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Inverness and Morton becoming some sort of hate filled rivalry that lasts for decades would be an excellent development imo.

Hopefully the Greenock Telegraph can do their thing to spice it up.

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Just now, Henderson to deliver ..... said:

Inverness and Morton becoming some sort of hate filled rivalry that lasts for decades would be an excellent development imo.

Hopefully the Greenock Telegraph can do their thing to spice it up.

Cut out masks to start with

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48 minutes ago, capt_oats said:
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Following the publication of an SPFL EGM vote on a resolution calling for an independent investigation, I set out below how Motherwell FC voted and why we came to that decision.

Firstly, and contrary to various reports in the press, the board did not reach a conclusion until the weekend. This came after we had spent the appropriate time reviewing all the documentation which was supplied to clubs.

As I have said before, the situation we are in has no precedent. So it is no surprise that we are all, from Government down to individuals, struggling to make sense of where we find ourselves and how best we get through. Good answers are not easy to find.

It is against that backdrop that we reviewed the evidence. The key decision the SPFL board took was to propose a resolution to “call” the leagues other than the Premiership, and giving itself the power to do the latter in due course. Their rationale was twofold.

1) It was extremely unlikely this season could be finished.

2) In those circumstances the most important aspect was to protect, as far as possible, next season.

As a club we felt that was the correct decision at the time and it has been confirmed over the past weeks. There are now no credible voices still arguing that the 2019/20 season can be completed.

Did the evidence produced meet the high threshold required to merit an independent review of that decision and indeed an open-ended and unlimited enquiry into the whole corporate governance of the SPFL? In our view it did not.

We also took into account two other factors in our decision not to support the resolution.

Is this the appropriate time to divert resource into an investigation? In our view, it is not and we are surprised by the amount of effort and energy devoted to this topic at a time when Scottish football faces an existential crisis.

Secondly, it is very likely that a large number of clubs will need significant help to get to the other side of this, which might in turn entail accessing money from external sources. The chance of getting that sort of funding is much reduced if we continue to fight in public. For that reason, can we not all come together as a group to try and get the best possible outcome?

If in due course, when we are through this crisis, clubs feel that there should be a review of how the structure and operation of the SPFL could be improved, then we would support that and would be happy to be involved.

Jim McMahon


Everyone play nice now

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My absolute favourite so far is the wailing from certain Rangers fans on twitter, almost primarily Unionists, that 33% of clubs voting for  an investigation means there is an appetite for it.

But 'Wee Nippy' will cry and cry until the Indy vote goes her way and 45% means there's no appetite for that. 

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1 minute ago, djchapsticks said:

My absolute favourite so far is the wailing from certain Rangers fans on twitter, almost primarily Unionists, that 33% of clubs voting for  an investigation means there is an appetite for it.

But 'Wee Nippy' will cry and cry until the Indy vote goes her way and 45% means there's no appetite for that. 

There's one Rangers fan account that has just been tweeting, #CelticThePaedoClub after every single message. Went on their profile and that's all they've tweeted and they've tweeted it in excess of 40 times.

Edited by Speroni*1
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24 minutes ago, Speroni*1 said:

Keep popping on the Inverness forum to see what their outlook on their club being embarrassed is. They're more concerned about Morton fans battering them:



I'm fairly sure that particular poster is one of those bizarre troll accounts that spend their days on independent club forums.

ICT fans on here am have roundly mocked him for at least the last 5 months.

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32 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

Salty diet *** tears are just as enjoyable as full fat, joyous


May I point out that you sir are a second generation hobo & that you’ll find no link to TRFC 2012 or previous link between Edinburgh’s only club in our proud history.


now kindly f**k off back to your fine wine (tonic).





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3 minutes ago, Gorgie greatness said:

May I point out that you sir are a second generation hobo & that you’ll find no link to TRFC 2012 or previous link between Edinburgh’s only club in our proud history.


now kindly f**k off back to your fine wine (tonic).





"Edinburgh's only club"😂

It should say "Edinburgh's only club in the championship" surely... Get dooooooooon 

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For a statement thread there's a lack of statements being posted.  The rules are clear*, if a club comes out with a statement, you have to copy and paste it on here, no links.  Celtic statement for those not wanting to visit their site:


CELTIC Football Club welcomes the decisive vote by SPFL clubs to reject a lawyer-led inquiry into the processes relating to the resolution approved last month with support from the vast majority of clubs. 

We are satisfied that there is no evidence of any wrongdoing by the board or executive and do not consider that such an inquiry is necessary.

We now appeal to all clubs to look to the future in the knowledge that the threats which exist to the fabric of Scottish football are grave and unprecedented. All of our energies should be applied to planning for the return of the game in season 2020-21 and to the financial survival of all our clubs.

This current crisis is the fault of no individual or organisation and it would be irrational to suggest otherwise. It is the duty of everyone committed to the future of our game to make the best of this awful situation, and not the worst. 

We greatly regret the denigration of named individuals who have, on every occasion, acted upon decisions which were made by the board of the SPFL, representing all 42 clubs. The board and executive of the SPFL have operated under circumstances of unique difficulty in dealing with challenges of an unprecedented nature.

Although Celtic are not directly involved in issues of promotion and relegation, we have great sympathy for clubs which will end up in a lower division. While we have been supportive of temporary reconstruction, Celtic also understands the position of clubs who do not support league reconstruction at this time.

We recognise the hugely damaging effects that measures to counter the pandemic are inflicting on football clubs of all sizes across Scotland, Europe and beyond. It is the duty of everyone with the interests of football at heart to work for the greater good of securing the future of our sport.

In that spirit, Celtic will play our part in ensuring the earliest possible safe return to something approaching normality. Our highest priority is the safety of our players and supporters and we are acutely aware that Scottish football’s current difficulties represent only a tiny part of the challenges faced by society as a whole.


highlight: "greater good"

Edited by PauloPerth
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6 minutes ago, Gorgie greatness said:

May I point out that you sir are a second generation hobo & that you’ll find no link to TRFC 2012 or previous link between Edinburgh’s only club in our proud history.


now kindly f**k off back to your fine wine (tonic).





Oooft salty indeed

I have however pre-empted your request and cracked open a nice Dalmore 15 to toast to your demise.


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Following the publication of an SPFL EGM vote on a resolution calling for an independent investigation, I set out below how Motherwell FC voted and why we came to that decision.

Firstly, and contrary to various reports in the press, the board did not reach a conclusion until the weekend. This came after we had spent the appropriate time reviewing all the documentation which was supplied to clubs.

As I have said before, the situation we are in has no precedent. So it is no surprise that we are all, from Government down to individuals, struggling to make sense of where we find ourselves and how best we get through. Good answers are not easy to find.

It is against that backdrop that we reviewed the evidence. The key decision the SPFL board took was to propose a resolution to “call” the leagues other than the Premiership, and giving itself the power to do the latter in due course. Their rationale was twofold.

1) It was extremely unlikely this season could be finished.

2) In those circumstances the most important aspect was to protect, as far as possible, next season.

As a club we felt that was the correct decision at the time and it has been confirmed over the past weeks. There are now no credible voices still arguing that the 2019/20 season can be completed.

Did the evidence produced meet the high threshold required to merit an independent review of that decision and indeed an open-ended and unlimited enquiry into the whole corporate governance of the SPFL? In our view it did not.

We also took into account two other factors in our decision not to support the resolution.

Is this the appropriate time to divert resource into an investigation? In our view, it is not and we are surprised by the amount of effort and energy devoted to this topic at a time when Scottish football faces an existential crisis.

Secondly, it is very likely that a large number of clubs will need significant help to get to the other side of this, which might in turn entail accessing money from external sources. The chance of getting that sort of funding is much reduced if we continue to fight in public. For that reason, can we not all come together as a group to try and get the best possible outcome?

If in due course, when we are through this crisis, clubs feel that there should be a review of how the structure and operation of the SPFL could be improved, then we would support that and would be happy to be involved.

Jim McMahon

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Rangers Statement:

WE note the result of the vote taken at this morning’s General Meeting and wish to thank all clubs for listening to our concerns, giving up their time to read our report and for voting.

We also wish to place on record our thanks to our fellow requisitioners, who showed courage and acted with dignity throughout. Furthermore, to those clubs who voted in favour of the resolution, we appreciate your support and recognise your desire for increased accountability at the top of our national sport.

Today’s vote has erased the false narrative of this issue simply being a conflict between one club and the SPFL. All we sought was urgently required scrutiny, respect for all member clubs, fairness and transparency.

Significantly, support for the Hearts, Stranraer and Rangers requisition spanned the four professional divisions. Member clubs, recognising the need for Scottish football to improve its governance and professionalism, have moved beyond sporting rivalries and it would be unwise to regard this result as any kind of endorsement of the SPFL executive.

A light has been shone on the SPFL’s governance and regardless of the attempts to debunk our report, there is widespread acknowledgment that it highlighted serious issues and failings which remain to be addressed.

A management culture which not only fears accountability and scrutiny, but which actively campaigns against it, is unhealthy and breeds continued mistrust. This culture, so deeply embedded, must be addressed if Scottish football is to flourish.

It is clear that many members have lost confidence in the SPFL leadership and the need for change will not diminish.

The status quo cannot hold.


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22 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

My absolute favourite so far is the wailing from certain Rangers fans on twitter, almost primarily Unionists, that 33% of clubs voting for  an investigation means there is an appetite for it.

But 'Wee Nippy' will cry and cry until the Indy vote goes her way and 45% means there's no appetite for that. 

This could be getting serious for Scottish football, a boycott threat from a bear in Utrecht with half a season ticket.


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12 minutes ago, Gorgie greatness said:

May I point out that you sir are a second generation hobo & that you’ll find no link to TRFC 2012 or previous link between Edinburgh’s only club in our proud history.

now kindly f**k off back to your fine wine (tonic).

I assume this was a cunningly disguised dig at Hibs, I think you may find that Edinburgh City take issue with that one.

To be fair, if they do very well over the next year or so, you may well find yourself playing them in a "derby" as well - which would be nice


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Just now, Speroni*1 said:

Rangers Statement:

WE note the result of the vote taken at this morning’s General Meeting and wish to thank all clubs for listening to our concerns, giving up their time to read our report and for voting.

We also wish to place on record our thanks to our fellow requisitioners, who showed courage and acted with dignity throughout. Furthermore, to those clubs who voted in favour of the resolution, we appreciate your support and recognise your desire for increased accountability at the top of our national sport.

Today’s vote has erased the false narrative of this issue simply being a conflict between one club and the SPFL. All we sought was urgently required scrutiny, respect for all member clubs, fairness and transparency.

Significantly, support for the Hearts, Stranraer and Rangers requisition spanned the four professional divisions. Member clubs, recognising the need for Scottish football to improve its governance and professionalism, have moved beyond sporting rivalries and it would be unwise to regard this result as any kind of endorsement of the SPFL executive.

A light has been shone on the SPFL’s governance and regardless of the attempts to debunk our report, there is widespread acknowledgment that it highlighted serious issues and failings which remain to be addressed.

A management culture which not only fears accountability and scrutiny, but which actively campaigns against it, is unhealthy and breeds continued mistrust. This culture, so deeply embedded, must be addressed if Scottish football is to flourish.

It is clear that many members have lost confidence in the SPFL leadership and the need for change will not diminish.

The status quo cannot hold.


I do now find it quite ironic that they now see this as an appetite for change and reform yet many of their supporters voted against independence claiming the the country has spoken and there is no appetite for independence despite 45% voting for it.

They are a peculiar sort

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Is Tom English actually on drugs? What other explanation could there be for this drivel?



'Highly improbable that the story ends here'

BBC Scotland chief sports writer Tom English

And so the spin begins. Twenty-seven votes against having an independent inquiry and 13 votes for; 64% of clubs against the investigation into the SPFL's corporate governance and 31% went in favour.

If you're Neil Doncaster and the SPFL board you're saying that enough clubs have spoken and this should be the end of the most divisive chapter in the history of the organisation. If you're on the other side you're pointing out that one third of the top flight want this examination to take place and that 40% of the First and Second Division clubs combined gave their backing to the inquiry.

Save for Inverness, the Championship was a wipeout for those who were calling for a probe into what went on or didn't go on. The numbers are there to be interpreted and fought over - and they will be. Nothing will change there. We now know the result but, in a sense, we don't know the endgame because it's highly improbable that the story ends here regardless of the SPFL board wanting that to be the case.

Rangers said at the weekend "this episode is far from finished". We await their next move. And their next statement. And the ones from different places that come in its wake. Seconds out. Round two.


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