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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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13 minutes ago, Jacksgranda said:

That would be a withering put down if most of the other European governments hadn't f***** up, too

You could put that down to xenophobic ignorance and an inherent but misguided belief in your own nation's superiority not being an exclusively British phenomenon.

Plenty of places did take heed and acted appropriately, and as you rightly state plenty of others did not, but from where I was standing it sure as hell looked like Johnson and Co were happy to dismiss this as something that was happening to dirty, and typically hysterical foreigners, and nothing for us to be worried about. Can't say specifically what was going on in the other places that were tardy/irresponsible in their response because I wasn't there, but I have very vivid memories of watching Johnson swanning around, even in mid March 2020, acting like he'd never heard of Covid-19, and wondering to myself why the f**k he appeared to believe that the UK would be impervious to it in any case.

Remember the 'one approach is to do nothing at all' comment he made on (I think) breakfast TV? This was weeks after we saw the absolute carnage in Italian hospitals, and months after the same in China, so how could he possibly conclude that by simply sitting back and doing sweet f**k all the exact same thing would not happen in the UK, unless of course he has some ridiculous notion that the UK is different, superior, and in some way immune to disasters that befall other non-British human beings, aka raging xenophobia. 

He is just a shit-gibbering moron of course, but I don't think it's a stretch to suggest his nonchalance was down to being an idiot, concern about his money-making chums, AND being the sort of xenophobe typical of the vast majority of his ilk.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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106k in UK total (minus the fair number we've mislaid)

Generally hospitalisations still not tracking those case loads, except in London where its starting to climb rapidly:


301 admitted today. 

Might mean touch and go for English restrictions based on the Politico story that reckoned 400 a day was the cut off.

Edited by renton
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1 minute ago, oaksoft said:

That's just what is needed right now.

Tony Blair lecturing us on morality and responsibility. 🤣

There are many, many bad things that have come out of the last 22 months, but one of them is undoubtedly the platform that fool has been given to shoot his mouth off again.

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21 minutes ago, renton said:

106k in UK total (minus the fair number we've mislaid)

Generally hospitalisations still not tracking those case loads, except in London where its starting to climb rapidly:


301 admitted today. 

Might mean touch and go for English restrictions based on the Politico story that reckoned 400 a day was the cut off.

In case there was any doubt, the benefit of vaccination showing yet again. The least vaccinated place in the UK suffering the highest case rates and hospitalisations by far. 

That must be London at around 25-30% of all UK hospitalisations.

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5 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

Sturgeon is deranged at this point. Talks up all possible bad scenarios and will not entertain any positive indications from data at all. 

‘Early data’ that’s been the same data coming out of SA for a month.

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5 minutes ago, Thorongil said:

Sturgeon is deranged at this point. Talks up all possible bad scenarios and will not entertain any positive indications from data at all. 

I think entrenched is more accurate. She's played her hand and now must defend it to the hilt.

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