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1 hour ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Heneghan is the only sensible one out of the lot.

Regularly appears on JHB and GB News but tends to be ignored by the MSM.


Heneghan's contributions are just as troubling as Gurdasani and Pagel's. There's a reason why his interventions are often restricted to lunatic hour with Julia Hartley-Brewer.

Edited by George Parr
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While this thread in the main is clearly dominanted by Covid outliers, I think some of the posts above are representative of how people feel now.  People don't want to spread Covid, they accept having to do things like wear a mask in supermarkets etc and doing LFTs when appropriate but the idea that we are going to limit all household mixing or close large parts of the economy doesn't have much support at all.  The fact that we have high vaccine uptake and boosters is changing the way people feel.
I also think that during the first wave people were probably quite fearful of catching Covid and that has gone for the vast majority of the public, either due to more people having had it and recovered or people just being more sick of restrictions than fearful of getting Covid.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens if they move forward with restrictions post-Xmas. People are self-isolating at the moment because loads of people will be planning to spend time with family and friends and many of them will spend it with older relatives but after Christmas you’re in many ways heading back to normal and I can’t see how the Westminster government, stripped of its moral authority on this, can tell people to do something they don’t want to do.

I imagine unless they shut things down they’ll struggle to impose much of anything by ways of restrictions. Mask wearing has went up substantially in Manchester but it’s still not close to what it was and the pubs were still rammed at the weekend albeit not as much as you’d expect.

Also the hospitality staff discussion is interesting because they’re in a catch-22. Atm they’re faced with either losing wages as a result of not being given shifts or they’re risking a Covid infection the week before Christmas and possibly not being able to spend it with family.

Anyway, my flatmate now has Covid and yet my Matrix Agent ability to dodge is continuing to prove itself. Still negative and no symptoms. I know I’m gonna get caught somewhere stupid like the train home or when I pick up the last of my Christmas shopping.
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2 hours ago, smpar said:

Why not?

I don’t wear a facemask in places like big shopping centres because they are well ventilated and social distancing is relatively easy. The other place I frequent regularly is the gym. I do not wear a facemask in the gym, because I am looking at the situation, and when exercising next to other sweating, breathing people, they are not required. However, should I need to go for a pish, I am supposed to wear one? The rules are a complete fcuking arse - for something the government did not deem to be mandatory at a time before vaccines were out of reach.

I don’t wear a facemask because, as I posted before, at the gym I see people leaving them on the floor, where people are walking about, or, shoving them into sweaty lycra gymwear. Unless you want me to start taking a facemask in a plastic bag - for all of one minute’s wear from the door to the changing room and back again (or the twenty second trip to the lavvy), then, no, I don’t fancy slapping on a facemask that has been on a dirty floor or shoved in my gym shorts, or left lying on gym equipment. In shopping centres etc, I see people taking them off and sitting them on coffee shop tables that have crumbs and goodness knows what else on them, or shoving them into jacket pockets. Don’t know about anyone else, but even though I keep a clean jacket, my pockets are hardly immune to fluff, dirt, bits of Christ knows what lurking in the corners. I’m not for putting something on my mouth that has been scrunched up in my pockets. Again, I am not about to go out every day with a supply of facemasks and a feckin’ bag to store them in.

Finally, the main reason I don’t wear one is because I am actually, genuinely, exempt. The nature of my exemption is naturally my personal private business. I got my Scottish Government exemption card after jumping through all the stringent hoops placed in my way to prove I was exempt. No, hold on, I just asked for a card and they sent it. Even if I wasn’t exempt, I wouldn’t be wearing one anyway. I have adhered to every rule I have been asked to - for nearly two years, bar two. Facemasks and the odd shopping trip as a couple. Been through that one too many times, genuinely couldn’t give a fcuk if anyone still has an issue with that. I stuck to my one trip for exercise, never flaunted the rules on bubbles or family gatherings, stayed as local as possible, missed more than one funeral, wasn’t able to visit ill friends in hospital, and when my brother moved his family from England to Ayrshire, never said ‘fcuk the rules’ and went down to even help unpack or assist in any way.

I am now at the stage where frankly, the politicians of all persuasions pulling our strings and taking us for fools can just fcuk off. Mandatory facemasks being one thing where I feel they can just fcuk off with it. If any of this annoys anyone, so be it. We are all grown ups, we can make our own decisions about some of the things politicians are doing…. Or if recent weeks here are anything to go by, constantly threatening to do, hinting at doing, considering doing soon… as they drip-feed their doom laden messages of fear to a population now largely, in my opinion, thoroughly fed-up with the lot of them.

I have worn a facemask three times - each time was when I went for my vaccinations. I did it because the folk working there were doing all of us a service, and they were in close contact with thousands of us, each day. I try to show respect to people, especially those in a situation like that.

Sincere apologies for this turning into something of a frustration-fuelled rant. Genuinely didn’t intend it.

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10 minutes ago, Have some faith in Magic said:

Today's numbers

6.7k positive

15.2 % positivity

516 in hospital. 

Positivity creeping up, hospital numbers still not looking too bad, would expect if this variant is going to start to cause rises in hospitalisations we'll start to see it around the end of this week.

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Positivity up again. I am ignoring the number of positive tests (aka "cases" when they are not, in fact, "cases"). 

No question that infections are rising but the reaction is just OTT. People are just so sensitive to these changes now that they demand lockdowns even when we have vaccines, boosters and other medicines that we didn't have in 2020. We still have not been shown concrete evidence that this variant is as serious as the previous ones, just more transmissable.

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7 minutes ago, dundeefc1783 said:
10 minutes ago, Left Back said:
Too far.

Watch the clips of him doing the rounds on twitter. Particulalry the GMB. He is an absolute simpleton.

Raab held down a respectable legal career. 

That seems impossible to square with what you see with Raab as a politician. You would think he'd be totally useless in the normal world of work, but there we are. 

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I was expecting hospital numbers to be above Friday's figures, so that's actually quite decent to see them remain below that. 

Tomorrow's death figures will be interesting. With the weekend backlog and a lot of cases over the last three weeks or so they should be higher than usual I'd imagine. But how much higher will be telling.

I also think now is a pivotal time to divide hospital numbers into hospitalised because of Covid, and hospitalised with Covid/picked it up in hospital. With so many people being tested, so many testing positive, and the easy spread within hospital settings it's vital that we know. If it spreads round one hospital then we could see the numbers spike massively - but closing a pub at 8pm isn't going to stop that.

I won't hold my breath on that particular point though...Given we've been promised it for months.

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3 minutes ago, Michael W said:

Raab held down a respectable legal career. 

That seems impossible to square with what you see with Raab as a politician. You would think he'd be totally useless in the normal world of work, but there we are. 

I see your Raab the lawyer and raise you Richard Burgon, who can barely tie his shoelaces.

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Rumours that England will be going back to Stage 2 lockdown restrictions from the 27th December.

What an absolute nonsense. If restrictions *are* needed, then waiting another seven days to implement them makes absolutely no sense from a health point of view. It's purely political so that they can't be accused of ruining Christmas.

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Wait to you hear this! A family I know here took this way too far IMO. Tell me if you agree please.

So the fella goes to his works Christmas do where 16 staff members of the factory subsequently test positive. Upon hearing this news, he takes a test and it's negative. His doctor (why he asked him I don't know) said "ooh, you've taken the test too early and suggests he should isolate for five days. He goes to his mothers, his wife calls in sick as she isolates at home with their wee boy who stays off nursery. Five days later he takes a test again and it's negative! A family split for five days over hee haw.

Completely unfathomable for me. Was discussing this at home and I got a row from my wife for "being mean about it". What this is doing to people's actual sanity is off the scale. In our case, we have to test before we come to Scotland, test when we arrive and test before we return. The way things are going we'll probably be asked to test and isolate when we get back here. Watching BBC news and constantly seeing Leitchy, Nippy, Swinney and Javid saying "oooh, there could be more things to come" is giving me, who gets stressed about nothing, stress. All I want to do is see my family at Christmas. Goodness knows how hospitality business people must feel.

It's actually not funny anymore.

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