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The lack of leaks out of Bute House so far apart from the Schools stuff in the Daily Record (and that's been obvious for logistic reasons for about a month now) makes me think we really are gonna be getting a reheated version of BoJo - 1 Month....

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1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

Aside from the fact that there is really no need so long as u washed/sanitised your hands, would you trust your typical Tennent's & Stella dive to disinfect the tokens? 😂

All they do is chuck them in a bucket of bleach swish them about and hey presto reusable beer tokens. Your drinking, hands at mouth constantly slever flecks and god knows what all over the glass then you get your cash out to pay for beer they then give your cash to someone else as change etc...etc....A 5ver will probably go round at least half a dozen people in a night.

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2 hours ago, ICTChris said:

Before and after pic of a corona patient.  I think there's about ten weeks between these photos - he was intubed for 6 weeks.


Furloughed wanking with free pornhub upgrade imo.

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2 minutes ago, dirty dingus said:

All they do is chuck them in a bucket of bleach swish them about and hey presto reusable beer tokens. Your drinking, hands at mouth constantly slever flecks and god knows what all over the glass then you get your cash out to pay for beer they then give your cash to someone else as change etc...etc....A 5ver will probably go round at least half a dozen people in a night.

Sanitise your hands after handling the cash and none of that is necessary.

Bet you never thought twice about handling a fiver that the guy in the corner who never washes his hands after a shite just paid with before now...

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4 hours ago, virginton said:


Layabout teachers having their holidays scrapped to do some actual work again; you'd love to see it happen. Hopefully the government will Follow the Science on this one.

I suggested this earlier and Gaz immediately replied with some lame 'contracts with the buses' excuse for why it was difficult to start earlier in August, as if the bus companies were going to be busy with other work this summer.

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4 hours ago, ICTChris said:

The Evening News has this photo, which I think is taken looking down at the Espy.  It looks far less crowded and is better proportioned.


This photo is also good for showing the real distance between the lamposts.  The first photo makes it look like they are very close together, which is indicative of these photos distorting things somewhat.  You can see above that the lamposts are significant distances appart and that even with relatively large numbers of people observing social distnacing is possible and seems to be happening.

I am swithering about replying to the guys post on Twitter.

You bloody well should

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12 minutes ago, renton said:

The lack of leaks out of Bute House so far apart from the Schools stuff in the Daily Record (and that's been obvious for logistic reasons for about a month now) makes me think we really are gonna be getting a reheated version of BoJo - 1 Month....

I never thought it would be anything else apart from this. Basically see how England copes and if a “spike” or “second wave” happens then announce a longer lockdown, if not then follow the stages as they’re doing 

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5 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

Sanitise your hands after handling the cash and none of that is necessary.

Bet you never thought twice about handling a fiver that the guy in the corner who never washes his hands after a shite just paid with before now...

Are you taking the pish? Every shop/bus/train are asking customers to use contactless wherever possible because it makes sense.

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1 minute ago, dirty dingus said:

Are you taking the pish? Every shop/bus/train are asking customers to use contactless wherever possible because it makes sense.

You're the one that suggested using tokens.

I'm just pointing out it's a fucking stupid idea.

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14 minutes ago, renton said:

The lack of leaks out of Bute House so far apart from the Schools stuff in the Daily Record (and that's been obvious for logistic reasons for about a month now) makes me think we really are gonna be getting a reheated version of BoJo - 1 Month....

I'm thinking that the frequently mocked behavioural scientists are right and homo sapien britannicus can't cope with more than 2 months without the pub. And both government's statements will provide reassurance on that front.

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Adverts are always annoying but right now they’re unbearable. In the last ad break there’s been folk thanking Uber drivers, one of families video calling (PG Tips), the annoying Nationwide “how are you?”. Asda “we’re all in this together” Suprised I’ve not seen the Jason Leitch one in the last hour. Fcking rips me. 

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3 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Adverts are always annoying but right now they’re unbearable. In the last ad break there’s been folk thanking Uber drivers, one of families video calling (PG Tips), the annoying Nationwide “how are you?”. Asda “we’re all in this together” Suprised I’ve not seen the Jason Leitch one in the last hour. Fcking rips me. 

How are you seeing adverts in this day and age? 

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38 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Hang on. Just seen this utter shitfest of a post of yours.

Allow me to retort, you brainless tit.

Where did I ever say I Brenda was my employee? :1eye

Where did I say my company was the only one in the building? :1eye

Not sure where you are getting that bit in bold from. It's none of your business. :1eye

I have now had both the non-repayable business grant (which I received several weeks ago) and the SEISS (which I received yesterday) because I'm entitled to both. The process was quick and painless for both and I'd encourage others to apply if they are eligible. What I use that money for is entirely my choice in both cases and you, my sweet little rancid potato, are not getting to find out. :1eye

So in summary, nice Detective work Inspector Clouseau. Do you also have a fake French accent? :1eye

I'm always bemused by the sheer volume of forum chimps like you who hate your jobs and your lives. At least a couple of you are wittering away on other threads about how shite your lives are. You can't find the strength to fix the problems in your own lives but somehow you can dredge up the energy to sit and criticise the lives of others (it's not just me your doing it to). :1eye 
It's an absolute tragic way to waste the few years of life you have. And it's all on you, despite your ridiculous pish about the rich holding you all down. Much too much to say about other people. How do you people get out of bed in the morning with all this poison running through your heads.

Serious question. When you post this stuff do you, Bairny, the Rose and Chief Chimp Danger genuinely think this has any effect on me? All you really all fucking stupid enough to believe that? :lol:

This obsession you guys have with my business and my qualifications is very odd. None of you can go more than a few days without posting about it. It shouldn't affect you. It has f**k all to do with you. Go in peace and try and find some joy and happiness in your own lives before death takes you. What a bunch of nuggets you all are. :lol:

Oh my

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

Hang on. Just seen this utter shitfest of a post of yours.

Allow me to retort, you brainless tit.

Where did I ever say I Brenda was my employee? :1eye

Where did I say my company was the only one in the building? :1eye

Not sure where you are getting that bit in bold from. It's none of your business. :1eye

I have now had both the non-repayable business grant (which I received several weeks ago) and the SEISS (which I received yesterday) because I'm entitled to both. The process was quick and painless for both and I'd encourage others to apply if they are eligible. What I use that money for is entirely my choice in both cases and you, my sweet little rancid potato, are not getting to find out. :1eye

So in summary, nice Detective work Inspector Clouseau. Do you also have a fake French accent? :1eye

I'm always bemused by the sheer volume of forum chimps like you who hate your jobs and your lives. At least a couple of you are wittering away on other threads about how shite your lives are. You can't find the strength to fix the problems in your own lives but somehow you can dredge up the energy to sit and criticise the lives of others (it's not just me your doing it to). :1eye 
It's an absolute tragic way to waste the few years of life you have. And it's all on you, despite your ridiculous pish about the rich holding you all down. Much too much to say about other people. How do you people get out of bed in the morning with all this poison running through your heads.

Serious question. When you post this stuff do you, Bairny, the Rose and Chief Chimp Danger genuinely think this has any effect on me? All you really all fucking stupid enough to believe that? :lol:

This obsession you guys have with my business and my qualifications is very odd. None of you can go more than a few days without posting about it. It shouldn't affect you. It has f**k all to do with you. Go in peace and try and find some joy and happiness in your own lives before death takes you. What a bunch of nuggets you all are. :lol:

I was convinced this disaster was posted by a seething mess until the laughing emojis threw me off and proved me wrong. 

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