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So either Sturgeon announces significant delays to the unlocking this afternoon, or oor Devi Is being overruled in spectacular fashion?
Also, deliberately lumping the situation in India together with the impact of the Indian variant without context marks her out as an arsehole (again).
So now its all about the 30 to 50s.

f**k all the way off, you psycho arsehole.
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35 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
43 minutes ago, Marshmallo said:
Is it 2:15pm that they tell us they're continuing with massive impositions on our freedoms while 4 (FOUR) people nationwide are in ICU?

Only if you live in Moray I would think.

Is the rest of the country going restriction free today?

Excellent news!

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3 hours ago, bernardblack said:

I had to chase up my second vaccine and felt the response was a bit “oh god we’ve forgotten him”

Hopefully that isn’t a common theme 

Its nearly 2 months for me since I've had the 1st vaccine. Do you need to get the 2nd vaccine no later than 3 months after the 1st?

Edited by betting competition
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Just now, Honest_Man#1 said:

Is the rest of the country going restriction free today?

Excellent news!

Don't be surprised if some things are backpeddles for the whole country, except for the isles.  the travel ban between areas is completely unenforced/ unenforceable .  at this stage nothing would surprise me

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9 minutes ago, anotherchance said:


So either Sturgeon announces significant delays to the unlocking this afternoon, or oor Devi Is being overruled in spectacular fashion?

Also, deliberately lumping the situation in India together with the impact of the Indian variant without context marks her out as an arsehole (again).

Sincerely hope Sturgeon has launched her into the Firth of Forth.

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It's fucking ridiculous that we're now back in a situation where we're yet again talking about the possibility of restrictions being kept in place in certain areas. The central belt seemed to spend the entirety of autumn/winter wondering whether we'd be kept under shite restrictions (level 4) or less shite restrictions (level 3). That we're now getting similar with Glasgow and Moray despite having a number of working vaccines is frankly beyond a joke.

Anyone who has been paying attention the past few months knows this Indian variant will amount to f**k all, the same as every other big scary variant which appeared whenever the government / media needed a reason to keep folk in check. Just get every fucker jagged pronto and let us get on with life.

P.S - Devi and Jason can f**k off.

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There are four people in the whole country in intensive care within 28 days of testing positive for Covid-19 and we're not sure if restrictions, introduced to 'flatten the curve' and protect the NHS, are going to be loosened. 


Edited by Jan Vojáček
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If we're going to have another round of VaRiAnT pant shitting, the response ought to be as follows:

How much vaccine do we have on hand and how quickly can we deliver it to those not yet vaccinated? 

Don't accept bullshit restrictions when we have the tools we need at our disposal. 

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The only chance we’ve got of restrictions stalling or going backwards countrywide is if we see an increase to cases similar to January/Feb and an increase in hospitalisation to boot.

We’re on the home stretch now. Ignore the whingers

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If we're going to have another round of VaRiAnT pant shitting, the response ought to be as follows:
How much vaccine do we have on hand and how quickly can we deliver it to those not yet vaccinated? 
Don't accept bullshit restrictions when we have the tools we need at our disposal. 
I worry that they will see it as backing themselevs into a corner over this one if they just announce it goes ahead as planned. Variant mewling will be dismissed completely as a scare tactic if the indian variant mewling doesnt change anything.

I hope not, but I think they are going to leave a mark here purely so that shrieking variant chat doesnt lose its edge
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33 minutes ago, anotherchance said:


So either Sturgeon announces significant delays to the unlocking this afternoon, or oor Devi Is being overruled in spectacular fashion?

Also, deliberately lumping the situation in India together with the impact of the Indian variant without context marks her out as an arsehole (again).

Usual moon-howlers in the replies.

I'm going out of my way to call every single instance of this that I see, exactly what it is. 

A fucking lie.



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The only chance we’ve got of restrictions stalling or going backwards countrywide is if we see an increase to cases similar to January/Feb and an increase in hospitalisation to boot.

We’re on the home stretch now. Ignore the whingers
This, I would be surprised if it was anything less than Moray left in L3 after the confirmation today and I suspect even there it might only be for a week or so. It would be utter nonsense to hold back the whole of Glasgow based on a couple of postcode areas.
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5 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
30 minutes ago, Honest_Man#1 said:
Is the rest of the country going restriction free today?
Excellent news!

No we know exactly what the position is for everywhere bar Moray and Glasgow without the 2.15 announcement (if that is right) ie going to L2 on Monday but you knew that too.

Of course. But you responded to a post talking about ongoing restrictions on our lives (let’s not pretend being able to sit inside a pub for 2 hours with another household is anything other than shit) with only 4 people in ICU.

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8 minutes ago, mizfit said:

The only chance we’ve got of restrictions stalling or going backwards countrywide is if we see an increase to cases similar to January/Feb and an increase in hospitalisation to boot.

We’re on the home stretch now. Ignore the whingers

In theory you're right but it hasn't worked that way so far.

A few people have coughed in Pollokshields so the economy and civil liberties of everyone in Glasgow are about to be booted into touch for an indeterminate amount of time.

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Of course. But you responded to a post talking about ongoing restrictions on our lives (let’s not pretend being able to sit inside a pub for 2 hours with another household is anything other than shit) with only 4 people in ICU.
I was referring to the 2.15 announcement part. The only thing being announced is in regards to Moray and Glasgow there was never going to be any announcement today about ongoing restrictions hence I didn't comment on that part. Of course life is restricted I don't need you to point that out.
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