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11 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:

People knew exactly what they were voting for in December.

This isn't a heel turn.

Giving people back their liberty down south will quickly change the focus.

As I said we can shout as loud as we like up here. They don't give a f**k what we think or say and there is quite literally nothing we can do about it.

One of the big pluses of COVID-19 coming to and end will be not having to read your incessant pish.

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3 minutes ago, Arch Stanton said:

I am outraged at the whole Cummings affair.

My 82 year old father died on April 11th (of pneumonia, not the virus. He had had mesothelioma).

There were only 10 of us at the funeral.  We weren't allowed to carry the coffin. There was no wake, publicly since all restaurants, pubs etc were closed, privately since the ten of us came from more than one household.

We had to follow these restrictions because the Government said it was among the measures which would relieve the burden on the NHS and would save lives.

Yet we not only have Cummings flouting these rules but the Government knowing about it, sitting on the information for weeks and then openly defending it!

There are valid and acceptable reasons for the government and press sitting on this story as well as Ferguson', just a pity the press didn't afford us the same courtesy when we were needing every bit of expertise open to us a few weeks ago. 

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The Little Englanders who are all saying " But what rule was broken???//??" are doing my head in. Go and look at the legislation (boring as it may be) and you'd find out. Of course they won't though.

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Getting frustrated at the journalists inability to nail the question, and then not follow up complete non-answers by just calling them out on it, force them to answer the question rather than let them repeat the Tory buzzwords ‘legal and responsible’ and brush every question off with the same line. 

Shapps’ two interviews this morning were carbon copies. Sophy Ridge done a slightly better job of making him look like the fool he is, but he managed to bluff his way through most of it with his pre-prepared lines. Johnson just done his usual evasion tactics, something he is very good at. Cutting off journalists half way through a question wasn’t the best look though. 

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2 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

This is probably the nub of it. He's the guy that's going to get rid of black people after brexit for them so he could have taken a shit in the street in front of all those photographers outside his house and they'll still vote for him. Until significant numbers of them start showing up in polling as taking their votes elsewhere it doesn't matter.

People should be furious with him so it's a good revealing moment to see who isn't saying much.

I apologise for raising this yet again, but if it weren’t for FPTP then the Tories wouldn’t be able to treat people with such contempt.


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55 minutes ago, Donathan said:

That’s the lockdown officially over then. If the police pull me over I’m pulling the Cummings excuse.

Heating on full blast, windows up, to give you the look of having a fever.

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6 minutes ago, RiG said:

The Little Englanders who are all saying " But what rule was broken???//??" are doing my head in. Go and look at the legislation (boring as it may be) and you'd find out. Of course they won't though.

I am sure there was a lot of fuss made around the beginning of the lockdown explaining to people, mainly rich Londoners, that under no circumstances were they to travel to a second home to isolate, due to the pressures this would put on the Health services in these places. It’s also made clear in the legislation that travelling to a second home to isolate was forbidden. It’s a point that I haven’t seen put to either Johnson or Shapps. 

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2 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Children of key workers were supposed to have had continual education I thought?

Schools were (and are) open for children of key workers, but the actual uptake of key workers sending their kids into school has been very low. Most areas have local hubs with both primary and secondary children in them, and a mixture of teachers. From what I have heard from a few folk who have had to send their kids in, it has been little more than a child minding service in some places.

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Can't help but feel It's all went too partisan for this to make a big enough difference to voting. Folk who vote for him aren't arsed about Johnson being a w****r - everyone knew that years ago. It's more a case of voting against stuff rather than voting for anything. Johnson/the Tories are positioned as being against the soft 'lefty PC brigade', as well as being against the forins and being passionately British. It's why there are still thousands of Union Jack emoji types defending them on social media, they could do literally anything at this point and still retain their core supporters. The only hope is that things like this will maybe change undecided voters, but i'm still not sure if that's enough to make a difference. 

Edited by Fratelli
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