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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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14 minutes ago, Billy Jean King said:
16 minutes ago, Left Back said:

They were clapping like seals ffs. One out of about 30 or whatever it is wants to go a holiday abroad on their show of hands.

About the grand total of people who still bother their arse watching Question Time, then.

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2 hours ago, Ron Aldo said:



I suppose they needed something after their Indian variant amounted to f**k all.


I doubt this variant is very contagious- Yorkshire folk are too tight to share a virus with any bugger.

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Crazy to think that in England/Wales covid is now only the 9th leading cause of deaths. Even behind the now mythical influenza. Yet we're still living with restrictions. Absolutely mental how subservient this nation is. 14 months of this nonsense and folk still want us locked up "because we just dont know". Bat shit mental 

Edited by Thereisalight..
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7 hours ago, Alex_14 said:

Mate, she’s literally had the communication to say she needs to wear a ‘health band’. Not making it up. Will provide a pic of it once she’s there if you like.

That’s very odd as the here would have been filled with articles, letters of complaint and comments about infringing civil liberties and the like. Could be an individual state or territory requirement but again very odd. Might just be a variation of a hospital patient ID wrist band or something similar. Regardless of what it is hope she ends up in a decent quarantine hotel.

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17 hours ago, Thereisalight.. said:

Once youre 60 you’re entitled to a bus pass. I’m sure they have access to a persons DOB 

It's probably more efficient to send to all than filter different age groups

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Here in Thailand  foreigners are at the back of the queue as always, and for the vaccine  nothing has changed.

We were told all Thais to be vaccine first then after a kick up of over 3 million people, they told us that a app you can join and register, then told to join the queue, eh? That then changed to no queue, just wait your time.

Today, through work I have been offered the vaccine, and will receive both jags next month.

f**k you Thai Government, where's the cigars?  Away out to get pished (never need an excuse) new world here I come.....

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8 hours ago, Lyle Lanley said:

For those who missed it. 

Got to love those in the comments as always fawning over Devi. 

Funnily enough, no one brings up that she's a fucking dangerous woman who is looking after her own interests.

The subject of her passing off a total lie as fact just a few short months ago when she said the South African variant can escape the AZ vaccine, is conveniently never broached when talking about how much of a good and caring person she is. 

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13 hours ago, Tynierose said:

They're doing considerably more harm than good, a hospitality sector in its knees, aviation sector gubbed, peoples mental health fucked - not surprising when they cannot actually do anything to enjoy themselves, NHS servives miles behind where they should be.

The most vulnerable in society jagged, I'm sorry but those who don't wish to be jagged then that's their right but also their lookout.  We shouldn't all be held back because ex amount don't want to be vaccinated.

The I won't apoloigise for keeping everyone safe is patronising bullshit because she is shit scared to actually lead and open things up,  hiding behind rising rates despite increased testing is false.  Utter drivel yet again from the keeping us all safe we just dont know brigage. 


Now starting to consider that the SG do not have a clue how to get us out of this and back up and running. 

There are going to be a lot of people losing their jobs especially in the hospitality, entertainment and travel/tourism industries and I think they are using delaying tactics to avoid the hard questions regarding this.  We have been fed a lot of bullshit about adult conversations,2 week circuit breakers, how we will have an independent Scottish inquiry regarding the SG handling of the epidemic and it is all lies. Two absolute balloons, who are supposed to be advisers, appear to be calling the shots. Typical of this government is the fact that they are pandering to the minority while ignoring the majority.  MSM terrified to ask probing questions when they should be slaughtering their handing of the virus.

All the rhetoric for months has been the election and how Independence is the answer. Now the election is over and we see that the great failure called Swinney is the Covid Recovery minister. I would not trust that man to organise my grandkids birthday party never-mind lead us out of Covid.

People need to start telling them to F off and that we are going to start getting on with our lives.  Football teams and the entertainment and hospitality industries need to unite re crowds going back to the football, theatres, concert etc and if necessary take some sort of legal challenge.

Friday morning rant over.

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I've had an email 3m ago from one branch of my LA work to say after a workplace review my staff are now regarded as "hybrid" and as such we will only be able to access an office for essential reasons (basically accessing systems too secure for home networks). All our work will basically be WFH and we will be issued with new contracts to this effect with details of an appeals process for those who feel they fall into specifically identified categories that may enable a very few individuals to return in very specific circumstances. Certainly never saw that coming and although it's only part of my work persinally and I have always had an element of home working , we have a good number of staff who have publicly stated if this ever did happen they couldn't cope so it looks like being a fraught day.

I had always assumed if this was to happen it would be on a personal decision level but it appears it's a blanket end to office work as we knew it. I'm sure the pubs, cafes, kiosks etc that relied on the office staff for business in Ayr, Irvine etc will be gubbed by this.

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