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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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For the first time during this pandemic i think I'm against the government response to this.

Going back into lockdown seems like such a heavy handed move, and I reckon it won't be complied with by a large minority of people (rendering it much less effective).

Surely we have to plug away with the system we've got. It's not ideal, but masks and other measures are keeping the spread lower than it would be otherwise. On top of that, our hospitals are much better placed to deal with the patients who do arrive.

I just don't think the public will support this.

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For the first time during this pandemic i think I'm against the government response to this.

Going back into lockdown seems like such a heavy handed move, and I reckon it won't be complied with by a large minority of people (rendering it much less effective).

Surely we have to plug away with the system we've got. It's not ideal, but masks and other measures are keeping the spread lower than it would be otherwise. On top of that, our hospitals are much better placed to deal with the patients who do arrive.

I just don't think the public will support this.
It's going to be massively watered down though isnt it. I agree with what you are saying, I think folk breaking the current rules is at the heart of the issue and doing more to enforce them, rather than apply more rules that the same people wont follow is the way to go.
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It's going to be massively watered down though isnt it. I agree with what you are saying, I think folk breaking the current rules is at the heart of the issue and doing more to enforce them, rather than apply more rules that the same people wont follow is the way to go.

It has to be watered down, last time round about a month or so in many people began pushing the boundaries of what was technically allowed.
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The public will start turning on each other if there are violations of any measures. The narrative has been well embedded that it's "scum" breaking the rules who are causing any flare ups, rather a government who have used the last 6 months to put in place the square root of bugger all in terms of building out infrastructure or control.

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33 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


Fairly sure this has been run on the same day as the FT ran a big piece about how well Japan have coped because of mask usage and other measures. Just terrific stuff.

The BBC allowed an anti-masker on to rant on the radio at lunchtime, uninterrupted and unchallenged, for a good five / six minutes.

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The BBC allowed an anti-masker on to rant on the radio at lunchtime, uninterrupted and unchallenged, for a good five / six minutes.
I dont get it at all. I have always considered anti vaxxers to be rockets, but I can understand concern over the covid on.

What I absolutely do not get is the anti mask thing. It just seems like folk who are depserate to be anti something.
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19 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

For the first time during this pandemic i think I'm against the government response to this.

Going back into lockdown seems like such a heavy handed move, and I reckon it won't be complied with by a large minority of people (rendering it much less effective).

Surely we have to plug away with the system we've got. It's not ideal, but masks and other measures are keeping the spread lower than it would be otherwise. On top of that, our hospitals are much better placed to deal with the patients who do arrive.

I just don't think the public will support this.

It isn't going to be a return to the lockdown of March though.  THere will be restrictions on visiting, restrictions on certain businesses and things like that but there isn't going to be an order to shut everything and only go out once a day.

As has been posted on this thread before around two thirds of the public support a return to measures like those in March and April. 

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2 minutes ago, Gaz said:

The BBC allowed an anti-masker on to rant on the radio at lunchtime, uninterrupted and unchallenged, for a good five / six minutes.

"Everyone is entitled to their opinion" is one of the worst narratives to have emerged over the last 15-20 years. 

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4 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

I dont get it at all. I have always considered anti vaxxers to be rockets, but I can understand concern over the covid on.

What I absolutely do not get is the anti mask thing. It just seems like folk who are depserate to be anti something.


3 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

"Everyone is entitled to their opinion" is one of the worst narratives to have emerged over the last 15-20 years. 

The narrative seems to be "well five months ago we were told masks were pointless!" while conveniently forgetting that five months ago literally everyone but key workers should have been in their hoose for 23+ hours a day, so interaction with other folk was supposed to be at an absolute minimum.

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It isn't going to be a return to the lockdown of March though.  THere will be restrictions on visiting, restrictions on certain businesses and things like that but there isn't going to be an order to shut everything and only go out once a day
As has been posted on this thread before around two thirds of the public support a return to measures like those in March and April. 

Who are these people? Thats what gets me! Do they think that anyone who gets the virus will die? Or do they live in la la land where they think shutting down huge swathes of the economy is just like schools breaking up for the summer?
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5 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

"Everyone is entitled to their opinion" is one of the worst narratives to have emerged over the last 15-20 years. 

Especially when that opinion is informed by that groundbreaking academic work "Coronavirus: A Load of Shite" produced by Professor Big Davie of Facebook University.

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20 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:

The public will start turning on each other if there are violations of any measures. The narrative has been well embedded that it's "scum" breaking the rules who are causing any flare ups, rather a government who have used the last 6 months to put in place the square root of bugger all in terms of building out infrastructure or control.

Yep, nothing to do with them begging us to get the economy moving again, go out drinking, dining, shopping etc.

If we'd all just follow the rules this wouldn't be spreading.

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The narrative seems to be "well five months ago we were told masks were pointless!" while conveniently forgetting that five months ago literally everyone but key workers should have been in their hoose for 23+ hours a day, so interaction with other folk was supposed to be at an absolute minimum.
Its mental. The effectiveness of masks really has never entered my head tbh. All I think on the matter is wearing masks = not queuing in the pishing rain to get in a shop, and that has to be a good thing. The downside of them is that they are a very mild inconvenience, the medical upside of them is perhaps unclear and might well be small, but the downside is nowhere near enough to justify the amount of shit that goes with them
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