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2 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Interesting point. The courts previously haven't touched any measures introduced for public health reasons.

But as JL has said that 500 wasn't chosen for public health reasons and/or supported by any scientific evidence, they should be able to sue for loss of earnings.

Added to that bald lad saying its all about a few Polis being off on the sick, primarily due to a knee jerk change to isolation rules

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38 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

So Falkirk are allowing in 380 season ticket holders on Sunday, with those who can’t get a ticket able to book tickets for the bar inside the stadium to watch a live stream.

Absolutely insane rules from the SG 😂

Has Leitch been asked for the evidence showing it’s safer to have people packed into indoor pubs and mates houses (tens of thousands on January 2nd) than outdoor stadiums?

Although they will travelled by the same means, those at the back of the queue must have turned up to the pub earlier than those at the front, hence will have been more likely to become infected...

... oh no, wait, the early pub goers would have been there longest, so they must be the ones most at risk, hence we'll let them sit outside and let the late ones sit inside together. 

Yours faithfully,


Edited by Hedgecutter
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3 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

I think entrenched is more accurate. She's played her hand and now must defend it to the hilt.

The sensible move would be to have one of her fabled adult conversations and say sorry guys, I've messed up big style this time by overreacting and jumping the gun on restictions. 

Some contrite, humility would be a good starting point, won't pay the bills or get people's jobs back but when you're in a hole stop digging. 

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1 hour ago, welshbairn said:

Just got a text offering me a 4th jag as my 3rd one was classed as a 3rd primary rather than a booster, unbeknownst to me. Could be a computer glitch but the more the merrier!

Got the text too! They did text yesterday saying I was due my booster but sent another today saying it was a mistake and my booster wasn’t due until January. Shat myself at both texts as the sender says “Test Protect”.  

Off on holiday tomorrow with the kids, having a 2nd Christmas with family when we get back. Won’t be restricting the number of people I visit Nicola. 

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10 minutes ago, Honest Saints Fan said:

Got the text too! They did text yesterday saying I was due my booster but sent another today saying it was a mistake and my booster wasn’t due until January. Shat myself at both texts as the sender says “Test Protect”.  

Off on holiday tomorrow with the kids, having a 2nd Christmas with family when we get back. Won’t be restricting the number of people I visit Nicola. 

Have a great time, had the same fear when the text arrived!

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Currently standing at the football, watching all these supporters feart of The Covid, standing socially distanced and spraying detol everywhere.

Or not, everyone acting perfectly normal giving we have the deadliest virus in history sweeping through Scotland.  It is the deadliest isn't it????


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14 minutes ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

Sturgeon will know that everytime she opens her mouth her supporters turn their backs on her.

What should she say to win back all the votes she is losing?

A good start would be to stop the IndyRef2 shite for a while, and use the devolved powers you have to concentrate on governing. A job I thought the SNP were actually doing pretty well when they first ‘got in’.

Please note, any SNP fanboys who would give ‘Oor Nicola’ their firstborn, should she ask for them, I said they should shut the fcuk up about IndyRef2 “for a while”… Not forever.

Oh, and if they could stop being complete kunts over restrictions, and sack the useless baldy speccy tube… 

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56 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Interesting point. The courts previously haven't touched any measures introduced for public health reasons.

But as JL has said that 500 wasn't chosen for public health reasons and/or supported by any scientific evidence, they should be able to sue for loss of earnings.

The SPFL JRG say they are trying to get compo from the SG. 

“The JRG is already in discussions with Scottish Government on behalf of clubs to ensure any  loss of income at this critical period will be compensated via the COVID-19 support fund announced by the First Minister”

JRG Update



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25 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

A good start would be to stop the IndyRef2 shite for a while, and use the devolved powers you have to concentrate on governing. A job I thought the SNP were actually doing pretty well when they first ‘got in’.

Please note, any SNP fanboys who would give ‘Oor Nicola’ their firstborn, should she ask for them, I said they should shut the fcuk up about IndyRef2 “for a while”… Not forever.

Oh, and if they could stop being complete kunts over restrictions, and sack the useless baldy speccy tube… 

Beyond some platitudes, speeches, and token legislation they haven't done any "IndyRef2 shite" lol. That's part of the issue with the current party.

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