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Reporting Scotland trying to shift the goalposts there from 'tsunami of Omicron cases, doubling every two days!!!111!!!' (last week's lie) to 'we could still be several weeks away from the peak' just there.
When the data doesn't fit the media's scaremongering, lockdown-obsessed narrative, they literally just make it up as they go along now. 
That came from the dentist that. Was on BBC website earlier. Total charlatans now, with a pathological need to never, ever be wrong, even if it means implementing restrictions you previously said were required just to save face.

This is crazy times, with politicians in every house and every party totally losing the run of themselves. Sturgeon trying to score off Boris, Boris in the trenches against his own party, not a single one of them actually doing their job. All of them fighting proxy wars and telling lies. Blackfords tweet, for example earlier on as a great example. The words of a fucking snake.
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9 minutes ago, virginton said:

Reporting Scotland trying to shift the goalposts there from 'tsunami of Omicron cases, doubling every two days!!!111!!!' (last week's lie) to 'we could still be several weeks away from the peak' just there.

When the data doesn't fit the media's scaremongering, lockdown-obsessed narrative, they literally just make it up as they go along now. 


Lol. The peak looks almost certain now to be before Christmas. Minter for them.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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Leitch is actually needing pulled up here tbh.

If the peak is several weeks away, then it stands to reason that the fears over the infection rate are unfounded, what with there being a limited number of people in Scotland.

So with that said, the rationale for locking down that they have been pushing "push the peak out" and "buy time to vaccinate" etc do not stand up to any scrutiny whatsoever.

What we ACTUALLY have here then is a bog standard wave of a, by all accounts much less severe strain of covid, hitting the most vaccinated population of any wave yet, anywhere on the planet. And, a very low base of hospital occupancy for covid (and thats before you account for the heavily massaged hospital stats)

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For those who have had their booster; what’s the latest you have felt the effects? I got Covid on 21st Nov so can only get it from 21st this month but I might leave it to after Christmas if I’m likely to be still be floored on Christmas Day.
Felt rougher this time round - arm was hurting like hell for the first 3-4 days - and genuinely quite tired.
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23 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

That came from the dentist that. Was on BBC website earlier. Total charlatans now, with a pathological need to never, ever be wrong, even if it means implementing restrictions you previously said were required just to save face.

This is crazy times, with politicians in every house and every party totally losing the run of themselves. Sturgeon trying to score off Boris, Boris in the trenches against his own party, not a single one of them actually doing their job. All of them fighting proxy wars and telling lies. Blackfords tweet, for example earlier on as a great example. The words of a fucking snake.

Scientists are worshipped in modern public discourse despite their appalling track record. 

I respect scientists who actually produce things. Like vaccines. Or space rockets, or things like that. 

The academics who’s job it is to produce paid outcomes and opine in public life? Not so much. 

Climate science is probably the worst. Total gravy train with no consequence for every prediction they make being wrong. Lots of charlatans thing they have found a meal ticket in COVID.

Edited by Thorongil
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