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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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10 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

I haven’t read all 5,800 pages of this, but are people genuinely arguing that the majority of Scots - or even a substantial minority - are opposed to the guidelines?  Or is it just the inevitable trolling that brings the utter weirdos to the surface of P&B?  Purely anecdotally, I would say that the uptake of masks inside shops and on public transport is close to 90%.  If we were to implement the Italian model, whereby even walking down the high street is subject to a spot fine for not wearing a mask, I’d imagine compliance would be high there too.  

In short, if you don’t wear a mask on public transport, you’re just being a conspicuous dickhead. 

All of that being said, I still think I’d feel uncomfortable going to the football, where the number of non masks seemed to be significantly higher, looking at the photos from yesterday.  


10 hours ago, Savage Henry said:

Were my club not managed by an incompetent racist, I wouldn’t be returning to the football yet as I don’t think the requirements are stringent enough.   

I've been thinking about these posts since I read them earlier

You enjoy live music a lot, certainly more than me and probably the most of anyone on here. If you think the current set-up for Scottish football grounds isn't stringent enough, will you ever go to a gig again?

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1 hour ago, craigkillie said:

It has always been described as "new cases", and we discussed this very thing on this thread when the test positivity percentage didn't quite match the number of cases.

At the time, the discussion was about it being people who had tested positive recently and were having follow-up tests rather than people testing positive a year apart.

Has there ever been confirmation that people can be reinfected after having already had covid?

Easy to miss in amongst the waffle I just noticed a few journos were on about it today

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

And now people on here are saying that masks are pointless because they're less than 100% effective.

No people are saying they won't necessarily do what they are intended to do if they are not being worn, taken off and washed correctly and making them mandatory is somewhat futile if/when that is what is happening.

Edited by LongTimeLurker
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5 minutes ago, LongTimeLurker said:

No people are saying they won't necessarily do what they are intended to do if they are not being worn, taken off and washed correctly and making them mandatory is somewhat futile if/when that is what is happening.

Think you're giving some posters on here too much credit. The sMalL MoLecUles biG HoLes variety.

Edited by welshbairn
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36 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:


I've been thinking about these posts since I read them earlier

You enjoy live music a lot, certainly more than me and probably the most of anyone on here. If you think the current set-up for Scottish football grounds isn't stringent enough, will you ever go to a gig again?

Not for a good while, no.  As I understand it, some gigs require a proof of vaccination, some don’t.  I know the Fontaines DC tour requires it for entrance.   But I don’t feel particularly comfortable being in that environment right now. 

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Several days ago nipped out for petrol and some shopping at Sainsburys. Went to go into the garage to pay and something didn't feel right. Forgot my mask. Swithered about going back out to the car for it but by that time was already at the till. Got back to the car and realised I'd forgotten my mask altogether. Was I fook driving home for it so done the food shop maskless. Not a word said nor a dirty look from anyone. In fact saw several people without masks on. 

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3 hours ago, Raithie said:

Several days ago nipped out for petrol and some shopping at Sainsburys. Went to go into the garage to pay and something didn't feel right. Forgot my mask. Swithered about going back out to the car for it but by that time was already at the till. Got back to the car and realised I'd forgotten my mask altogether. Was I fook driving home for it so done the food shop maskless. Not a word said nor a dirty look from anyone. In fact saw several people without masks on. 

Was in Waverley station today where i would say several didn’t have masks on where as before you would see everyone wearing them. 

Nobody gave a f**k. 

Edited by Lyle Lanley
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Almost a quarter of Scots aged 40 to 49 have still not had two coronavirus vaccines despite a target set by the First Minister, which would have seen the group fully vaccinated by Monday.

Nicola Sturgeon told Parliament last month that all those in that age group should have received both vaccine doses by July 26.


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Among the news feed I found this gem -

Anti-vaxx conspiracy theorist tells rally that healthcare workers fighting COVID could face Nuremberg-style trials60fd2e2228e2cf0018905f77?width=700&key=6d25062672b025270289973c9f39be8ea099a69ac53d4d41318493759c34a40d

Mass anti-vaxx protests occurred in London last night, with one conspiracy theorist causing outrage for telling doctors and nurses that they could be tried and hung in Nuremberg-style trials. 
Speaking at the protests were several renowned right-wing conspiracy theorists, including David Icke, Katie Hopkins - who just got refused entry to Australia for refusing to produce COVID-19 documentation - and Gillian McKeith. 
The protest, dubbed a "worldwide rally for freedom," in London's Trafalgar Square was held five days after England lifted most of its COVID restrictions. 
Kate Shemirani, a former nurse who was struck off the Nursing and Midwifery Council in June 2021 for spreading COVID misinformation, addressed the crowd.
She told them: "Get their names [of doctors and nurses]. Email them to me. With a group of lawyers, we are collecting all that. At the Nuremberg Trials, the doctors and nurses stood trial, and they hung. If you are a doctor or a nurse, now is the time to get off that bus... and stand with us, the people," reported The Independent.
Shemirani's comments have caused a major uproar - not just for endangering and undermining the efforts of healthcare workers in the pandemic - but also for their antisemitic overtones. 
The Nuremberg Trials were a series of military tribunals held after World War II to convict Nazis of their war crimes, including six million Jews and other minorities for medical trials. 
The documentation from the Nursing and Midwifery council's case against Shemirani shows the scale of her conspiratorial beliefs - including stating that "you can't catch a virus," describing the "genocidal" NHS as "murdering patients," and claiming that vaccines have been "rushed through" because "they want to kill you."
Joining Shemirani was David Icke, an infamous conspiracy theorist who told crowds, "staggering numbers of people worldwide will die from the fake vaccination." He added: "It's the pandemic of the fake vaccinated."
Piers Corbyn - brother of the former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn - also spoke, saying, "you're much more likely to die or get ill from the jab that you are from COVID."  
The UK has one of the highest vaccination rates globally, with 80% of adults have received at least one dose and 55.4% both. These rates are linking to low hospitalization in the UK. 
I've seen quite few complete wastes of oxygen on social media, but Shemirani is up there with the best (worst?). And she's big pals with Mark Steele, the Geordie nutcase who thinks LED streetlamps are part of a "kill grid" of directed energy weapons.
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21 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:




Will the SNP go with the Tory Government on this? That would really put some on here in a bit of a pickle.

Also, I wonder if the apparent advocates or those indifferent to 'vaccine passports' are aware that they are disproportionately discriminatory against ethnic minorities, who are among those that are the least vaccinated.

This isn't because they have seen some post on Facebook claiming they cause autism, but because of a myriad of complex reasons, including historic, unethical medical treatment towards these groups. So by endorsing 'vaccine passports', you are also endorsing this by default and can subsequently get in the sea.


Covid in Scotland: African community has lowest vaccine uptake: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-56916528

Covid: BAME inequalities remain in vaccine uptake: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-56801998


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3 hours ago, Lyle Lanley said:


22 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Almost a quarter of Scots aged 40 to 49 have still not had two coronavirus vaccines despite a target set by the First Minister, which would have seen the group fully vaccinated by Monday.

Nicola Sturgeon told Parliament last month that all those in that age group should have received both vaccine doses by July 26.



Great, so at least 75% have had 2 doses and will undoubtedly hit at least 80% in the coming weeks. What’s the issue? 


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