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George Floyd/Black Lives Matter Protests

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45 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

This is why the white supremacist right, who really do operate as one community, are so scary as they're combining the sense of being left behind and shit on by society with being the people who can actually end up in government, kneeling on people's necks etc.  

That sentence, on its own, looks very much like a ScotNut charter.  Combine that with the way the Natters demonise any opposition and you can see there's barely the gable end of a Rizla between Nationalist/Supremacist groups the world over.

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27 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

I hope to live long enough for American power to wane to the point Mexico invades and all these oathkeeper guys with their camo printed AR15s 




Mexico is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for journalists, it is among the countries with the highest levels of impunity for crimes against journalists


According to the updated version of the U.S. Department of Labor's List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor issued in December 2014, child labor contributes to the production of a total of 11 goods in Mexico, 10 of which are agricultural goods (including coffee, tobacco and sugarcane) and the remaining item is pornography.


but LGBT people have been prosecuted through the use of legal codes that regulate obscene or lurid behavior (atentados a la moral y las buenas costumbres). Over the past twenty years, there have been reports of violence against gay men, including the murders of openly gay men in Mexico City and of transvestites in the southern state of Chiapas.[17]


In recent years they've been related to the Mexican drug war, but also include prison riots, political motivated massacres, and conflicts in regional areas.

"For Christmas I want a Batman Tie Fighter with a working lazer cannon" type post. 

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I remember what Mexico was like before the drug wars seriously kicked off. Beautiful, peaceful and amazingly friendly country. Thank you America for your drug laws and open arms sales!

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That sentence, on its own, looks very much like a ScotNut charter.  Combine that with the way the Natters demonise any opposition and you can see there's barely the gable end of a Rizla between Nationalist/Supremacist groups the world over.
U ok, ***?
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31 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

That sentence, on its own, looks very much like a ScotNut charter.  Combine that with the way the Natters demonise any opposition and you can see there's barely the gable end of a Rizla between Nationalist/Supremacist groups the world over.

Like the massive rise in British Nationalism fronted by the Tory government?

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1 minute ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

Like the massive rise in British Nationalism fronted by the Tory government?

All your enoch powel type c***s farages and so on have done a great job at convincing white brits and americans that they are now at the bottom of the pile due to "the left, liberalism , etc etc " when in reality they might be about 2% less privalidged than they were 60 years ago.  it has worked wonders to get people to vote for the right in recent years.

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17 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

I'd be cool with Canada invading too

They have invaded and burned down the White House. Its one of those "history things" you find in books and stuff. Not very banterific or what ever the term all the cool middle aged people are using these days. 

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50 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

That sentence, on its own, looks very much like a ScotNut charter.  Combine that with the way the Natters demonise any opposition and you can see there's barely the gable end of a Rizla between Nationalist/Supremacist groups the world over.

I can’t decide if you are genuinely that warped that you actually believe this or whether you have decided to troll whilst this rioting is going on. Either way give it a rest please.

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2 hours ago, The OP said:

I tend to think that if a police officer killed a suspect of a different ethnicity in the middle east, Asia or Africa precisely no British person on social media would give a f**k.

I doubt it, if it was being broadcast live.

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1 minute ago, bennett said:

Which part of social distancing and global pandemic do these clowns not get...

The same criticism was levelled at anti lockdown protesters. Its actually a fair one, unless the crowd is being compressed by a "kettle". 

If the illness spreads its NHS staff who will be put at risk.

But I fundamentally, strongly support the protests in general if not their failures to do it in a manner consistent with our current health emergency (when allowed by the actions of the police). 

Complex world. You can support the message and criticise some of the way it is delivered and still hold exceptions open for other forces (i.e. a police kettle) that you are not aware off. 

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1 hour ago, dorlomin said:

Liar. The only time you take a blind bit of notice over human rights is as a purely expedient stick to beat your political enemies: the western democracies. 

Just one of dozens of examples: 300 000 dead and 3 million displaced in Syria. Almost weekly cities are hit by massive, indiscriminate bombing. Your allies (and friends) such as Putin, Erdogan and Hezb'allah. Not  a peep from you, other than maybe a smirk, the good guys winning I guess. 

You are as shameless in your dishonesty as Trump himself. 

All those sharing social media update on "black lives matter" see how many posts they have on the black lives being lost to Boko Haram in West Africa, in the South Sudan civil war or the utter horror show that is the DRC. 

The nakedness of the expediency in which people pick and choose when they will whip themselves into a smug, outrage lather is ..... well its not even disappointing any more. Its the most normal thing on the internet. 

Now back to regular programming: Last night a video was posted of a black officer laying out a black woman with a blind sided punch. About a day ago there was a horrific video of a white officer gunning down a white lad who had had a drinking session interrupted and was drunk and terrified out of his mind so made a tiny mistake. Racism is a major problem in America, but the lack of training and failure to hold police to reasonable standard of modern policing is making it massively worse and also hiding the issue under the general gung ho thuggish nature of US policing. People can condemn both the appalling standards of policing and the scale of racism still evident in US society. 

Point to a post of mine that voices support for Putin, Erdogan or Hezb’allah.


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6 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Point to a post of mine that...

...criticised Putin, Erdogan.

Silence is consent as we say to the 3 officers who watched Derek Chauvin kneel on Floyd's neck. 

Hezb'allah are Jeremy Corbyn's self declared friends. I have to apologise and say it was a cheap shot to suggest you agreed with someone as dumb as Corbyn. 

Edited by dorlomin
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30 minutes ago, ICTChris said:

Logan Paul was filmed looting last night.

Looks like it was his brother, and he was just filming while the looting was going on in Scottsdale.

I've been waiting years for the opportunity to say this, but: I've been in Fashion Square dozens of times. Could've been me.

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7 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

Point to a post of mine that voices support for Putin, Erdogan or Hezb’allah.


Just to help out the conversation here GD I think a better rebuttal would be to point out your posts which condemns Putin or Hezb’allah.  You’ve made over 30,000 posts on P&B so I’d imagine you would have quite a few. 

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