea the idea that the older generations are not freely mixing is laughable.

Don't think my Dad has ever done as much socialising as he has in the last couple of weeks 

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I’m now at the stage where I’m actively enjoying seeing people completely ignore restrictions and enjoying themselves. People have been doing it for a good while now and the rates of hospitalisations, ICU and mortality have all continued to reduce/hold. It’s blatantly obvious that the risk is absolutely minimal, so seeing some people absolutely losing the plot at people ignoring the restrictions and trying to grass people up is becoming a good laugh.

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8 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

A plan for parking and hand washing 😂 the guy is a sanctimonious kunt

Also I'm pretty sure "covid officers" will just be stewards 

They might have different wording on the ol' hi-viz, but yeah, the same minimum wage, minimum empathy knobheads. 

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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Keeping Glasgow in level 3 will have very, very predictable results. Can anyone guess what they might be....

The only folk losing control of anything are the government, who have conpletely lost touch with reality as this has gone on.

Edit; id hope there will be little criticism of weegies in bars and restaurants around central Scotland. I for one would be doing the exact same.

As long as they aren't preventing me getting into Leith's finest hostelries on Monday they can go wild.  Keep them west of Livingston where they belong though.

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3 minutes ago, Left Back said:

As long as they aren't preventing me getting into Leith's finest hostelries on Monday they can go wild.  Keep them west of Livingston where they belong though.

Well aye, if they impinge on my Tennents il be seething clearly. Tutting like f**k, et cetera

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1 hour ago, TheScarf said:

Having spoken to people who are fully vaccinated and had side effects and people who haven't had any dose and have had Covid, Covid sounds a lot milder.

Not for me it wasn't - although it wasn't horrendous either. A few days feverish and coughing (virus) versus a couple of days with a sore arm (both doses of the jag). 

ETA: That reads a wee bit snarky - all I meant was that it seems to be a dice roll whether or ohow badly one is affected by the virus and/or the jag. 

Edited by WhiteRoseKillie
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9 hours ago, red23 said:

Been having some issues with trying to reschedule my 2nd dose. 

Called/checked online rescheduling all this week to state i can't attend my given appointment time and need an alternative. The only offer of alternatives have been 80 miles away and each time it's been a take it or leave it stance. I was told to cancel it and just wait for another one sometime.

Appointment is at 8.50am if i rock up at 1pm, which is the earliest i can make, it should i be ok or will they be c***s about it?

I had a similar issue. Was due to get mine this afternoon after getting my blue letter on Saturday, but wanted to rearrange as they wanted me to go to Alloa to get it. There are places closer to me that I can receive it. So I called up and there were no appointments at Falkirk, and they told me to keep trying.

I went online, registered and checked the website twice a day. Yesterday afternoon (after 5 days of regular checking) an appointment in Falkirk appeared for Wednesday.  

The message is simple - keep trying and you can avoid Alloa.

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Just now, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Not for me it wasn't - although it wasn't horrendous either. A few days feverish and coughing (virus) versus a couple of days with a sore arm (both doses of the jag). 

Aye I felt a bit shite after the first dose, but absolutely nothing after the second.

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2 hours ago, Have some faith in Magic said:

Some complete and utter nut job from a London uni  has just been on radio Scotland saying 'Loss of control in many parts of Scotland'. 

Much to early to open up.

Don't know about vaccine efficacy.

Knew it would be Gurdasani even before recent comments confirmed it. She is indeed another sociopath who clearly has never had a social life and wants the spotlight her career marriage has had for the past 15 months to never end. Unfortunately for her, these days are numbered. Every bit of normality I partake in moving forward will be done in the joyful knowledge that it is triggering these fucking losers into oblivion.

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1 hour ago, virginton said:

The UK is all over the place with its 'Indian variant!!!!111!!!' panicfest, with today's latest wheeze being the idea that they might bring second doses forward in affected areas. This makes no fucking sense.

If they are concerned by clusters of cases, then they should be postponing second doses and delivering the crushing impact of the first dose to everyone who walks down the street right now. If they are concerned about future hospitalisations then they should continue their current course regardless but then have no grounds to delay opening up or reimposing local restrictions. 

The government and the public health psychos want to have it both ways yet again. 

Andy Burnham on the BBC today saying this very thing. Infections are shooting up in Bolton, so he was arguing for concentrated vaccinations there, regardless of age. Think they'll get a tin ear from Boris though. 

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2 minutes ago, Elixir said:

Knew it would be Gurdasani even before recent comments confirmed it. She is indeed another sociopath who clearly has never had a social life and wants the spotlight her career marriage has had for the past 15 months to never end. Unfortunately for her, these days are numbered. Every bit of normality I partake in moving forward will be done in the joyful knowledge that it is triggering these fucking losers into oblivion.

only other candidate would be Christina Pagel

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36 minutes ago, bernardblack said:

I had to chase up my second vaccine and felt the response was a bit “oh god we’ve forgotten him”

Hopefully that isn’t a common theme 

I had to bring forward my second jag as the appointment clashed with a hospital appointment (for a jag in my eyeball) which, if I'd postponed, would have been three months in the future - the treatment's time-sensitive, so that was no good. 

My God, the attitude I got, as if I was some kind of queue jumper - despite having the letter from the eye clinic, a pretty good case for being considered vulnerable-ish, and a willingness to rock up at the vaccination centre daily (it's on the way home from work) to make up for any no-shows...

I should point out that my issue was with the 3rd Party provider (Nimbus) rather than the NHS or any of the onsite volunteers. I can't help but feel that any time the Private Sector have got involved in this shitshow, from dodgy PPE to T&T*, the best they've managed is to not actually made things worse. The NHS on the other hand have been outstanding. 

*The more I hear of this shambles being ascribed to the NHS, the closer my BP gets to pre-stroke levels. 

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11 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

I had to bring forward my second jag as the appointment clashed with a hospital appointment (for a jag in my eyeball) which, if I'd postponed, would have been three months in the future - the treatment's time-sensitive, so that was no good. 

I actually just felt my stomach doing a somersault.

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6 minutes ago, Have some faith in Magic said:

Glad to read the person I heard on the radio this morning is a well known Lovejoy. 

I heard her on the radio a few months ago when we first started easing things in March, and she was saying that it was too soon and we'd see a huge spike.

I'm not sure if she actually believes what she says, if she allows her pessimism to obscure clear facts or if she's just loving being relevant. But either way her opinions should be safely filed in the bin.

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3 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

I actually just felt my stomach doing a somersault.

My late father had to get that regularly to deal with his macular degeneration.

I went for an eye test last week and...I have the start of MD in my right eye. Apparently it can be alleviated with lutein supplements and eating shite like kale.

2nd jag at The Lagoon 90 minutes ago, I was a bit nauseated the next day after the 1st jag, hopefully no repeat.

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Well, well, well...

Seriously, though, are any comparisons being drawn to how cases of i.e. influenza are 'imported' from the southern hemisphere/other parts of the world and then transmit when it's no longer 'flu season' here?

Posted at 8:52

India variant ‘may not be more infectious’

The increase of India variant cases could be due to a surge in their importation, rather than because it is more infectious, a virus expert says.

Prof Nick Lowman of Public Health England tells BBC Radio 4’s Today programme it will take time to establish whether the India virus variant is more transmissible.

He says: “There are regions that have much higher number of cases and a high growth rate but that still, at this point, could be driven by factors such as the number of separate imports and some amount of randomness in terms of whether those individual imports end up in large clusters.”

He adds: “If the virus [variant] does have an intrinsically higher transmissibility, we should start to see the [variant] in each part of the country take over from other virus [variants] circulating.”

“I’m feeling quite good about the vaccine,” he adds, saying current research does not show virus mutations that are likely to escape the jab.


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3 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

I heard her on the radio a few months ago when we first started easing things in March, and she was saying that it was too soon and we'd see a huge spike.

I'm not sure if she actually believes what she says, if she allows her pessimism to obscure clear facts or if she's just loving being relevant. But either way her opinions should be safely filed in the bin.

Yeah, she said schools reopening when they did would f**k R/case rates, but instead they continued to decline. Her and Devi even got into a bit of a tussle on Twitter over it. She has also been caught lying/claiming PHE data is essentially fabricated to suit the Government's unlocking plans.


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