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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

My local optician washes down their seats after every customer and is forcing people to wash their hands as a condition of being seen.

So that's one customer they've lost after 20 years of using them.


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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

What has been more alarming and more than a little depressing to me has been the extent to which our leading professional scientists have been found out to be utterly useless, media whoring politically biased mouthpieces. I might be retired but I still consider myself a scientist. To hear fellow leading scientists fumbling around trying to defend completely shite modelling programs has been shocking. To see charlatans operating under the title of "behavioural scientists" has been even more shocking. The magic masking nonsense in the face of them ignoring 18 months of real-world evidence showing they don't work, in favour of evidence from predictive models and tightly controlled lab experiments has absolutely been the straw which destroyed their credibility. Their credibility has been damaged to the extent that I am now wondering if I can trust them over things like Climate Change. I'm actively now wondering whether they're calling that wrong as well.

ofc its the same bullshit climate was the the original scam -

global invisible bogeyman

end of the world

24/7 fear campaign

'the science' is God

stifle dissent

plebs must give up freedoms, normality

hand over power and money all the way up the chain to global orgs and business

Sound familiar?

Edited by Glennie
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8 minutes ago, Glennie said:

ofc its the same bullshit climate was the the original scam -

global invisible bogeyman

end of the world

24/7 fear campaign

'the science' is God

stifle dissent

plebs must give up freedoms, normality

hand over power and money all the way up the chain to global orgs and business

Sound familiar?

As I’ve said, utter moonhowlers. 

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

I did laugh out loud at that funeral singing bit. 🤣

The law can't end soon enough. I just cannot get my head around why people are OK being told by law what to wear on their mouths and, even more bizarrely, being quite happy to show their papers to get into venues. This sort of thing is simply not normal behaviour.

its not funny though is it? going on two year of state sponsored mass delusion, fear, random powers, wi folk applauding it all

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Local club does private functions on a Friday, typically 8 to 1.

The exact same people will now attend functions from 7 to 12, because of the vaccine passport thing. 

These functions are normally older crowds as well.  Probably fully vaccinated folk.

Masks going to the bar and toilet. Not whilst vertical drinking 🤦 or dancing.

This would appear to be a load of shite, and nothing to do with a health crisis.  Unless anyone can tell me otherwise. Anyone?


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9 hours ago, Lyle Lanley said:

Popped in to grab a McDonald’s yesterday. They wanted to me to do test and trace and had to wait until the self service kiosk was clear to place my order on the screen. Was only asking to take it away. 

While it's true experiences differ from place to place up here, down south this sort of theatre is universally long gone.


8 hours ago, Wee Bully said:

I still find it amazing, watching people complain about washing their hands.   @oaksoft You really are a clatty b*****d.

Utter moonhowling nonsense

Regularly washing your hands is sensible. Obsessively doing it every 10-15 minutes or forcing others to as a condition of entry or being seen... isn't. Unsurprising that you wouldn't be able to identify the difference.


8 hours ago, Lyle Lanley said:

It will take a while for all restaurants to get back to pre covid normal for sure. 

Large chains are the worst for feeling obliged to comply with the theatre for obvious reasons. Independent places less so, and as was the case down south they'll be the first to bin everything off once the Scottish Government decide it's okay.

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I took my boy swimming the other day and I did the contact tracing because they specifically asked for it, I honestly haven’t done it anywhere for ages. This is probably very irresponsible of me. You don’t seem to hear that much about it now so you? No pingdemic.

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5 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

I took my boy swimming the other day and I did the contact tracing because they specifically asked for it, I honestly haven’t done it anywhere for ages. This is probably very irresponsible of me. You don’t seem to hear that much about it now so you? No pingdemic.

I think they reached a point of saturation for most people.  It seemed at one point they were being pinged if you had a vowel in your first name and had being within a quarter of a mile of someone with covid.

Folk naturally got fed up with it and a lot just stopped complying due to effect on their lives with having to isolate again.

The while track and trace system in the UK has been a hugely expensive flop.   But hey at least a few politicians and their friends and families got rich out of it though.

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8 hours ago, GTee said:

Local club does private functions on a Friday, typically 8 to 1.

The exact same people will now attend functions from 7 to 12, because of the vaccine passport thing. 

These functions are normally older crowds as well.  Probably fully vaccinated folk.

Masks going to the bar and toilet. Not whilst vertical drinking 🤦 or dancing.

This would appear to be a load of shite, and nothing to do with a health crisis.  Unless anyone can tell me otherwise. Anyone?


It’s a complete load of shite. At my gym, there’s an aqua aerobics class three times a week, attended by approximately fifteen or so ladies ‘of a certain age’. They’re a good crowd, a laugh when you get talking to them. For them, their classes are more than the exercise. A lot of them have lost their partners, and the social aspect of it all, getting out the house, staying active…. Anyway…. at the end of their pool sessions the fifteen or so of them shove three tables together in the cafe, get the teas in, and maskless, sitting very close together, the nattering and laughing, the volume… increases. A gaggle of older women can make one helluva’ noise. They’re pretty much in each other’s faces.

However, if one of them needs to leave the table, and walk the ten yards to and from the toilet, they slap on a patterned ‘fashion’ facemask. They return, sit down amongst their pals again, take it off, and off they go again. After about forty minutes of talking, laughing, shouting from one end of the table to the other, where Sadie is a bit deaf, all maskless, they all get up from the table, reach into their handbags, put on their patterned fashion facemasks… to walk the twenty feet out the front door.

It’s a farce. An absolute fcuking disgraceful farce, and the mandatory wearing of facemasks should be booted into the sun.

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41 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

At my gym, there’s an aqua aerobics class three times a week, attended by approximately fifteen or so ladies ‘of a certain age’. They’re a good crowd, a laugh when you get talking to them. 

^^^ Wayne Rooney

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52 minutes ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

Just done a test for the first time. f**k that, f**k this. 

It's ridiculous they haven't managed to produce a simple blood/saliva test yet. It's a very unpleasant experience.

I had my first close contact with covid last week so was "strongly advised" to take a test, which I did (negative). We had a new starter at work on Monday so the entire team were in the office; said new starter received a positive test on Wednesday, having presumably become symptomatic on Tuesday. Just rotten luck, really. Everyone else on the team also tested negative. 

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47 minutes ago, Michael W said:

It's ridiculous they haven't managed to produce a simple blood/saliva test yet. It's a very unpleasant experience.

I had my first close contact with covid last week so was "strongly advised" to take a test, which I did (negative). We had a new starter at work on Monday so the entire team were in the office; said new starter received a positive test on Wednesday, having presumably become symptomatic on Tuesday. Just rotten luck, really. Everyone else on the team also tested negative. 

The tests we have used recently are no bother at all.  Just nose swab, not the throat.  15 mins instead of 30. Takes less time to do the test than it takes to boil a kettle and the result is there in about the same time it takes to drink a coffee.  Can't honestly see too much to complain about.

(Cue red dots from the outraged....) 

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1 hour ago, oaksoft said:

Congratulations on spectacularly missing the point WB. 🤣

Again. 🤣

I’m think i nailed the point.  I realise you think being a manky b*****d is one of your civil liberties, but the reality is that if you are “offended” by being asked to wash your hands, you are OFTW.

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