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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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48 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

I genuinely feel that there are people who look on the March-July 2020 lockdown in the same way that UKIP types look back on the Blitz. These folk think of the lockdown as rainbows in windows, 8pm clapping for carers, social media "message to myself in 6 months", everyone pulling together and doing their bit. The ukippers think of the Blitz as everyone sitting in the London Underground having a jolly old time of it. 

Through the misty eyes of such selective hindsight they forget the job losses, the financial hardships. the social isolation, people dying alone in hospitals, the mental health damage, domestic violence rising, alcohol use rising, and people unable to see, touch and hug loved ones. 

I suspect that when people come on the radio asking for restrictions back, they really want to relive a time that never actually happened the way they remember it.

Only thing wrong with your analysis is that all my friends (70upwards) tend to be those right wing UKIp types you refer to. My experience is that it is the leftie, SNP Labour types who want all this authoritarianism (‘ Nicola says so it must be okay’).

Absolutely nothing to back it up. Just personal experience.

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How are the shan modellers accounting for the 30% decrease in severity in terms of how it impactos hospitalisations?

I could be way off here, but you see folk on the news etc with their hot takes that "that 30% drop still isnt enough when you account for the increased transmission" and it makes me wonder if publicly we are bei g fed an assumption that 30% decrease in severity = 30% drop in hosptilisations, which I think is shite, unless I am doing the modeller types even more a disservice than they deserve....

To better illustrate what im trying to say, this old road safety message was the best I could think of...


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9 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

How are the shan modellers accounting for the 30% decrease in severity in terms of how it impactos hospitalisations?

I could be way off here, but you see folk on the news etc with their hot takes that "that 30% drop still isnt enough when you account for the increased transmission" and it makes me wonder if publicly we are bei g fed an assumption that 30% decrease in severity = 30% drop in hosptilisations, which I think is shite, unless I am doing the modeller types even more a disservice than they deserve....

To better illustrate what im trying to say, this old road safety message was the best I could think of...


Theres also not much discussion about what the 'hospitalisations' entail. Delta and now Omicron hospitalisations were far shorter so even if the hospitalisations increase, the number of bed days with COVID patients is likely to be shorter than say, Alpha

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44 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

Myself and my partner have it. Most likely caught from my dad who we go down and see regularly since my mum died a couple of months back.

My dad is young at 59 and took moderately rough headaches, loss of taste and a general headcold.

My partner had shivers, banging sore head for a couple of days and what felt like again, a headcold.

I have had a pretty sore throat, dry cough (only now producing a bit of mucus) and a tight chest, sore joints/teeth in spells too.

All three of us feel fatigued but honestly, nothing I've never had or felt before. I've had chest infections that have totally floored me in the past and this is nowhere near it.

Sorry to hear about your mum pal.

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1 hour ago, Snafu said:

Every day is a school day.

If you feel unwell after getting your booster or if you were unwell for a few days after being vaccinated either for 1st or 2nd. If you weren't aware before that you had COVID three to four weeks before vaccination, its very likely you have or had the virus very recently. Have heard this a few times people having reactions to either the first or second. I would guess this would happen sometimes due to having COVID recently but I wouldn't think every reaction to a vaccination is because of having COVID.

If you have tested positive for COVID-19 and you are due your vaccination, probably best to wait about a month before getting that done.

What do you think?

I think you’ve been reading nonsense. 

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3 hours ago, Karpaty Lviv said:

The schools being open next week for three days is just crazy - but of course as the unions brought this up, despite the sense it makes, the government rejected it to save face. 

No real problem with the kids being at home.

However the unions want them shut to protect their members Xmas plans.


If the Schools were shut early as long as the teachers were made to still attend I agree.

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9 minutes ago, superbigal said:

No real problem with the kids being at home.

However the unions want them shut to protect their members Xmas plans.


If the Schools were shut early as long as the teachers were made to still attend I agree.

They want them shut to protect their members, as the government are screeching about the end of the world yet again. 

Given everyone has to work from home, I don’t see the purpose in closing schools and making teachers go into school - they can WFH too. Regardless, the schools won’t be closing anyway. 

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Just as a wee addition to the isolation patter, I got told at work yesterday that if we become a contact, we still follow the old protocol of negative PCR, and LFt each day and we can keep working. Been told they have govt dispensation for this. I did ask to see an official email or letter to this end but not seen one as yet. 

So are they at it or do such dispensations already exist? Id have yhought if they did, the likes of scotrail would have them? 

Also, if they do exist, does it just apply to work ir does it entitle me to bin the isolation on my days off too? 

Seems like BS to me. 

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Meanwhile, Prof Chalmers of Dundee University said the new variant has a rate of infection of 50% - one person with the virus in a room of 100 could infect 50 people.

Move over, measles. Omirona: the most infectious 'disease' in history.


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3 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

COBRA meeting tonight. The messaging about how serious the situation is in London ramping up. Give it til tomorrow at 5 til Boris follows suit with our mince from yesterday.

Which will be followed by teasing of restrictions getting even tougher up here until Tuesday, when the FM announces we have to queue outside takeaways again and wear masks in the gym.

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2 hours ago, Billy Jean King said:

Lille are the current French champions emoji3.png

Bad choice of team. I should have said the Old Firm. The SNP are like the Old Firm… would have been a bad start to the post. I hold my hands up. I chose the wrong ‘big team that always win cos’ the opposition cannot compete’ analagy.

OK. Here goes again….

The SNP are like St Mirren, while the opposition parties are like Greenock Morton - shite, and a bit smelly.



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2 hours ago, NotThePars said:

Right I don't like the SNP much but this didn't just happen out of nowhere, the SNP were largely responsible for this. The opposition might be shite but the SNP have to a substantial extent caused that collapse in a feasible opposition by being a reasonably competent political party for the last 14+ years. Far and away the most competent in the UK however damning that faint praise is.

…and I would say that in a Scottish Parliamentary system that was designed so that no one party would romp to an overall majority, initially, the SNP government in Edinburgh were doing a decent job in running Scotland. In my opinion, given the devolved powers already at their disposal, I wish they’d get back to concentrating on running the country using those powers. They have become, in my opinion obviously, too successful at the polls, too complacent, and frankly, too hung up on IndyRef2, 3, 4, and 5… because when they lose IndyRef2, and they will - they’ll scweam and scweam like the spoiled fcuking brats they have become, and, in a Calimero style, will bleat ‘It’s an injustice!’.

(The SNP losing any IndyRef2 is the opinion of the author of this post, and in no way reflects the views of Pie & Bovril, its affiliates or sponsors. Terms and conditions apply. For a full list of terms and conditions, please visit www.giespeaceanddoyourjobs.com)

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