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4 hours ago, welshbairn said:

Probably won't affect you but the UK has stopped accepting EU or Swiss ID cards instead of passports. It's really dumb, they're just as secure now and only about half of Europeans bother getting a passport. How to help tourism and hospitality recover from Covid..


After receiving German citizenship in December 2019, I applied for and received my 'Personalausweis' / ID Card. When I collected the ID card I then applied for a German passport. The person who handed me my ID card asked if I wanted the same details and photo to be utilised for the passport application, said yes, and all that was needed was another signature.

ID cards being less secure is a Pritti Patel myth.

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I don’t believe they’ll shit the bed. 

I think it’s more likely that they’ll be trying to ramp up the shaming of people who choose not to wear masks. They’ll call it a social responsibility and the sensible, safe thing to do if we care about each other blah blah blah. 

I reserve the right to have a heads gone later though. 

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I was at the King's Theatre last night to see Stewart Lee. Earlier in the day I received an email from Ambassador Theatre Grouo reminding me that masks had to be worn the entire time I was indoors (bar the usual exceptions).

Presumably the 1000+ other people who were there got the same email. I was in the stalls so can't speak for the 3 circles but happy to report that you could count the number of mask wearers on the fingers of one hand.

People have had enough.

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The SNP government have made a rod for their own back, since December’s restrictions. Damned now if the do, damned if they don’t.

Ditch masks will create an outcry from folk who will rightly point out cases are as high as ever and they want “to keep safe”. You could also query the merit in December’s bin fire of the hospitality industry, all caused by Nicola!

!Keep masks and we’ll be a total outlier and surely folk will push back and decide for themselves whether to wear a rag on their face, when the evidence clearlshows they make zero difference.

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12 hours ago, Ross. said:

Guess I’ll find out tomorrow when I try and get hold of the b*****ds. Last time I renewed I called a few days before I was due home and it was pretty much free reign of the appointments.

You can do it all online nowadays - I did mine from the Philippines and just had to send off my passport and got the new one (and the old one) back in maybe a month or so.  I think it was an extra £25 for the courier fee.  

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Scottish numbers at ‘surging’ levels, ‘record high’ etc… and this WITH mandated facemasks. They couldn’t, surely they couldn’t, have the brass neck to stand up in Holyrood today and say March 21 is no longer ‘the day’? They surely couldn’t have the brass neck to say ‘just think how high the numbers would be if we hadn’t kept facemasks here’. Not even the Scottish Government could have the bare faced cheek to come out with that. The Scottish Government, surely to Christ, with war on NATOs border near Poland, with Ukraine invaded by a nuclear superpower, with massive, massive challenges for ordinary folk facing cost-of-living rises and domestic fuel and petrol prices….. with everything else going on….

They couldn’t stand up there today and tell a highly-vaccinated population after two years of their lives with this, ‘stick with it Scotland, we need you to keep wearing patterned polyester fake leopardskin shite from the stall that sells mobile phone skins slapped over your mouth for a bit longer’….

They couldn’t. Surely. Come on.

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3 minutes ago, pozbaird said:

Scottish numbers at ‘surging’ levels, ‘record high’ etc… and this WITH mandated facemasks. They couldn’t, surely they couldn’t, have the brass neck to stand up in Holyrood today and say March 21 is no longer ‘the day’? They surely couldn’t have the brass neck to say ‘just think how high the numbers would be if we hadn’t kept facemasks here’. Not even the Scottish Government could have the bare faced cheek to come out with that. The Scottish Overnment, surely to Christ, with war on NATOs border near Poland, with Ukraine invaded by a nuclear superpower, with massive, massive challenges for ordinary folk facing cost-of-living rises and domestic fuel and petrol prices….. with everything else going on….

They couldn’t stand up there today and tell a highly-vaccinated population after two years of their lives with this, ‘stick with it Scotland, we need you to keep wearing patterned polyester fake leopardskin shite from the stall that sells mobile phone skins slapped over you mouth for a bit longer’….

They couldn’t. Surely. Come on.

you seem awfully worked up.....they won't

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17 minutes ago, Melanius Mullarkay said:


Anybody actually still wearing a mask these days?

Yesterday in and around the Antonine Centre, Tesco, and B&Q in Cumbernauld, I’d say at least 90% of people wearing them. Easily. The vast majority, in my humble opinion only, doing so because it’s the rules, they are ordinary Scottish law abiding citizens, and they don’t want to break the rules, be seen to be breaking the rules, or maybe, even now, be challenged by someone.

There will be a percentage of folk who want to wear one, feel safer wearing one, will continue to wear one. Perhaps forever - which is their call.

That was ‘the shops’ in Cumbernauld. Fortunately, at the recent magnificent Wolf Alice and Gang of Youths gigs at the Barras’, the only people wearing them were the venue stewards. Two fantastic nights of complete, 100% normality - unless you looked at a steward. Even then, the majority of the stewards I saw were opting for the ‘keeping my chin warm with this piece of shit’ look - leaving their noses uncovered, so they could breathe properly in that environment and not be completely hot, sweaty, and unable to breathe properly too.

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Cases skyrocketing a week before masks becoming guidance in Scotland was the biggest NAP in history.  To keep it topical, it would be the 1/100 favourite to win the Cheltenham Gold Cup on Friday.

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Listening to the Times daily podcast about children who haven’t returned to school post lockdown. Really sobering, apparently 100,000 children have dropped out of schooling during the pandemic.

There are several interviews with parents, one whose child was refusing to go back and another whose mother refused to send him back as she didn’t think it was safe. Very sad but the second example especially you could tell the mother was feeding the kids anxiety and probably contributing to their problems.

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