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And there it is YOU DON’T KNOW!!
Correct, because it hasn't been decided yet. You're desperate for answers which don't exist, but the reason for their non-existance has been explained if you just read the statement.
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Just now, Lowland team said:

Can i ask as am relatively new to both the juniors and now the west of Scotland forum.why are so many people just plainly negative all the time to change its a new league so there will be teething glitches in the first season whenever that is.

There is an attitude of many people from the juniors of "save the grade".
most who are negative really haven't a clue, you see sometimes good posts to their questions but they choose to ignore them.
it will take a while but eventually everything will settle down.
there are a few people on the pyramid side as well who don't care and are stirring as well

Obviously theres a few ex junior teams wanting to go back, and id pat them on the head and say "see you all later".
Any team who wants to go back definitely have no vision or future and would be no use to anyone

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To be honest I am just looking forward to watching a game of football and going around in circles with the same arguments aint going to help ...although I do think  a 20 team set up is a farce  ......if that"s  whats happening then  so be it .If the SJFA had made the leagues  null and void then it would have made for a more sensible outcome  and the threat of legal action would have had no credence 

Edited by holsten
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12 minutes ago, glensmad said:
14 minutes ago, juniorjunior said:
And there it is YOU DON’T KNOW!!

Correct, because it hasn't been decided yet. You're desperate for answers which don't exist, but the reason for their non-existance has been explained if you just read the statement.

You should have been quivering by then because he was shouting at you. Why is it people can not behave rationally behind a keyboard?

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A number of posts from a number of posters bring to mind this scene from Police Academy 4, when a portaloo is lifted into a baseball stadium, then has the top removed, revealing a very startled and disturbed incumbent, caught with his pants down.


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29 minutes ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:

There is an attitude of many people from the juniors of "save the grade".
most who are negative really haven't a clue, you see sometimes good posts to their questions but they choose to ignore them.
it will take a while but eventually everything will settle down.
there are a few people on the pyramid side as well who don't care and are stirring as well

Obviously theres a few ex junior teams wanting to go back, and id pat them on the head and say "see you all later".
Any team who wants to go back definitely have no vision or future and would be no use to anyone

But surely they must look to the future for their clubs.there is now access to the 20s development league whether they have a team to compete now or in the future.these players can be used on Saturdays players returning from injury or suspension can play in this league.theres no registrations fee.theres also scope to improve their grounds belive me my club just started with a open feild.everything was reconstituted from old.our toilets are a wefare unit thats been plumbed in.our floodlights are second hand cost £25.000k.it just seems to me that so many are stuck in a mire and want to save the junior grade it football wherever you play it.i honestly believe if they actually gave it a chance they would see its no different to what they know.ask any club in the east of Scotland how they have found it they will only say good things about it.but again its only a game of football.

Edited by Lowland team
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1 minute ago, Lowland team said:

But surely they must to the future for their clubs.there is now access to the 20s development league whether they have a team to compete now or in the future.these players can be used on Saturdays players returning from injury or suspension can play in this league.theres no registrations fee.theres also scope to improve their grounds belive me my club just started with a open feild.everything was reconstituted from old.our toilets are a wefare unit thats been plumbed in.our floodlights are second hand cost £25.000k.it just seems to me that so many are stuck in a mire and want to save the junior grade it football wherever you play it.i honestly believe if they actually gave it a chance they would see its no different to what they know.ask any club in the east of Scotland how they have found it they will only say good things about it.but again its only a game of football.

Yep ... its community fitba. There's some issues with how things have started ... and in middle of a once a century ( hopefully ) crisis. We now need to let things take their course

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1 hour ago, Lowland team said:

Can i ask as am relatively new to both the juniors and now the west of Scotland forum.why are so many people just plainly negative all the time to change its a new league so there will be teething glitches in the first season whenever that is.

it is the way of the juniors grasshopper.....it was always better in the past...

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This may be controversial but a 20 team league, could just play 19 games, and maybe add a WoS Premier League Cup there as well. 

The way life is going atm there may only be time for 19 league games next season in any case.

Also is @juniorjunior  that JuniorFitbaSC off twitter, honestly embarrassing reading his posts in this thread.

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2 hours ago, juniorjunior said:

And there it is YOU DON’T KNOW!!

Mate, no-one knows what's going to be happening. In case you hadn't noticed, there's a fucking pandemic going on at the moment, that's caused a bit of hassle in the old scheduling department. What's the point in declaring a league structure when we don't even know when the league is going to start.

We can make some assumptions, I'd guess we'd want all the conference winners to be promoted, so that presumes at least three relegations. The "Premier Division" or whatever it ends up being called doesn't need to go 20>16 immediately, it could do it over a couple of seasons. As for Lowland League playoffs, that would depend on the champion being licenced, which seems unlikely at the moment.

So basically, no one knows, so stop mewling about it, it's not making you look particularly bright. Once the situation becomes clear, then a proper decision can be made. I personally don't think we're going to be seeing any football played this side of Hogmanay, so let's wait and see.

Edited by Cyclizine
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19 minutes ago, ArabAuslander said:

This may be controversial but a 20 team league, could just play 19 games, and maybe add a WoS Premier League Cup there as well. 

The way life is going atm there may only be time for 19 league games next season in any case.

Also is @juniorjunior  that JuniorFitbaSC off twitter, honestly embarrassing reading his posts in this thread.

The EoS are planning on playing the full 34 game season as long as they start by end of Feb so I'd be surprised if they split the league or only play one round of games in the WOS. 

Depending on when they start cups will be dropped and the season can go into June to get it finished so Feb to June with two games a week is doable. 

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2 hours ago, Lowland team said:

Can i ask as am relatively new to both the juniors and now the west of Scotland forum.why are so many people just plainly negative all the time to change its a new league so there will be teething glitches in the first season whenever that is.


Is that what you think this is?

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7 hours ago, Talbot supporter said:

How thick can folk be it tells you in the statement that they won't make a decision on promotions/relegations until the league is due to start

Quite right, arguing about something that hasn't happened yet. As to the future, let's have a proper pyramid like in England - first step to own an enclosed ground - then to have seating and covered area - then to have floodlights and ONLY then can you aspire to join the bigger leagues. Clubs, have a 2 or 3 year plan and have the finances in place. Simples. Think the SFA, SPFL are building a wall, protecting their own as expected. Imagine spfl 2 being replaced by the top  junior/senior clubs

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17 hours ago, BANKIEBILL said:

Truthfully Andy ... I respect Talbot's achievements very very much. I think they are a force of nature and beating them ( or giving them a good game even ) is something that you feel like celebrating the more because you've normally hard to work very hard at it. It's only happened 3 times since the Cup final.

I think ( however ) the most annoying posters on here are Talbot posters. Not all of them but a significant number. 

That said ... I've had some unpleasant real-life experiences involving Talbot ... the 1 nil win in 2010 was achieved with buses being bricked and scuffles;  every trip to Beechwood and indeed from visiting fans to Maryhill last season was accompanied by drivel about homelessness - which was always said to get a reaction and it did; an incident of alleged racist abuse towards Joel Kasubandi that was imo not taken seriously.  There's other stuff that I experienced in a former capacity that has also coloured my judgement but that will remain with me. In a competitive sense I obviously dont want Talbot to have that much success that they are so far ahead of what resources we can bring to bear - but that's not Talbot's fault. 

A lot of what I say above can be attributed to many clubs fans including mine - but my "antipathy" ( mosttimes it's a bit of banter tbh ) is mainly due to a sense of entitlement and a lack of grace as winners that is often demonstrated. Not by players and management ( Tucker's a legend ) but by those online. It's so wearying. 

I think if you go through the vast majority of posts by Talbot fans you will find that most of them are retaliation towards remarks made about our club. This thread saw posters actually claiming that Talbot were lobbying the SFA to set up the current WOSL without any evidence. and rightly so the Talbot fraternity got stuck in to defend our club. One of your fellow supporters remarked that our club is scum in one post while yourself were more diplomatic by just pointing out its part of our support that fall into that catagory. If you go back through your posts you will probably find that a majority of them actually relate to Talbot, so I find it amazing that you feel that you are the victim when Talbot supporters actually bite back. I suggest you refrain from mentioning our club and I think you will find that the Talbot supporters on here will probably give you a wide berth.  Also your one man crusade about not going to Beechwood because you were offended, FFS grow a pair, the last person to pull this card was the idiot RRG are you wanting to be tarred with that brush.

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9 minutes ago, Blackie Gold said:

I think if you go through the vast majority of posts by Talbot fans you will find that most of them are retaliation towards remarks made about our club. This thread saw posters actually claiming that Talbot were lobbying the SFA to set up the current WOSL without any evidence. and rightly so the Talbot fraternity got stuck in to defend our club. One of your fellow supporters remarked that our club is scum in one post while yourself were more diplomatic by just pointing out its part of our support that fall into that catagory. If you go back through your posts you will probably find that a majority of them actually relate to Talbot, so I find it amazing that you feel that you are the victim when Talbot supporters actually bite back. I suggest you refrain from mentioning our club and I think you will find that the Talbot supporters on here will probably give you a wide berth.  Also your one man crusade about not going to Beechwood because you were offended, FFS grow a pair, the last person to pull this card was the idiot RRG are you wanting to be tarred with that brush.

Bankie/Blackie my message was about the league and criteria etc - agreeing that we wait for news when this virus fades,and a vaccine found,didn't mention the Talbot as I've no  gripes against any club. 

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15 minutes ago, Blackie Gold said:

I think if you go through the vast majority of posts by Talbot fans you will find that most of them are retaliation towards remarks made about our club. This thread saw posters actually claiming that Talbot were lobbying the SFA to set up the current WOSL without any evidence. and rightly so the Talbot fraternity got stuck in to defend our club. One of your fellow supporters remarked that our club is scum in one post while yourself were more diplomatic by just pointing out its part of our support that fall into that catagory. If you go back through your posts you will probably find that a majority of them actually relate to Talbot, so I find it amazing that you feel that you are the victim when Talbot supporters actually bite back. I suggest you refrain from mentioning our club and I think you will find that the Talbot supporters on here will probably give you a wide berth.  Also your one man crusade about not going to Beechwood because you were offended, FFS grow a pair, the last person to pull this card was the idiot RRG are you wanting to be tarred with that brush.

No my posts recently have been on this thread or passing comment on what I thought / think is a ridiculous decision to award Talbot title - something that most non-Talbot fans have agreed with.  Previously they have been on Clydebank thread or the What is the Future thread on Junior Forum. If the conversation is about Talbot then that's what the post is about. I dont stay awake at night getting obsessed about your club - that's your job.

I dont pretend to be a victim dont be stupid. I have stopped going to Beechwood as something happens everytime I go. Some incident ... some argument and I just cant be arsed with it anymore. Show me where I've used language like "scum" ... I'd not condone that even if you were all Tory voters ... probably. 

I've actually tried to mute you as you're about the most annoying but it's obviously not worked.

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14 hours ago, Kenny*******Powers said:

Theres about 14 clubs showing an interest in potentially going back to the juniors, until it’s confirmed what their plans are then i can’t see anyone knowing what’s happening with the conferences until then 

I would love any club who wants to go back to go back now. Stop beating about the bush, act like men if they have balls and get back to the square box of the juniors.
no vision, no future, no progress. please tell them all to go and I guarantee most of them, most definitely the fans, if not all will feel like assess when the WOS is flourishing in a couple of years time.  (don't mind this being shoved back in my face years to come if I'm wrong but hey I do usually well with my views on whats happening or predictions.)

Its the juniors fault, no question, they forced non vision teams to leave, saying there was no junior league next season, so get the juniors back up and go back and leave the ones who really want to progress and be excited at a higher standard of football.

Edited by Bestsinceslicebread
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