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League Reconstruction 20/21 season

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Leslie Deans is a suspected money launderer skilled lawyer and a master of his brief. Just look at how he tried to bring the other clubs onside just before the 14-10-10-10 vote. Fools might have suggested working on changing the prize share out for the bottom 8 Premiership sides to compensate for lower gates after the split, and maybe better parachute deals for League 2, or maybe just a few phone calls, but Leslie knew what was needed.


"Partick Thistle's excellent statement on June 13 calls for clubs to come together and cause no lasting harm. The alternative is the litigation which Hearts, and perhaps others, will have to pursue. I believe the already strong case is strengthened by the restraint of trade principle and recent decisions in France and Belgium. The SPFL board should consider the damage this litigation could cause."

"Firstly, as someone who's been in the legal profession for 45 years, I can assure them it could be months or years before any case is finally settled. The legal process can be slow and the courts are, like us all, affected by the lockdown.

"Secondly, Hearts could seek interdict to prevent the league starting. Whilst there's no guarantee the court would grant this, if they did, would the Sky TV deal be adversely affected? How would clubs entering European competitions be affected? No competitive matches before European games? Would UEFA suspend the participation of Scottish clubs until the proceedings were completed?

"And if Hearts ask the court to ring fence £8 million to cover potential damages and costs, how would a club who voted yes feel when their payment from SPFL was drastically reduced?"




Edited by welshbairn
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Leslie Deans wouldn’t be the first money launderer to take Hearts for a ride to be fair.

At least Mad Vlad won two tainted Scottish Cups when he used Hearts to rinse his dirty Communist money.

What will Lesley deliver? A reprieve from relegation?

Dream on.

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Leslie Deans wouldn’t be the first money launderer to take Hearts for a ride to be fair.

At least Mad Vlad won two tainted Scottish Cups when he used Hearts to rinse his dirty Communist money.

What will Lesley deliver? A reprieve from relegation?

Dream on.
He also drove a nuclear sub at some point which makes him pretty cool.
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He also drove a nuclear sub at some point which makes him pretty cool.

‘ So what are you going to do with all of this money? ‘

Well I have this football club in Edinburgh, you wouldn’t believe how gullible the fans...

Get fucked to the Championship and take your dirty Scottish Cups with you.

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5 minutes ago, Fife Saint said:
50 minutes ago, Lex said:
Leslie Deans wouldn’t be the first money launderer to take Hearts for a ride to be fair.

At least Mad Vlad won two tainted Scottish Cups when he used Hearts to rinse his dirty Communist money.

What will Lesley deliver? A reprieve from relegation?

Dream on.

He also drove a nuclear sub at some point which makes him pretty cool.

While Lesley is the pot washer on a sinking ship.

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It would be the most Hearts thing ever for them to lose the case and have to stump up the injured parties' legal fees, only to turn round to Thistle and Stranraer and say "we're not paying your share, cough up" potentially driving them into administration.

I'm not saying I wouldn't trust Hearts at all, but I hope the two have them have the legal agreement with Ann Budge absolutely watertight.


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It would be the most Hearts thing ever for them to lose the case and have to stump up the injured parties' legal fees, only to turn round to Thistle and Stranraer and say "we're not paying your share, cough up" potentially driving them into administration.
I'm not saying I wouldn't trust Hearts at all, but I hope the two have them have the legal agreement with Ann Budge absolutely watertight.
Stranraer will be fine - they're (sensibly) not involved in it. On the off chance that Hearts won some compensation they could then put in a follow up claim based on it.
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11 hours ago, EdinburghLivi said:
"From: Leslie Deans 
Date: 26 June 2020 at 19:41:59 BST
Subject: Hearts 
Like many other Hearts supporters I've been amazed and disgusted at some of the  anti-Hearts vitriol  coming from certain other clubs and sections of the media. 
I await with interest the directions to be issued by the Court of Session at next weeks hearing. 
I stated publicly on BBC radio some 5 weeks ago that I believed we had good legal grounds. I have not changed my view. Greater legal minds than mine will ensure the club's interests and arguments will be lucidly presented to the Court.  Partick and ourselves will receive a fair and just hearing from a judicial system rightly held in high regard.  
Whatever the final outcome I , along with the vast majority of Hearts people, have always felt the club is correct to fight the scandalous actions against us.  Injustice cannot be left unchallenged. Bullies should not win. 
It was reported this week that the SFA have concerns that the case is going to court rather than their appeal process. They have allegedly written to Hearts and Partick. 
The SFA do not have the legal expertise to deal with the complicated points of law that could arise. They do not have the power to grant interdict. The Supreme Court of Scotland is the natural and logical place to handle such issues. 
The SFA are attempting to interfere with the judicial process,an action which could be deeply frowned upon by the Court.  
I offered these comments to the BBC. I was prepared to do so on radio or television as I assumed it was their public duty to put both sides of an argument. 
Disappointingly the BBC chose not to take up my offer
Keep the faith everyone. 
Leslie Deans"
What world are they living in where they think Hearts have been the victim of biased reporting?


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12 hours ago, Day of the Lords said:
12 hours ago, wastecoatwilly said:
I can hear the beep beep beep back tracking on that point.the Raith fan will never answer the question.
I think it is obvious from your posts you don't rate Scottish football and you don't rate our national team it's a common trait for Scottish football fans.
You said there was no benefit to other clubs in Scotland yet you know there clearly is with the names of players I've provided.Whether they go on to represent the national team is neither here nor there.
It's an example of what can happen with players that don't even make the first team at Celtic.
Nobody is saying the colts will produce 11 Andy Robertson's but what it will do is give more kids the chance to find their level in the game.
Because you are blinded by the hype down south you don't see the individual quality we have in Scotland.
Last season we lost over 40 players to England why? because their shite! fecking wake up.
The talent is here we just need to try and keep them here or slow the process down.
Instead of players leaving to play at a higher level we close the gap.

No one is even reading this pish any more. Shut the f**k up.

I saw it was Bazil posting and stopped right away. Every debate he has on here or BAWA is a turgid struggle of trying to tie the opposing view in knots. It's painful reading.

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19 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

I saw it was Bazil posting and stopped right away. Every debate he has on here or BAWA is a turgid struggle of trying to tie the opposing view in knots. It's painful reading.

Was hoping he would stick to the sinking ship that is BAWA and not bring his tediousness over here.

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11 hours ago, MacArab said:

Fucking Walloper.

The BBC have been so biased towards Hears in this whole gangfuck, that I reckon that they deliberately kept this p***k off the air, as every time he says anything, he hurts Hearts’ case,  and that is the last thing that they want.

This w****r has clearly never listened to a BBC Sportsound Podcast, stacked with ex Hearts players, managers,  sympathisers and hangers on,  or ever read anything that their Chief Sports Reporter has ever had to say about the subject, if he’s writing utterly deluded garbage like this.

Deluded pish.

You seem upset 😡 

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Even the emotionless Mr Spock would weep at some of the barbaric abuses of logic being perpetrated over on JKB. “£8m compo for being relegated won’t give us an unfair advantage over other Championship teams because it’s what we would have had if we hadn’t been relegated.”

At some point they’ll try to calculate the last digit of pi and that will be the end of them.

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13 hours ago, Saughton Jambo said:

Thanks DM. Some people on here just can’t see the wood for the trees. These are LD’s words and I’m happy to give him a platform on here. JKB, as always are ahead of the SMSM. 

For those who doubt LD’s statements as petty ramblings then I can assure you his tentacles reach further into Scottish football than most people can fathom. 

For the latest exclusives on the corruption thats rife within the SPFL, then ‘Stay Tuned‘

I mean...


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