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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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Just now, Michael W said:

Any sort of "vaccine passport" for domestic usage can absolutely get to f**k. It is acceptable for. Going abroad and nothing else. 

It has an inevitable feeling of being imolemented due to business demands so they don't get sued because someone visited their premises, got covid and killed their granny by passing it on. 

It's definitely not businesses that we use. Cinemas, pubs and shops have all been open during the pandemic. 

As I've said before there has been a strong push for digital ID and a restrictive control  infrastructure from oligarchs like Gates and organisations like the World Economic Forum since before the pandemic.

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28 minutes ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

A temporary ID card carrying your vaccine details until Covid is defeated will get a lot of support if people can get back to normal.

If you think it will be temporary then you probably button up the back. 

Edited by Detournement
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5 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:

I won't get my knickers in a twist about it. He won't be the only rich and influential visitor to private hospitals or moving between homes. I'm sure there are plenty Russians and Saudis among others flouting the rules in the UK as well.

The Monarchy will wither on the vine but the individuals will still be rich and influential. They'll still be able to afford the privilege they have now, scrapping the Monarchy or independence won't change that and there's more to worry about in "real life" than that.

But surely the 'Monarchy' is a part of 'real life'.

They can flaunt the rules to suit themselves while (most of) the rest of us try to abide by them.

And that doesn't concern you?

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1 minute ago, HeartsOfficialMoaner said:

A temporary ID card carrying your vaccine details until Covid is defeated will get a lot of support if people can get back to normal.

Income tax was temporarily implemented to fund the Napoleonic wars. 

If implemented, it won't be removed. 

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4 minutes ago, NotThePars said:


George Lucas didn’t destroy his credibility for his bad execution of his ideas to happen irl


I was thinking that this morning. We are fast approaching Jar Jar's Senate speech. 

Once this is up and running there will be no going back. 

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8 minutes ago, Wee Willie said:

But surely the 'Monarchy' is a part of 'real life'.

They can flaunt the rules to suit themselves while (most of) the rest of us try to abide by them.

And that doesn't concern you?

Not really, because it has no direct impact. I know it's not fair at this particular time but such is life. It's shite then you die. Announcements closer to home will have more impact and annoy me more. But even at that I'll moan for a bit then move on because I need to get on with work and deal with family issues etc.

Edited by Sergeant Wilson
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1 minute ago, Snafu said:

I see there's a problem highlighted over one of the brands of FFP3 surgical masks warning that they don't protect enough against aerosols.

12 million of these in use btw.



Kieth Starmer says Matt Hancock is trying his very best and not to get upset with him. 

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2 hours ago, dirty dingus said:

I've been on the ferries and trains plenty and nobody has batted an eyelid.

This is not allowed though, and the fact you've done it doesn't change that. I could drink eight pints and drive to the shops and nobody would bat an eyelid, but if the police pulled me over I'd be in a bit of bother.

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2 minutes ago, Snafu said:

I see there's a problem highlighted over one of the brands of FFP3 surgical masks warning that they don't protect enough against aerosols.

12 million of these in use btw.



Masks don’t work anyway so I wouldn’t worry about it.




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26 minutes ago, invergowrie arab said:

And who is going to do that?

‘Held accountable’ maybe wasn’t the best choice of words but the quality of opposition in Westminster or the likelihood of the electorate holding him to account at a GE wasn’t really the point of what I said. 

England has a ‘roadmap’ out of this with some pretty clear landmark dates in there. There is a plan there to be shot at. We do not. 

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Ayrshire news site just posted the below as a summary:

- Current position positive and optimistic but must be careful 

- Travel restrictions set to remain for sometime 

- Set to move back to a level based system from the last week of April, Ayrshire should go back to level 3 from current lockdown on 25th April. 

- Last week of April (Level 3 and below) will include all Retail, Hospitality, gyms and Hairdressers 

- From March 15th next phase of School returns will begin including all primary years, and non contact outdoor sports followed by 6 people from 2 households outside.

- From 5th April the stay at home message is expected to be removed. 

- Essential retail reopening  for Click and Collect only and meeting with 6 people from 2 households could be possible indoors by Mid April but will be reliant on Data - Key date is last week of April for a much wider return to normality.


The bits I’ve highlighted in bold aren’t correct are they? If they are then it’s incredibly positive but I’ve no idea where they’ve got that from

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1 hour ago, Les Cabbage said:

Did Sturgeon actually say we’re aiming for zero covid, it didn’t come across that way at all, other than saying she was as low transmission of the virus as possible (which is the most obvious thing ever) she didn’t say at all that she was taking that approach and unless we have a hard border with England (will never happen) then it’s not possible.

Bringing this back, she was asked directly by Baillie if she was going for elimination/zero COVID or suppression using test/trace/isolate. I took her answer to be that they were taking an approach of trying to drive cases as low as possible (rather than letting them “simmer” at a moderate to high level) via restrictions now until there were enough people vaccinated to basically do that job for us so we can open up society again. That’s not zero COVID by any stretch of the imagination.

Unless I missed something in amongst it anyway...

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