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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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4 minutes ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

It's just protecting themselves from blame. 

I don't think it's blame as much as credibility.

Every person who goes on a night out at the moment is telling Sturgeon, Johnson, Whitty, Leitch and the Botox Woman to f**k off which makes them look weak. 


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They have been leaked because that's how every single measure has been promoted.

1. Introduce the idea through denial 

2. Let the Sage types and anti social weirdos argue for it. 

3. Leak that it's going to happen.

4. When it's announced by the government most people have already accepted it as inevitable. 

Every time. 


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Have been taking a few steps back regarding this ‘pandemic’ and trying to look at it through a new perspective.

Eventually, Alpha, Delta and Omnicron will blow themselves out but, as sure as night follows day a new variant of Covid will come along and we’ll be back to square one.

Maybe a better policy would be to ditch all restrictions, masks, etc. and just let it rip and put all our resources into the hospital sector.

We could construct military style field hospitals (Louisa Jordan)to house the badly affected, equipped with ventilators, drugs, everything necessary to support Covid patients where they would be kept well away from the regular hospitals. As time goes on, with more and more people fully vaccinated the need for these facilities should decrease and rather than  continually pushing the endgame further away down the road, we confront it full on. Okay, there will be deaths, as there are at present, but who’s to say that this may not be a bad plan. Already, I’ve heard Carl Heneghan and Karl Sikora suggesting that we move along these lines.

To continue as at present is madness as the public are increasingly just ignoring the ‘rules’ and realising that life is a lot more than mere survival but the joyous interaction of one human spirit with another and that being controlled by politicians and scientists is no way to live.

Im not bothered about myself as I’ve had a wonderful life but I am bothered about the young and middle aged who are being denied the fulfilment and happiness that should be there for them but is being wrongly withheld from them for no good reason.


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2 hours ago, Day of the Lords said:

Thanks for confirming that you are indeed a crushingly lonely VL living in a grim as f**k bedsit (I think we all kinda knew that anyway, but OK)

If that scenario makes you happy, by all means run with it, and enjoy the circuit breaking lockdown when it comes, hope it doesnt affect your mental health.

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Field hospitals for Covid are not going to happen and shouldn't. The people who are most at risk to Covid generally have complex medical needs with multiple conditions and should be where they can receive the best care.

The logical move has to be away from shutting down to protecting the vulnerable. Increase support for shielding and let the healthy accquire immunity while they protect themselves. Full lockdowns only postpone the wave unless the government is willing to lockdown until May again. 

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All through this the Media have given Sturgeon an easy ride, seldom do they ask any hard questions and generally go along with her bluster.  Hopefully after yesterday's display the press will now stop kw-towing to her and do their job properly and really question what she is up to.  Yesterday it seemed like she did not like the fact that the public were not buying into her drivel and like a petulant child she did not like it.  Hopefully the tide is turning.

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9 hours ago, oaksoft said:

I think Nicola should have thought about that BEFORE she started mouthing off about staying indoors with no evidence whatsoever to suggest this new variant was a problem.

If you want me to do her thinking for her and come up with solutions you'll need to give me her salary first.

Sound fair?

the head of almost every country in the 1st world is doing no different, and yet we nippy should've ''thought about mouthing off''  if nippy, sridhar and the dentist invented a cure over christmas and the new year, half you wanks in here would still have something to moan about and tell us where they've gone wrong.

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2 minutes ago, Detournement said:

Field hospitals for Covid are not going to happen and shouldn't. The people who are most at risk to Covid generally have complex medical needs with multiple conditions and should be where they can receive the best care.

The logical move has to be away from shutting down to protecting the vulnerable. Increase support for shielding and let the healthy accquire immunity while they protect themselves. Full lockdowns only postpone the wave unless the government is willing to lockdown until May again. 

I don’t think there’s much doubt any more that the Scottish Government would be perfectly willing to do just that. Gagging to do it. Especially if Boris & Co don’t. Someone else said it, it’s a sad state of affairs when some Tory backbenchers are the only ones seemingly making any sense at the moment. The only part of your final sentence I’d take issue with is the month ‘May’. Sturgeon & Co would add on a couple of extra months, just in case, stick with it Scotland.

Having said that, at this precise moment, Holyrood isn’t as completely fcuking mental as Cardiff. Being able to weild those devolved powers really must give them the mother of all hard-ons down there.

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13 hours ago, Dave and Anna Snow said:

Mary Poppins!

In the space of 1 post you've went from over protecting folk from 'this killer disease' to joking about another poster requiring ventilation and oxygen.  

I feel you owe the short-statured poster an apology. 


You two(?) only joined on Thursday, how do you know he's short statured?

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Problem with flinging out shite models time after time is that there’s always the chance that the blind squirrel finds a nut.

I just don’t see what benefit there is to vaccinating and boosting if they will just lock down despite seeing what’s apparently happening in South Africa. People will never take anything seriously again.
Like throwing darts blindfolded - at some point you might hit a treble 20 - just not very likely.

The real issue with models, so I've read, isn't the models themselves but the assumptions that are made about human behaviour.

A model is only as good as the data you put in. Shite data will give a shite result.
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