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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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I'd prefer that we tried to improve the vaccines rather than resorting to a repeat cycle of boosters every six months tbh. Is there a way we can make the protection against catching covid last longer, or increase its ability to stop the virus  for example? I'm sure we could work on decreasing the hospitalisation rate further as well, further improving on the excellent progress we've made in the last twelve months.

Expect we'll end up with yearly boosters for the over 65s and those with clinical vulnerabilities. I don't favour a continuous effort of boosters for all every six months and tying up medical resources in the cycle. We keep being told of the pressures the NHS is under, after all.  

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Another way of looking at Denmark's vaccine passport is that the Danes brought it back in when cases rose and so did political pressure. This is an option Scotland doesn't have - the places requiring it might be extended, but if that doesn't work (and the evidence from Germany and the Netherlands suggests it won't) then there is no option but harsh restrictions again. That's the road the Netherlands has gone down. 

I'll be astonished if vaccine passports and masks aren't brought back in England at some point this winter. 

It won't work, but then that's a hallmark of the pandemic, isn't it? Piss around with increasingly harsher measures until you're bounced into lockdown. 


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6 minutes ago, Michael W said:

I'd prefer that we tried to improve the vaccines rather than resorting to a repeat cycle of boosters every six months tbh. Is there a way we can make the protection against catching covid last longer, or increase its ability to stop the virus  for example? I'm sure we could work on decreasing the hospitalisation rate further as well, further improving on the excellent progress we've made in the last twelve months.

Expect we'll end up with yearly boosters for the over 65s and those with clinical vulnerabilities. I don't favour a continuous effort of boosters for all every six months and tying up medical resources in the cycle. We keep being told of the pressures the NHS is under, after all.  

There are several attempts going on at a vaccine that will cover all coronaviruses, current and future potentials. Don't know if that would be a one off or requiring regular boosters, but it would kill off most common colds as well, so there's space for optimism amongst all the gloom.

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1 hour ago, Michael W said:

Another way of looking at Denmark's vaccine passport is that the Danes brought it back in when cases rose and so did political pressure. This is an option Scotland doesn't have - the places requiring it might be extended, but if that doesn't work (and the evidence from Germany and the Netherlands suggests it won't) then there is no option but harsh restrictions again. That's the road the Netherlands has gone down. 

I'll be astonished if vaccine passports and masks aren't brought back in England at some point this winter. 

It won't work, but then that's a hallmark of the pandemic, isn't it? Piss around with increasingly harsher measures until you're bounced into lockdown. 


It was supposed to be outrageous simpery for me to suggest that the reason Denmark dropped their restrictions was because their case rate was below 50/100,000, and it was daft using it as a model for us with a rate at the time from the mid to high hundreds. So I'm hardly surprised that they've reintroduced restrictions as their rates climb back up. It's not that I'm for the restrictions, they seem futile especially with vaccination at near saturation, but it's boring to hear we should copy every heroic country when they drop restrictions at the the trough of their cycle, before pilling them back on again as soon as they spike back up.

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29 minutes ago, oaksoft said:


Now THAT is funny.

You meant it as a joke right?



If you are a healthy person in your 20s or 30s the vaccine offers you nothing other than the small risk of adverse side effects. It changes nothing in regards to infection, transmission or serious illness.

Edited by Detournement
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Wife and I each received text from T&T today telling us we had been in contact with a Covid positive person (our son) and to self isolate till the 19th and also get PCR’s done. We did LFT”s which both showed positive and have since been for PCR!s.

We’ve both been feeling lousy for a couple days but just put it down to bad cold or flu.

Anyway, the point is that, hopefully this is what Covid is going to look like from now on to triple vaccinated and flu jabbed people.

Pandemic moves to endemic and life goes on.

Fortunately, football is away today, so will watch the stream.

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3 hours ago, MP_MFC said:

The CMO commenting on the Dutch lockdown saying he doesn’t think it’ll be the last one in the coming days and weeks.

I’ve supported just about all measures until this point but another lockdown is one I will not abide - that would result in a resignation from the SNP membership.

Think a lot of SNP supporters would cancel their memberships if they put us in another lockdown.

I don’t think another lockdown is coming as the SNP know they could lose a lot of support. 

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That tweet by Gregor has annoyed me. How can these people not only still not understand the impact speculative tweets about imposing restrictions to prevent people catching a (majoritively) mild virus will have on people's mental health, but do so with almost a sense of glee that they can still be somewhat relevant?


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It's clear that @Detournement is happy with his view of vaccines. Regardless of the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, he believes vaccines offer no benefit and just harm.

I am not going to rise to the bait any more. Taking some outlier statistics, and presenting them as some kind of proof, like comparing apples and oranges. It's like one of those climate change deniers showing that because year x was cooler than the year before, its all some huge hoax conspiracy. 

I am not going to point out this lunacy any more. As I said before, all the stuff spouted by anti vaxxers has done is convince many people to avoid a safe and beneficial vaccine. Many of these folk are losing their jobs now, thanks to this relentless anti vax propaganda. If that is what gives anti vaxxers their jollies, job well done. Never mind the folk on benefits now, or Ill or dying, having bought into this drivel. 

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I think there is no benefit for me personally. In my 30s, healthy, good diet, regular exercise and already had Covid. The same applies to millions of other people in the UK. What would the vaccine do for me?

I'm happy that parents and my gran have taken the vaccine as they will benefit from it.


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12 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

That tweet by Gregor has annoyed me. How can these people not only still not understand the impact speculative tweets about imposing restrictions to prevent people catching a (majoritively) mild virus will have on people's mental health, but do so with almost a sense of glee that they can still be somewhat relevant?


It's not speculative. It's to make people less angry when they do announce further restrictions. 

The stage managed 'evidence' to the committee yesterday was part of the same process. 

Edited by Detournement
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17 minutes ago, scottsdad said:


I am not going to point out this lunacy any more. As I said before, all the stuff spouted by anti vaxxers has done is convince many people to avoid a safe and beneficial vaccine. Many of these folk are losing their jobs now, thanks to this relentless anti vax propaganda. If that is what gives anti vaxxers their jollies, job well done. Never mind the folk on benefits now, or Ill or dying, having bought into this drivel. 

Can't believe I'm defending anti-vaxxers on this very specific point, but it is really not their fault if the state and legal system renders people unemployed, based on their vaccine status. That is an illiberal choice that a 'free' society has made, for no rational reason at all. 

As for 'propaganda', the idea that the anti-vaxxers are somehow outgunning the state on that front is obvious nonsense. For how many months was Clownshoes Leitch inserted into almost every ad break across various platforms, not to mention more recent SG ads without his odious presence? The government line on Covid measures has been given blanket coverage for fully 18 months.

In terms of vaccination rates in the UK, the program has been highly effective anyway. This is not eastern Europe where cynicism of the state tanked vaccine uptake from the start: the UK public did what they were told while their governments have endlessly shifted the goalposts on them. 

Edited by vikingTON
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4 hours ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

We’ve both been feeling lousy for a couple days but just put it down to bad cold or flu.

Anyway, the point is that, hopefully this is what Covid is going to look like from now on to triple vaccinated and flu jabbed people.

This is what it's looked like for the vast majority of people who have caught the virus since the get-go. 

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Good to see the tin foil act failed and the attention seeker is going down the anti vax route to get his daily fix of "look maw I've got pals they all reply to me on the internet" 

Sadly the moon howler from ayr beat you to it 

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5 hours ago, Detournement said:


If you are a healthy person in your 20s or 30s the vaccine offers you nothing other than the small risk of adverse side effects. It changes nothing in regards to infection, transmission or serious illness.

This is complete nonsense. There are numerous examples of young, “healthy” people who have chosen to be unvaccinated ending up in hospital seriously unwell. Obviously it’s far more likely to go that way if you’re unhealthy or older, but it is blatantly happening to some that aren’t. The vaccines clearly do help at all levels to minimise this.

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17 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

This is complete nonsense. There are numerous examples of young, “healthy” people who have chosen to be unvaccinated ending up in hospital seriously unwell. Obviously it’s far more likely to go that way if you’re unhealthy or older, but it is blatantly happening to some that aren’t. The vaccines clearly do help at all levels to minimise this.


Deaths in u40s have been extremely rare.

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