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Guest Bob Mahelp

This is the covid equivalent of the Scotland to Northern Ireland bridge. 

There's nothing that this fucking clown likes better than a massive announcement that makes people go 'wow' but contains absolutely no detail or sense of feasability. He loves it even more when he's in deep shit, and thinks he can distract us all. 

It's just another dead cat, disguised as a presidential pronouncement and wrapped in a butcher's apron. 

We should also all remember that he made a statement at this time last year, where he promised no restrictions over Christmas. Only to U-turn spectacularly 10 days later. 



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1 hour ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

She’s a woman with an opinion. You wouldn’t like her.


1 hour ago, jamamafegan said:

Speaks volumes that you’ve taken the bait - you shamelessly spend the majority of your life on this thread. What a sad little man.




1 hour ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:

Man 😂


58 minutes ago, jamamafegan said:

Is Elixer a lassie?



She won't shag you, lads.

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Get a third jag if you are over 18.

It is medically irrelevant for almost all of you, and doesnt prevent transmission. But nevertheless, its selfish if you dont.

We are also desperate to lock you down, and even if every single one of you gets vaccinated, we might just do that anyway

Is effectively the message from Sturgeon.

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Tbh I strongly suspect this target won’t be met (or will be fudged) but encouraging booster take up and making them accessible are absolutely what both governments should be focusing on.

Far more sensible and effective than constant hints and threats about ‘protective measures’ as restrictions seem to have been renamed- sounds like something straight from independent sage HQ.

Edited by PedroMoutinho
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8 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Tbh I strongly suspect this target won’t be met (or will be fudged) but encouraging booster take up and making them accessible are absolutely what both governments should be focusing on.

Far more sensible and effective than constant hints and threats about ‘protective measures’ as restrictions seem to have been renamed- sounds like something straight from independent sage HQ.

I strongly suspect Scotland will remain far more sensible and effective by having the highest vaccination rate in the UK. 

The 8pm 'announcement' was just a stunt. 



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42 minutes ago, Lyle Lanley said:


I absolutely detest the use of “proportionate” when talking about these restrictions as it’s such a subjective term.

The thought that a table of knickerwetters with no fun or excitement in their lives sit around discussing what is “proportionate”, continues to be a frightening thought.


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55 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Didn't he come up with some toe-curling "moonshot" shite this time last year as well?

Which also failed?

Wasn't moonshot a plan to have everyone test themselves with an LFT a couple of times a week? Only the technology didn't exist.

The vaccines, at least, are in stock.

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54 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Get a third jag if you are over 18.

It is medically irrelevant for almost all of you, and doesnt prevent transmission. But nevertheless, its selfish if you dont.

We are also desperate to lock you down, and even if every single one of you gets vaccinated, we might just do that anyway

Is effectively the message from Sturgeon.

Exactly this. I've made my mind up not to get a booster as I dont think I need it. IMO boosters should have been aimed at the elderly/vulnerable. This incessant need for everybody including kids needing a vaccine makes me think they dont know what the hell they're doing but dose everyone up to be seen to be doing something. 

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1 hour ago, MuckleMoo said:
1 hour ago, Elixir said:
She won't shag you, lads.

Wow, a woman makes a comment on this thread and that's your response. Go f**k yoursel!!

She won't shag you either, m9.

If a woman or man posts utter 'haha moonhowlers!!111' drivel in this thread, it err, doesn't matter if they are female or male and I can put it down if I see fit. Utter wet wipes desperate for validation while screeching sexism is fooling nobody. Thanks anyway.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
1 hour ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Tbh I strongly suspect this target won’t be met (or will be fudged) but encouraging booster take up and making them accessible are absolutely what both governments should be focusing on.

Far more sensible and effective than constant hints and threats about ‘protective measures’ as restrictions seem to have been renamed- sounds like something straight from independent sage HQ.

And yet Scotland has a higher vaccine take up than south of the border. 

Both governments are effectively aiming for the same outcome - get as many people vaccinated/boosted as possible in a short time, and avoid any more restrictions. The difference is in communication. 

The Scottish government...IMHO....are far more honest than that fucking idiot in Westminster. Johnson 'encourages' because naturally he's a coward, and doesn't want to make hard decisions or give out bad news. 

This time last year he was encouraging us all (and himself) to get out there, get pished, have a party, meet up at Christmas, travel, meet family and friends. 

Brilliant, cheers. 

10 days later he was forced into announcing restrictions and a lockdown, which caused chaos. 

Let's hope that he doesn't do the same this year, but I wouldn't bet on it. 

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She won't shag you either, m9.
If a woman or man posts utter 'haha moonhowlers!!111' drivel in this thread, it err, doesn't matter if they are female or male and I can put it down if I see fit. Utter wet wipes desperate for validation while screeching sexism is fooling nobody. Thanks anyway.
What a fucking p***k!
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Not surprisingly the booking system has a massive queue. I live in England so may be a different experience. 

My GP surgery put out a statement saying they're trying to source more vaccine and that they'll update when they can. No walk in boosters are available here now either. Not a great start for the impossible deadline, then. 

Yesterday the 29th of December was showing as the earliest day for a booster and kicking myself a bit that I didn't just do it for then and get it over with. Though the guidance on the NHS website didn't include my age group, it would allow a booking when the date of birth was put in. 

I am not totally sold on the booster, to be honest, and am pretty annoyed about having to go and get one. Well I know I don't *have to*, but I've got holidays booked and will almost certainly find these rendered unviable if I don't get the booster. This of course supposes that Johnson doesn't decide that we need to more heavily restrict travel again at the drop of a hat. 

The shifting of the goalposts with vaccines has seriously pissed me off and frankly it's becoming tiresome being trapped in a seemingly perennial vaccination cycle with numerous threats of restrictions if enough people don't get their vaccines. It's beyond tedious now. 

The booster programme has been quite advanced for the groups that are actually at high risk of the virus and this new plan leaves me feeling a bit weird. It wasn't so long ago that 50+ were called and the 40+ age group were very recent as well. There must be a lot of unboosted 50-59 year old and I feel uncomfortable as a low risk individual that I'm being put on par with them. Very much a case here of sod the stragglers, which I do get, but it shows (IMO) poor prioritisation. 

Which brings us to delivery. The mass vaccination sites have closed and I can't see how they're going to set them up again. There are 19 days left in 2021 and two of those are national holidays.

There is absolutely no fucking way this can be achieved. And of course any of the 50k people a day tht catch covid during this time, a large number of whom will be unboostered, won't be getting it. So there's already a gap in the ballpark of 500-750k. The gap between two doses and the third dose currently stands at twenty three and a half million. 


Edited by Michael W
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