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19 minutes ago, craigkillie said:


This is absolutely pointless without context. It very much strikes me as a cherrypicked example from a much larger document.

The fact it's on page 12 suggests that there is plenty of other information in there. My suspicion is that this is part of a large "what if" document which seeks to show what would happen if a more transmissible variant took seed in Canada, so that the government can be prepared to respond in such a circumstance. It doesn't mean that the author of the work actually thinks this is likely or is predicting that this will happen, but preparedness is a big part of any response.

You'd be wrong. It's fear porn regarding the need for tighter measures to curb the spread of the "new variants" despite them being present for months, and cases falling anyway.


As for the bit in bold, there are no words for this level of 'expert' apologism.

Edited by Todd_is_God
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On 17/02/2021 at 21:49, Wee Bully said:

She’s not saying anything different here than she was saying in the summer. She’s always a said zero-Covid means suppression rather than total eradication.

You are completely fucking at it there. :lol:

https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3A%40devisridhar elimination&src=typed_query&f=live

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Personally I think he's pushing this to lead into a digital ID which will allow everyone to be tracked in our movements as we are online and just like Google, Facebook and Microsoft have made huge profits from online surveillance there will new be opportunities to profit and also influence group behaviour. I suspect Blair and his backers want something similar to China's Social Credit system operating in the West.
Bill Gates (who has given Blair $16m over the past five years) has been pushing a project called ID2020 to give everyone digital IDs but is especially focused on Africans. He has invested in technology which will leave a quantum dot on anyone who receives a vaccination which will brand them with details of their vaccination status and identity. It's not hard to see this being used to make it easier to process and reject climate refugees in the future.
Cashless society is also coming and that will be another tightening of societal control and will have consequences beyond just using a debit card or phone rather than notes.
Fucking hell [emoji1]
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9 hours ago, Elixir said:

As I mentioned last night, the messaging from the 'experts' and politicians has been truly abysmal:



9 hours ago, Michael W said:

Massive well done to Von der Leyen and Macron on this one. 

A very harsh lesson here for politicians - your words have potentially severe consequences. They trashed AZ to try and save their own skin and look what it's achieved. 

And when, as a society, are we going to acknowledge that the two of them - in that one briefing to try and save their own skin - have done more damage to the fight against this pandemic than some spotty teenager in Coatbridge having a few of his mates round for a drink on a Friday night?

But the "sensibles" will shrug their shoulders and say that Von der Leyen and Macron are just playing the game of politics, while probably calling for the army to wade in and shoot said Coatbridge teenagers dead on the spot.

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3 minutes ago, HibsFan said:

But the "sensibles" will shrug their shoulders and say that Von der Leyen and Macron are just playing the game of politics, while probably calling for the army to wade in and shoot said Coatbridge teenagers dead on the spot.

Nobody should be playing politics with this, but tbh I can't see a problem with the second part of your sentence...

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5 minutes ago, HibsFan said:


And when, as a society, are we going to acknowledge that the two of them - in that one briefing to try and save their own skin - have done more damage to the fight against this pandemic than some spotty teenager in Coatbridge having a few of his mates round for a drink on a Friday night?

But the "sensibles" will shrug their shoulders and say that Von der Leyen and Macron are just playing the game of politics, while probably calling for the army to wade in and shoot said Coatbridge teenagers dead on the spot.

If the Belgians and French want to wipe out Coatbridge I think we should relax border controls for a bit so they can get the job done sooner.

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2 hours ago, effeffsee_the2nd said:


They really have unleashed all hell in manipulating people with what they have now
Before all of that advertising marketing political polls and surveys were just estimates or guess work
I’d bet that it’s data mining companies behind all those thinly veiled memes on social media - like if you think soldiers should get houses before illegal immigrants
Or like if you you think we should sack the royal family and spend the money on poor kids
Basically tell us your political leanings


Facebook app already reads every text or email you send and targets ads to you that way. It also speaks to other facebook apps installed on phones nearby, meaning you’ll get suggestions based on people it thinks are regular associates etc. 

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