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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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1 hour ago, Dee Man said:

Cannot get bog roll anywhere in WA. All the supermarkets are queued up in the mornings with morons rushing in and filling up their trolleys. Pictures of cars on social media with all their spare space filled with toilet paper. The supermarkets have released pictures of their warehouses with hundreds of pallets of the stuff and telling people they won't be running out anytime soon. Woolworths - yes they're still a thing here - are now going to limit customers to 4 packs maximum. Fucking idiots everywhere. 

I've just had to buy kitchen roll to wipe my arse once these last 2 rolls run out. 

Do you get the Eartha's with the virus?

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7 minutes ago, Jamaldo said:

Do you just all believe everything the media tell you?

Top ten!! What's not to believe?

China 80,282 +131 2,981 +38 27,316 49,985 6,416
S. Korea 5,621 +435 33 +1 5,547 41 27
Iran 2,922 +586 92 +15 2,278 552  
Italy 2,502   79   2,263 160 229
Diamond Princess 706   6   600 100 36
Japan 304 +11 6   255 43 23
Germany 244 +41     228 16 2
France 212   4   196 12 8
Spain 193 +28 1   190 2 3
USA 128 +4 9   110 9
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2 hours ago, Michael W said:

Italy seems to he suffering a particularly high death rate from this (approx 3.5%).

Any reason for this?  Looks high for a Western country with good standards of health care. 

Ha! Stick your Mediterranean diet up your arse!

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1 hour ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

How much toilet paper do you go through?

Why do you want to know that you pervert?

If you must know there are currently 7 of us living in the same house as we have my cousin and her boyfriend visiting. 

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Why do you want to know that you pervert?
If you must know there are currently 7 of us living in the same house as we have my cousin and her boyfriend visiting. 
Presumably the cousin and boyfriend will be less of a burden on the TP situation after you have murdered them both and installed them under the patio?
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1 hour ago, Jamaldo said:

Do you just all believe everything the media tell you?

Do you think it's a big scam by facemask and handwash manufacturers? The authorities are rightfully warning about worst case scenarios which I don't think will happen, but the more people follow the guidelines like frequent hand washing and staying home if you develop the symptoms, the fewer people will get sick, from ordinary flu as well as the new coronavirus.

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1 hour ago, jamamafegan said:

I don’t understand the Aussie toilet paper thing - why the panic buy? Does the virus make you shit your guts out?

There's a few theories behind it:

A) Australia has clamped down on imports from China so consumers are shitting themselves (hilarious pun intended lololol) that stock will run out soon. This is despite Australia having 3 major bog roll manufacturers on their very own soil. 

B) People are worried they're going to be quarantined and stuck indoors for up to 2 weeks and are stocking up but I don't understand why specifically toilet paper as there are no other items running out. 

C) The most likely theory is that people are brain dead, hard of thinking, sheeple, monkey see monkey do morons who have probably read some hysterical post on the Aussie equivalent of mumsnet and decided to blindly follow some mad rumour. 

1 hour ago, Bairnardo said:
1 hour ago, jamamafegan said:
I don’t understand the Aussie toilet paper thing - why the panic buy? Does the virus make you shit your guts out?

Have to assume the stupid c***s are also panic buying other essentials too...

Nothing else reported as running out other than hand sanitiser which is slightly more understandable. 

I work in the supply chain to supermarkets and my work has gone mental tonight as the volume of toilet paper deliveries have gone through the roof. Easily upwards of 10 times the usual numbers of a typical night. It all means more trucks have to do more journies, means more fuel burned, staff will all have to do about 3-4 hours overtime tonight all because people are fucking idiots. The sooner a virus comes along and wipes out the majority of these cretins the better. 

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“Hordes of panicky people seem to be evacuating the town for some unknown reason. Professor, without knowing precisely what the danger is, would you say it’s time for our viewers to crack each other’s heads open and feast on the goo inside?” 

“Yes, I would, Kent."

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