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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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23 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

I find it so fcuked up now, that I can’t even bring myself to joke that hopefully they cancel fitba’, so that I don’t need to watch St Mirren’s grim low-scoring hoofball pish.

What’s going on? The most vulnerable have been vaccinated. I’m double vaccinated and boostered at 60 years old. I don’t need the vaccine to make me superman, invincible. I just need it to stop me dying or needing a hospital bed should I get Covid. The vaccines can do that, can’t they? Mitigate the effects just enough, that I can deal with the effects at home? 

Yet here we are, with young folk seeing their only shot at being young, going to clubs, meeting partners, shagging, drinking and watching bands being flushed down the U Bend. Businesses being hammered. Mental health issues, domestic violence increasing. Towns and cities suffering from ‘work at home’ folk not spending money in them. Other illnesses and things not being diagnosed or treated properly. Citizens of this country shitting themselves if someone near them coughs, or, heaven forbid, doesn’t have a piece of patterned shit slapped over their mouth. UK and Scottish governments with rules and restrictions that in huge part make zero sense. Plastic screens, even though they stop airflow and make things worse. Have us queuing outside ahead of doing the Christmas shopping, in the pishing rain and cold? Could go on all day. Covid, despite me recognising its seriousness and effects on loved ones and the vulnerable, is NOT the ONLY thing that matters.

What the actual fcuk is going on any more?

i'm must be more ''tory'' than i ever thought, because after reading your rant, i just shrugged and thought ''f**k you jack, i'm alright.''

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2 hours ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:

The fact Westminster MP's tend to be of a much higher standard than Holyrood helps as well. A significant number of MSPs are barely councillor level.

As someone who works on a day-to-day basis with MPs I can confirm that about 500 of them are "barely councillor level".

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So, just 34 punters in ICU and 531 in hospital up here. It has been stable for weeks.
Agreed there are not many punters in ICU.
However if you do get that far you look like your in a bad way. 18 exited to the Morgue yesterday is a high percentage.
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5 hours ago, PedroMoutinho said:

I think businesses should be compensated but we all know they would end up shut for months if Sturgeon gets the chance.

I’ve just walked past 3 cafes/restaurants in Edinburgh- all pretty full. 

Obviously works night outs etc have been cancelled but I think the impact of shutting down a whole sector would far outweigh that.

Went for lunch with friends to one of my local restaurants today. Fairly full.

Spoke to the owner who said cancellations were modest.

Regarding any new regulations, he wasnt intending to make any changes to his current very relaxed regime.

Sensible fellow.

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As someone who works on a day-to-day basis with MPs I can confirm that about 500 of them are "barely councillor level".
I'll defer to your significantly greater knowledge. Out of interest, and if you'd be willing to share your experience, who is the best politician you've seen in the commons over the years?
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So been feeling like I've a particularly bad head cold all week, husband tested positive on Monday so 10 days kicked in, I think they started it on the 11th. Freedom day was going to be the 23rd. I've been taking lateral flows every day, negative after negative Felt like I was starting to feel better this afternoon, not great but better and boom there's your positive result and goodbye Christmas. Teenage son now hiding in his room refusing to engage with us. Joy to the world and all that.

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