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Sevco and their fans suffer humiliating dossier defeat

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32 minutes ago, flood said:

It would appear that the full scale bbc/tom English/Brian McLaughlin/ Ewan Murray barrage on loans/advances from 2008 that has been going on since the bbc gave follow follow info on Friday evening is just a smokescreen that rangers have nothing on the SPFL. 

I really think the smoking gun was the select what’s apps from sevco fan at Inverness Scot Gardener, and the fake Dundee invoices. 


The guy that created the fake invoice says he only did so AFTER Rangers had announced their dossier.

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17 minutes ago, bennett said:

If I recall rightly questions regarding his links to celtic shareholders being fully disclosed have never been properly answered by Doncaster. 



“If the chief executive was notified, as he should have been, can he confirm why he did not notify the SPFL Board of this interest?


Why would his involvement with the owners of the staunchly Unionist Belfast Telegraph be an issue? He'd already been connected with the Record, Mail, Express and Telegraph, amongst others. His new job with INM came after his appointment to the SPFL, and was hardly a secret.


Edited by welshbairn
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3 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Why would his involvement with the owners of the staunchly Unionist Belfast Telegraph be an issue? He'd already been connected with the Record, Mail, Express and Telegraph, amongst others. 

Two celtic shareholders employ him, conflict of interest. 

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Here it is in full.


hiya pals,im afraid im gonny be goin away for a bit so this will be the last youl hear of me im afraid. its quite a long story but alow me to fill yous in.

my pals and me always play jokes on eachother on our birthdays it started as simple things like my pal derek who has a car and he can drive we tinfoyeled his car,completely covered and we all laughed, and then nathan henderson who still does the tablet and fudge sellin round the doors,we made a macaroon bar with a dog shit and some pencil sharpnins and he even sold it to alec thomsons grandad bill for 50p and we laughed.

these were harmles fun but gary morrison took it two far at my birthday cos hed been pretending to be me on a forum called nambla-chat,i dinny ken what it is probably some eropean heavy metal band or some shite that hes into, but anyway he registered as young_chigsy_from_scotland_loves_old_cock and he used a pic of me from bebo and he chatted up all these old sicos who were pedophiles and this one guy from germany had just got out of jail and was on the forum and gary morrison chatted him up,as me, and the guy started sayin he loved me, exept it wasnt me it was gary morrison pretendin. but then he gave him my address and this german pedo turned up in scotland 2 weeks later on my birthday and tried to get in my house to kiss me and show me his willy and that. lucky for me derek was there and he went out and chibbed the c**t. lucky escape aye but i was angry at gary morrison for takin it two far,at the end of the day my bumhole is exit only and 57yr old hans weiner from dusildorf wasny gonny change taht and then i swore revenge on gary morrison on his birthday.

gary morrison has boring birthday parties with all his family and that at his house and hes got loads of old ppl in his family but i was there with stevie hall and we were playin cod on xboxlive for ages which i like to do cos he has the hedset and i like to shout 'americans are gay' when americans are talking but i do it in an english voice and then there like 'oooh would you like a cup of tea' also in an english voice but anyway my revnge plan was simple. i was gonny pretend to go home at night but not go home and insted id hide under his bed until he went to bed then id jump out on him,,,,revenge and job done, chigsy style.

i said i was away home and said cheerio to him and aw the old fuddy dudys and that but after leavin the livin room i sneaked of upstairs. before takin my hiding place i drew a cock on the head of a guy on his blink182 poster, then i got his anhaler of his bedside cabinet and rubbed my nob on it, well you cant have two much revenge when youv nearly been arseshagged i thought as i got under the bed. he got to his room sooner than id thought after fucking about next door in the toilet for ages, dirty wee c***s probably havin a chug i thought, then the door opened and the light came on, he had a pair of ridicilos baffies on like an old wifey would were and i was lookin forward two takin the piss out him for them later on. as the light went out and he got in bed i let him settle before divin out, jumpin under the covers grabbin him and shoutin 'GONNY SHAG YE, AM GONNY SHAG YE'. i didnt know gary morrisons 89yr old gran ethil from coatbridge always stayed at his on his birthdays as it was too late for her two go home,and i also didnt know that he always gave the old boot a shot of his bed and he slept downstares on the couch.

by the time the ambulence got there id tryed to climb out the window but got stuck and had to get pulled back in by gary morrisons dad but nobody actualy battered me which i was happy about but they were all realy cryin and upset and that. i had to talk to the police later that night in the police station. i always thought manslaughter was a ps2 game but apparently im gonny have to spend a wee bit of time as a guest of her magesty and ive a bad feelin that the bum beastin i escaped the first time will come back and hont me. i suppose gary morrison had the last laugh after all altho he wont get a £5note in a card from granny ethil next yr so every cloud and that eh.

wish me luck,ill need it. i hope i dont get a room mate who posts on the nambla forum likes.



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6 minutes ago, Pet Jeden said:

You know who voted what? Do share.


Following an exhaustive search conducted by worldwide sports executive search agency Nolan Partners, Mr MacLennan was the SPFL Board’s unanimous choice and will replace Ralph Topping, who will stand down on 1 August 2017 after nearly eight years in the role.


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14 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

1. Robertson wasn't appointed to SPFL board until 2 years later. (Don't know who was Rangers MD at the time).

2. Budge was there. But her personnel decisions are guff. e.g. Craig Levein.

3. Is it not a bit of a convention to say "unanimous"?  Saying "by a split vote after raging arguments" isn't very helpful!

Edited by Pet Jeden
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I can't help but think of the scene from In The Loop where they're manufacturing the smoking intel - Traynor yelling "get me a folder and hook me up with a printer - change every maybe to a yes, and every probably to a definitely!"

Traynor is no Malcom Tucker, though. 

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6 minutes ago, paranoid android said:

I can't help but think of the scene from In The Loop where they're manufacturing the smoking intel - Traynor yelling "get me a folder and hook me up with a printer - change every maybe to a yes, and every probably to a definitely!"

Traynor is no Malcom Tucker, though. 

Jimbo has left the building. 





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