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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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A virus truly weaponised for political gain and control the populous. Sullied and silenced. Herded like the sheep we have become. 

Politicians are worst c***s at the best of times, but in Covid they have surpassed themselves. 

Get every c**t back to work now and get on with it. Listening to MSM there are many a lazy b*****d not wanting to end the pretend home working and furlough. Fucking shops are rammed most days with the fuckers. Have never seen shops so busy midweek. 

This shit show needs ended and normality resumed. 


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Just watching QT there for the first time in years and Covid the hot topic. 

I can only conclude that the Tories remain utter c***s. Using  a major health emergency that is in effect now contained, to continue to divide society and imo to mask some sinister agenda that we've all yet to take sight of. 

It's no wonder so many in Scotland vote SNP with those self entitled b*****ds in Westminster in power. 

I'm not big on the Indy line, but listening to Tory c***s like that tonight I'd take it tomorrow. 

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I couldn't care less who said it last year.
I would prefer if you respond to the sibstance of my argument. Even if you are against it.
Testing pefectly healthy people is insanity.
They are using these tests to prolong lockdown restrictions.
Get people double vaccinated and stop pissing money down the drain on useless crap.
Enough of the tests are coming back positive, though, so folk are spreading the virus.

Denying that is just sticking your fingers in your ears and sorting la la la at the problem.

Stopping the spread of the virus is still a part of the solution, as it will then have more chance of causing the serious illness that it is known to cause.

It's brilliant that the vaccine is working but it's still a deadly virus and the hospital cases are again rising.

Are we just pretending it's not a thing on here, now?

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8 minutes ago, pandarilla said:

Enough of the tests are coming back positive, though, so folk are spreading the virus.

Denying that is just sticking your fingers in your ears and sorting la la la at the problem.

Stopping the spread of the virus is still a part of the solution, as it will then have more chance of causing the serious illness that it is known to cause.

It's brilliant that the vaccine is working but it's still a deadly virus and the hospital cases are again rising.

Are we just pretending it's not a thing on here, now?

Some validity in what you say, but Covid now accounts for only 1% of hospital beds. 

The reality is that the NHS was in crises before Covid and therein lies the fear of government having to fund and make it fit for purpose. 

The epidimology is little different different from flu, but Covid is now weaponised and the excuse for not doing things in herding us all like sheep to suit an unwritten agenda. 

60,000 for the Euro final at Wembley, yet we still have limitations on family gatherings, weddings, funerals, furlough, home working and so on. 

There in lies the answer to WTF is really going on with government and none of it for Joe publics benefit. 

We head fir a car crash and its f**k all to do with Covid. 

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44 minutes ago, BlueBear said:

Just watching QT there for the first time in years and Covid the hot topic. 

I can only conclude that the Tories remain utter c***s. Using  a major health emergency that is in effect now contained, to continue to divide society and imo to mask some sinister agenda that we've all yet to take sight of. 

It's no wonder so many in Scotland vote SNP with those self entitled b*****ds in Westminster in power. 

I'm not big on the Indy line, but listening to Tory c***s like that tonight I'd take it tomorrow. 

Neither govt have covered themselves in glory. Both are self centred egotistical wanks who want to micromanage our lives. f**k them all 

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1 hour ago, pandarilla said:

Enough of the tests are coming back positive, though, so folk are spreading the virus.

Denying that is just sticking your fingers in your ears and sorting la la la at the problem.

Stopping the spread of the virus is still a part of the solution, as it will then have more chance of causing the serious illness that it is known to cause.

It's brilliant that the vaccine is working but it's still a deadly virus and the hospital cases are again rising.

Are we just pretending it's not a thing on here, now?

Yes a small number of people will always be hospitalised with covid for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately some will also die from it.

Illness and death are not totally new concepts and we have to accept the (now very small) risk from covid just as we do with other illnesses and potential harms.

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43 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

And who would have thought that this is how Hancock would go down, pardon the expression and apologies for linking the sun


Those of a cynical disposition might think that the release of this information at this time gives Boris an excuse to fire Hancock without it being seen as a response to the Cummings material. 

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28 minutes ago, Arabdownunder said:

Those of a cynical disposition might think that the release of this information at this time gives Boris an excuse to fire Hancock without it being seen as a response to the Cummings material. 

Just seen the pics and the guy is dead meat. 

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5 hours ago, BlueBear said:



6 hours ago, pandarilla said:

Enough of the tests are coming back positive, though, so folk are spreading the virus.

Denying that is just sticking your fingers in your ears and sorting la la la at the problem.

Stopping the spread of the virus is still a part of the solution, as it will then have more chance of causing the serious illness that it is known to cause.

It's brilliant that the vaccine is working but it's still a deadly virus and the hospital cases are again rising.

Are we just pretending it's not a thing on here, now?

COVID is a problem, not because it kills people but because it has/ had the potential to overwhelm the NHS. It has been presented as such since the early stages of the pandemic.

We now have a vaccine that actually does stop people dying from COVID, but the really important bit is that hospitalisations are rising, but certainly not exponentially and not at the same extent when we have had a similar number of cases in previous waves. 

If the NHS is overwhelmed then I am absolutely fine with lockdowns and further restrictions but it isn't, and people are actually bringing their children into A and E with mild COVID now, they've been so frightened by the messaging from Leith, Sturgeon, Sridhar etc.

Enough now, for everyone's sake 


Edited by sparky88
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It's been reported that there is only 27 beds available in Bangkok for Covid patients, while in other news we had a ex-military soldier (who was thrown out the army in 2019), walking into a Covid ward and spraying a few bullets around killing 1.

UK clear the beds by sending all the geriatrics  to care homes, Thailand tries a different tactic.

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Enough of the tests are coming back positive, though, so folk are spreading the virus.

Denying that is just sticking your fingers in your ears and sorting la la la at the problem.

Stopping the spread of the virus is still a part of the solution, as it will then have more chance of causing the serious illness that it is known to cause.

It's brilliant that the vaccine is working but it's still a deadly virus and the hospital cases are again rising.

Are we just pretending it's not a thing on here, now?

Those who've gone down the rabbit hole are.
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3 hours ago, Arabdownunder said:

Those of a cynical disposition might think that the release of this information at this time gives Boris an excuse to fire Hancock without it being seen as a response to the Cummings material. 

There is absolutely no way *Boris Johnson*, Boris  bloody Johnson, is firing someone for playing away from homw. Even he surely can't lack that level of self awareness? 

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8 hours ago, pandarilla said:

Enough of the tests are coming back positive, though, so folk are spreading the virus.

Denying that is just sticking your fingers in your ears and sorting la la la at the problem.

Stopping the spread of the virus is still a part of the solution, as it will then have more chance of causing the serious illness that it is known to cause.

It's brilliant that the vaccine is working but it's still a deadly virus and the hospital cases are again rising.

Are we just pretending it's not a thing on here, now?

And you can bet your bottom dollar that case numbers - the true case numbers - have always actually been higher since the start of the pandemic than what was ever being reported as many people will have had it without knowing and testing.

This wasn't a problem back then but it now seems to be an issue. This new fad of testing twice a week regardless of vaccine or symptoms will be driving these numbers up to a truer representation of cases and if anything, actually strengthns the position of 'open everything' as if there are actually 3000 cases per day and yet still, hospital cases remain so low, it's even less problematic than we think and vaccines have rendered it almost universally non-deadly. 

Edited by djchapsticks
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2 minutes ago, Michael W said:

There is absolutely no way *Boris Johnson*, Boris  bloody Johnson, is firing someone for playing away from homw. Even he surely can't lack that level of self awareness? 

Fired for not giving his full attention to his day job or step down "voluntarily" to spend time with his family.

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And you can bet your bottom dollar that case numbers - the true case numbers - have always actually been higher since the start of the pandemic than what was ever being reported as many people will have had it without knowing and testing.
This wasn't a problem back then but it now seems to be an issue. This new fad of testing twice a week regardless of vaccine or symptoms will be driving these numbers up to a truer representation of cases and if anything, actually strengthns the position of 'open everything' as if there are actually 3000 cases per day and yet still, hospital cases remain so low, it's even less problematic than we think and vaccines have rendered it almost universally non-deadly. 

LFTs don't count in testing numbers.

Yes, a positive test means an individual will get a PCR and that produces a positive result - but it won't be responsible for the large number of cases.

From what I've seen, the numbers are being driven by infections in the younger unvaccinated population. With schools finishing today and another 3 weeks of vaccinations you'd suspect that the numbers testing positive will drop.
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