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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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12 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

It’s good to see you back posting Willie, however it’s sad that you still have the same blinkered approach.

Like you I want Independence, I like you I recognise that whilst we are still part of the U.K. then what happens at Westminster is important and relevant to Scotland.

Thanks GD. I'm 77 and will never change my blinkered approach to independence.

Bob Mahelps post implies that there is only one option other than the Tories.

If he had written- In England the one bright light - then fair do's although I wouldn't call the Labour party a shining example.

The fact is that in Scotland we have another option and for folk on here and elsewhere to ignore that option makes me angry.

I ken we are still part of the UK but you and I and most folk on this forum can only vote in Scotland so in a way it's irrelevant what Bob Mahelp wrote.

We cannae influence the vote in England.




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3 hours ago, throbber said:

At least we are in a fairly strong position in that we can monitor how well other countries respond to easing restrictions in the coming weeks.

The UK government was in a similar position of strength when the virus was rolling through northern Italy on the other side of this peak but still made a roaring c**t of it.

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11 hours ago, pandarilla said:

I think there will be a lot of this going on.

I'd you're daft enough to publicise it, then you've got to take the flack.

I was in school this week looking after the key worker children, and every one of them had had someone come to their home to do their hair.

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7 minutes ago, virginton said:

The UK government was in a similar position of strength when the virus was rolling through northern Italy on the other side of this peak but still made a roaring c**t of it.

To be fair to the UK government they pretty much had to pause any potential lockdown measures til after the horse racing. A wee jolly at the Cheltenham festival is far more important than people's lives

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Part of the art of good politics is timing, this is possibly more the case in opposition.
Overt political attacks in the midst of a crisis could have a negative impact.
I believe that is why Sturgeon, whilst trying to do what is best for Scotland, has been wary of outright criticism of the U.K. government.
I think Starmer will also choose his time carefully but when they both go on the attack I hope it is all guns blazing.  Let’s face it there is plenty of ammunition.
(No puns intended).


There is a time and place to do it - yes hold governments to account but avoid overt political attacks.

Maybe someone should point this out to Jackson Carlaw.
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Which Tesco was this? I was in the one on Riverside Dundee today and pretty much everyone was tuned in to social distancing and giving their fellow shoppers adequate space.
Can't talk about Tesco but I'm avoiding Asda Milton because there are too many blatantly ignoring social distancing.

They are also letting in far too many into the stores. Lots of family groups - we are talking parents with adult children - just unacceptable imho.

Sainsburys seems better - when I was in last week the manager asked at 2 young couples to decide which of them was doing the shop and who was going to wait outside.
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27 minutes ago, virginton said:

The UK government was in a similar position of strength when the virus was rolling through northern Italy on the other side of this peak but still made a roaring c**t of it.

Yeah they’ll no doubt make a c**t of it again and blame the soaring death toll on the public not following social distancing measures. You live in hope though! 

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I think it's accepted the vast majority of countries in the world are undercounting to some degree. Or just third world countries like Ecuador or Indonesia where the system can't cope.

I posted about this earlier but Indonesia has somehow not been affected that badly despite having a metric fuckton of Chinese tourists. Daily deaths have barely changed compared to 2019.
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19 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

To be fair to the UK government they pretty much had to pause any potential lockdown measures til after the horse racing. A wee jolly at the Cheltenham festival is far more important than people's lives

Cheltenham isn’t really an excuse for the Scottish Govt not locking down Scotland though. 

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Saw this yesterday -
And pub chain Wetherspoon’s unveiled plans to reopen its bars and hotels in June. Boss Tim Martin said: “The company is likely to make some changes to its operating model, assuming increased social distancing.”
and this -
The food delivery company is a case study in the destructive nature of its own ‘disruptive’ business model
In nature, parasites die off too.

Deliveroo are the absolute pits of a company. A friend of mine works in the emergency services and got a report of concern for a deliveroo guy, some apparent public mental breakdown and telling people he was going to kill himself, think it was the police who tried to trace him via deliveroo and they refused to provide details despite an apparent threat to the guys life, they dont give a shit about the public, the restaurants they rip off or their own staff, f**k these companies.
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Guest Bob Mahelp
2 hours ago, Marshmallo said:

If by "intelligent and reasonably effective leader" you mean "a centrist nobody who is about 2 days away from offering to give Boris Johnson a reach around" then I completely agree.

The hard left approach to UK politics has been tried, and failed disastrously.

The reason why we have that fucking clown as PM, merrily dictating policy with virtually no opposition at all, is because of the hard left.


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20 minutes ago, Mastermind said:

Cheltenham isn’t really an excuse for the Scottish Govt not locking down Scotland though. 

Whilst this is true, the Scottish Government has no way or means of implementing a scheme like the job retention scheme.

Fairly certain ensuring mass unemployment overnight is not a wise decision for any government to make.

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I’d like to think you’re correct but even prior to the testing lies there has been a full expose of the government’s failings; it doesn’t seem to have made any difference.
Pretty depressing in truth.

Indeed quite the opposite

Fucking grim
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To be fair to the UK government they pretty much had to pause any potential lockdown measures til after the horse racing. A wee jolly at the Cheltenham festival is far more important than people's lives

To play devil’s advocate for a minute, suppose we had an ultra strict lockdown in early march when there were only a handful of cases then it would have dramatically reduced the overall rates, but would it be realistic to shut everything down for a few dozen cases ? And I included any future disease when i say that .

The information from China wasn’t the most reliable. They knew it was highly contagious and attacked the vulnerable much like flu but with no population exposure would spread easily, they also knew it wasn’t exactly pneumonic plague either.

It’s easy with hindsight to say they should have .... but hindsight is20/20. Real life is not about pushing the big red button every time something scary happens. Scary things happen all the time unfortunately & you can’t just stop the world ans hide at home every time they do. Those who recommend that for everything from virus to terrorism to crime to bad weather probably don’t have a good understanding of risk assessing management .
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8 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

The hard left approach to UK politics has been tried, and failed disastrously.

The reason why we have that fucking clown as PM, merrily dictating policy with virtually no opposition at all, is because of the hard left.


Who have we had in a position of influence in U.K. politics who is hard left?

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4 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

Starmer is too busy congratulating the government on doing an awesome job to point any of this out

No, you see, if you actually tuned in to PMQs like the 14 other viewers in the country you would see that he's actually spinning a web of intrigue that's going to make Raab and Johnson look like fools. You wouldn't notice this if you were only watching the 30 second gotcha clips of him effusively praising the govt. that millions of people saw instead. That's real opposition. 

55 minutes ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

To be fair to the UK government they pretty much had to pause any potential lockdown measures til after the horse racing. A wee jolly at the Cheltenham festival is far more important than people's lives

I'll have you know that I funded my last ever sesh with a win at Cheltenham.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
31 minutes ago, Snafu said:

So we could be heading for a death toll of around 27,000 in a few weeks second only to Italy and you still have our government toying with the figures just because it makes them look bad !!!.

The repercussions of this on our country's leadership will come with the investigations and there will be no amount of disinformation and history re writing that will hide this complete mess. The heartbreak of losing loved ones will turn to anger and there will be certain individuals who will have to be held accountable for their actions before, during and likely after the pandemic dies down. This is criminal what has been going on.

When you also have BS like this coming from this slimy piece of shit - Hancock says UK hit 100,000 tests amid claims tally is artificially boosted....

and the rest.

I have to step away from the laptop my blood is boiling.

All of that is true, but none of it will make any difference.

The narrative of how (un)succesful events have been once we come out of this is already being dictated by the Tories and the right wing press. The Guardian and left leaning online echo chambers like this forum are effectively howling at the moon (sadly).

The vast, vast majority of people in the UK are not directly effected by the virus in the sense of losing close relatives. Yes, they're watching the news every night and are seeing tales of woe, but if you're not directly effected then it's soon forgotten. 

As I said earlier, the Tories have been politicising the crisis for some time now. Every day, the country will be bombarded with positive metaphors from some cuddly guy known only as 'Boris'......the truth is only an awkward sideline to the narrative that is about to be built up. 

You had better keep an eye on your blood pressure, because it's going to get a whole lot worse over the next 6 months. 

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42 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Deliveroo are the absolute pits of a company. A friend of mine works in the emergency services and got a report of concern for a deliveroo guy, some apparent public mental breakdown and telling people he was going to kill himself, think it was the police who tried to trace him via deliveroo and they refused to provide details despite an apparent threat to the guys life, they dont give a shit about the public, the restaurants they rip off or their own staff, f**k these companies.

The joys of GDPR & the threat of being sacked if you do not adhere rigidly to it.

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