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13 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
20 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:
What does he mean by the current level of restrictions? What else is there to be restricted?

I took it to mean they were lax enough to make inroads against new variants very slow. I think it's a fairly major hint nothing will change at next week's review. Progress is "too slow" and the fact ICU admissions are still rising us very concerning.

I didn't see the briefing.  Are they saying that ICU admissions are trending upwards across the country?  That's clearly rubbish compared to the data published by SG.

ETA thinking about it admissions may be rising but overall numbers in ICU is trending downwards so the published data shows the stats are going in the right direction.

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8 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:

SG did the right thing and fired out all the supply they had, exactly as the majority who were complaining about vaccination rates (like me) wanted.

Unfortunately you can just tell that despite them doing the correct thing, it’s going to lead to nonsense criticisms when we do drop down in the daily vaccination numbers, when it’s now out of their control. 

I was quite vocal on this a month or so ago, but was dismissed by some (some pish about having a plan / you need to do things methodically) I have no issue with SG going hammer and tongs with the vaccine supply they have. If it has to slow down due to lower stock levels in the coming weeks so be it. I don't see whats to be gained by instead of doing 65k for the past few days as they have been, only doing 30k and saving the excess for the coming weeks.


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2 minutes ago, Steven W said:

I was quite vocal on this a month or so ago, but was dismissed by some (some pish about having a plan / you need to do things methodically) I have no issue with SG going hammer and tongs with the vaccine supply they have. If it has to slow down due to lower stock levels in the coming weeks so be it. I don't see whats to be gained by instead of doing 65k for the past few days as they have been, only doing 30k and saving the excess for the coming weeks.


I agree.  Vaccines should be in arms as quick as possible.  Not sitting in fridges.  the rate limiting factor should be supply.   If another factor becomes rate limiting then its a failure of planning/execution.

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17 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Works for me, I'm not keen on them, can we throw in taxi drivers too.


14 minutes ago, Tynierose said:

Only if they don't talk though, they're usually irritating studenty types.

f**k, get them on the list too...

So far we have ...

Bus drivers

Taxi drivers

Irratating studenty rickshaw peddling types

Feel free to add 

Edited by doulikefish
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22 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
29 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:
What does he mean by the current level of restrictions? What else is there to be restricted?

I took it to mean they were lax enough to make inroads against new variants very slow. I think it's a fairly major hint nothing will change at next week's review. Progress is "too slow" and the fact ICU admissions are still rising us very concerning.

You sure about that?

I heard them saying that people who have been in ICU for over 28 days has gone up by 2 but didn't hear that ICU cases are going up

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34 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
36 minutes ago, Todd_is_God said:
Except the vast majority of fat people choose to live the way they do, otherwise they would do something about it.
The lack of societal pressure / desire to not offend them enables them to continue as is.
There is a very clear line between having a dig / mocking people for things they can't help, and doing the same to those who could help themselves, but either see it as perfectly acceptable to be fat, or can't be arsed to do anything about it.

So why the outrage when Devi says "feeling depressed, go for a walk" it's the exact same approach. Basically snap out it.

Walking won't lift covid restdictions, though, in the same way that ordering your third dominos of the week won't make you any less fat.

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You sure about that?
I heard them saying that people who have been in ICU for over 28 days has gone up by 2 but didn't hear that ICU cases are going up
The total number of people admitted to icu was about 20 more this week than last I believe he said.
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35 minutes ago, Wee Bully said:

When you decide to vote Tory, you take on a lot of the attitudes of said party. The selfishness, the lack of empathy or understanding, the victim blaming.

Except, I've never voted Tory.

What I said, over the course of the day, was that I'd be looking to vote for the party that was looking to lift restrictions ASAP.

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When you decide to vote Tory, you take on a lot of the attitudes of said party. The selfishness, the lack of empathy or understanding, the victim blaming.

So because people are saying some obese people need to start taking accountability for their current weight then that means they are a tory. Brilliant.

A lot of obese people do not need empathy. They need to be told that they are doing damage to themselves and the NHS. Why is this a selfish view to take?
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29 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

Aye that’s what started off this obesity debate tangent, and it’s just farcical. I’m fed up of being told that anyone can become seriously ill from it when statistically - if you’re in any reasonable shape whatsoever - you’re as likely being hit by a bus.

Driven by a fatty from Falkirk.

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You sure about that?
I heard them saying that people who have been in ICU for over 28 days has gone up by 2 but didn't hear that ICU cases are going up

ICU is up by 6 on yesterday.

There are always going to be blips, and patients in hospital is still going the right way (down 27) , so I think this is probably just the lag effect.
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1 minute ago, MP_MFC said:
5 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:
You sure about that?
I heard them saying that people who have been in ICU for over 28 days has gone up by 2 but didn't hear that ICU cases are going up

The total number of people admitted to icu was about 20 more this week than last I believe he said.

I didn't see the briefing so this may have been covered, but is it possible that people are just spending longer in hospital in general, and therefore taking longer to need to go to ICU than before?

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So because people are saying some obese people need to start taking accountability for their current weight then that means they are a tory. Brilliant.

A lot of obese people do not need empathy. They need to be told that they are doing damage to themselves and the NHS. Why is this a selfish view to take?

If you’ve said that you are going to vote Tory, and then spout this type of judgemental shite, then the correlation is clear to see.
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Except, I've never voted Tory.
What I said, over the course of the day, was that I'd be looking to vote for the party that was looking to lift restrictions ASAP.

And then you came down to the conclusion that it would be the Tories. Very telling.
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3 minutes ago, Aufc said:

So because people are saying some obese people need to start taking accountability for their current weight then that means they are a tory. Brilliant.


Anyone who doesn't unquenchingly guzzle Kool-Aid from the SNP cup is a Tory, apparantly.

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3 minutes ago, Alert Mongoose said:

I am the only one who would quite enjoy an orgy with Devi and Leanne Crichton and Anne Lundin?


Going off topic for a second, the BBC have just reported that the UK's R rating has fallen below 1 for the first time since July, and is now between 0.7 and 0.9.

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