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Coronavirus (COVID-19)

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I guess you didn't read the various caveats and warnings in the article about the figures not necessarily telling the whole story at the moment?


Note concerning COVID-19 related mortality as part of the all-cause mortality figures reported by EuroMOMO


Over the past few days, the EuroMOMO hub has received many questions about the weekly all-cause mortality data and the possible contribution of any COVID-19 related mortality. Some wonder why no increased mortality is observed in the reported mortality figures for the COVID-19 affected countries.


The answer is that increased mortality that may occur primarily at subnational level or within smaller focal areas, and/or concentrated within smaller age groups, may not be detectable at the national level, even more so not in the pooled analysis at European level, given the large total population denominator. Furthermore, there is always a few weeks of delay in death registration and reporting. Hence, the EuroMOMO mortality figures for the most recent weeks must be interpreted with some caution.


Therefore, although increased mortality may not be immediately observable in the EuroMOMO figures, this does not mean that increased mortality does not occur in some areas or in some age groups, including mortality related to COVID-19.





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18 minutes ago, Gaz said:

Cooking, showering, using knives and going upstairs are all necessary, to various degrees.

Two folk going shopping when only one person needs to isn't necessary, to any degree.

Cooking, showering, using knives and going upstairs are not necessary. You could eat cold food and nothing that needs chopped. You could wipe down with a damp cloth, or not wash until this is over. You could bring your clothes downstairs, sleep on the sofa, and close off the upstairs in your home. All of these things are perfectly feasible.

Only one going in to the shop, the other is sitting in the car where they, and everyone else, is perfectly safe.

You don't get to dismiss the risks at home and only focus on the risks outside the home. That's pure cherrypicking.

9 minutes ago, JMDP said:

With regard to shopping, it's just common sense to do it on your own. Here in Spain, you are only allowed to do it on your own. Indeed, you are only allowed to be out the house on your own. 

Makes sense tbh. 

It doesn't make sense for people from the same household not to be allowed out together. It also makes it impossible for children to get enough exercise. 

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22 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

I see your point but it's not Nazi stuff.

No one is talking of gassing millions of folk or invading countries, or carrying out horrendous experiments on vulnerable people or getting rid of elections etc.

I wouldn't be too sure about that last one.

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1 minute ago, Forest_Fifer said:
7 minutes ago, Dele said:
Alcohol ban coming in in Wednesday apparently. 

Already been debunked.


1 minute ago, Todd_is_God said:

Source? What would be the thought process behind such a move

Mates a manager at Morrisons. 

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All I can as the conversation. Is while here in Belgium people are allowed to leave the house together. At the supermarket, where they have a queueing system with social distancing, couples are forbidden from entering, and one has to wait outside. They also have a sort of pen outside for older children to go in. However, I have noticed that younger children, And disabled people are allowed in with carers/parents etc.

Here generally speaking people have been respectful of rules I noticed, and I only really noticed one older lady who was clearly getting very confused by the system, ended up skipping most of the queue at tills cause she took no notice of the distancing. Also seemed to be one alcoholic got to argument outside at one point. Though my Dutch isn't good enough to really know what was actually going on.

Edited by Turkmenbashi
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18 minutes ago, WhiteRoseKillie said:

Far be it from me to go agreeing with you, Bennett, but these are interesting times. I confess the thought has crossed my mind as to how many of those banging on about frivolous car use actually own or use cars?

My car hasn't turned a wheel since a week past Saturday.

Will have to go out again and start her, might be advised to release the hand brake, reverse her back and then park her.

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2 minutes ago, Turkmenbashi said:

and I only really noticed one older lady who was clearly getting very confused by the system, ended up skipping most of the queue at tills cause she took no notice of the distancing.

Liked this bit. Can imagine her getting home and telling auld Bert that she has sussed a quick way to get the messages in.

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4 hours ago, Dele said:

Some are. 

What do you propose happens for single parents? 

I needed to top up mid week but I just left kids in house McCann style. My youngest is a bit younger than I’d like but decided safer leave her here. Not that her older brother, who was told keep an eye on them noticed she was in house.

Shopped yesterday while at their dads and that should be me for the week.


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2 hours ago, virginton said:


The cold hard reality of the matter is that a rational cost-benefit analysis will be needed in a month's time, two month's time etc., to determine which social and economic restrictions should be lifted despite the fact that some more people might pick up the virus. I suspect that as soon as the government is highly confident that total deaths can be kept to something sane - perhaps that 20k figure mentioned by spokespeople at various times - then restrictions will be gradually removed and businesses encouraged to start up again.


You're right - there's no way this can go on with a complete lockdown beyond June, if that. We're effectively spending (or losing) vast sums of money per year of human life we're saving here. Given that we don't spend anything like that in our normal health policy spending (under any shade of government), there will have to be a more rational judgement at some point.

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