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7 minutes ago, Ross. said:

The next UK election will be interesting. Currently it looks like Labour Are Building a lot more support than they have had for a while, but if the Tories have got their approach to the current situation correct, I think a lot of people will forgive them for embezzling billions of public money and vote them in again.

The Tories will just turn the racism dial up on Facebook if they are struggling near election time. 

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57 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

How thick are people btw?

Scotland's (and Wales and N.I.) official case numbers for the last 4 days are 0, 0, 0 & 0 yet people use graphs like this in an attempt to show that BJ is wrong and the likes of NS's restrictions have caused "7 day average cases" to plummet.

It's stupidity at best; dishonest, confirmation-bias fuelled nationalist propaganda at worst.

The exact same tactic used when the reporting issue caused the graph to look like this for a day.


It'll be Johnson's fault when the 4 days of data at once send the cases shooting up. 

Dumber than a box of rocks.

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44 minutes ago, Clockwork said:

She’s definitely overplayed her hand here. It perhaps doesn’t matter to the party faithful but to the undecided and soft yes who will make the difference, the alarm bells are ringing.

By the time elections come round I don't think it will make much of a difference.

The opposition parties to date have offered no alternatives

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3 minutes ago, Detournement said:

The Tories will just turn the racism dial up on Facebook if they are struggling near election time. 

Can probably just paint Labour as the nanny interfering gimps they are.

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6 minutes ago, Michael W said:

It'll be Johnson's fault when the 4 days of data at once send the cases shooting up. 

Dumber than a box of rocks.

And next update when the same pattern repeats will be because of all the selfish idiots going to England for NYE.

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3 hours ago, Rugster said:

I saw it on The National’s Twitter which was a bit disconcerting as it’s pretty much Pravda for the SNP. 

That's harsh on Pravda which actually produced important works by Lenin and others. Maybe the Wee Ginger Dug has his own April Theses in the works.

17 minutes ago, Ross. said:

The next UK election will be interesting. Currently it looks like Labour Are Building a lot more support than they have had for a while, but if the Tories have got their approach to the current situation correct, I think a lot of people will forgive them for embezzling billions of public money and vote them in again.

Most of that current Labour bounce has come from the press putting serious pressure on the Tories for the first time in years. It'll more than likely evaporate when the tap is turned off again. I think the press and the Tories are currently waiting to see who blinks first and the key indicator is when Boris is emptied.

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49 minutes ago, Ross. said:

As much as I think she is making a rip roaring c**t of the current situation, it doesn’t appear to be damaging support for independence. If anything I have seen more people who previously disliked the notion come out in support of her and what she is doing than the opposite. Plenty of people who support independence have always disliked her and the SNP, that has been highlighted as well but is very different to putting people off independence altogether.

I think she will have weakened her personal support in some groups but strengthened in others, particularly the middle aged, middle class small c conservatives who approve of restrictions and who were naturally cautious about independence.

I'm not in favour of the current restrictions but I recognise that this thread is likely not representative of the wider population. Like it or not, its England that is an outlier in western Europe where most have introduced further measures and I believe this will be recognised by many.

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2 minutes ago, Donathan said:

Read a very accurate take on twitter that if the NHS is overwhelmed due to staff absence rather than than sheer numbers of sick people requiring treatment, then it’s really a crisis of our own doing. 

And if anyone in 2019 had suggested restricting the freedoms of the wider public as the best method of mitigating staffing shortages, they have been sent to the nearest loony bin.

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7 minutes ago, Aladdin said:

I'm not in favour of the current restrictions but I recognise that this thread is likely not representative of the wider population. Like it or not, its England that is an outlier in western Europe where most have introduced further measures and I believe this will be recognised by many.

Being an outlier doesn't mean you are wrong though. In this case it's quite the opposite. The other countries are effectively copying one anothers homework.

These restrictions have been a misstep and I hope there is a lessons learnt and post mortem. Particularly over how data is being presented and subsequently reported. It really has been badly skewed to justify going further than is necessary.

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Despite being #BoostedByTheBells that's me caught the demon virus. Been in the pubs for a week solid but I wore my little mask when I went the 12 yards to the bathroom, so I thought I'd have been safe! Can't help but feel I've been lied to x

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12 minutes ago, Donathan said:

Read a very accurate take on twitter that if the NHS is overwhelmed due to staff absence rather than than sheer numbers of sick people requiring treatment, then it’s really a crisis of our own doing. 

Whatever the effects of past recruitment failures and Brexit, Covid related NHS absences of up to 40% in London for example would be problematic in any circumstances.

Edited by welshbairn
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