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Conspiracy Theories

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8 hours ago, the aggressive beggar said:

I hear this shit every day at work. 

Michelle Obama's a man and her real name is Michael LeVaughn or something. 

Tom Hanks , Ellen DeGeneres and The Rock are "paedavores", took me a few seconds to work that one out. 


Covid is a hoax. 

Trumps state visits to, amongst others, China and Saudi Arabia, is actually a cover for him single handedly breaking up international paedophile rings.

Its actually quite worrying how many people completely believe this and the "irrefutable evidence" they have painstaking researched online i.e. watched a guy on youtube.

White House staffer found

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12 hours ago, Mr Waldo said:

Quite scary people can get away with sharing such nonsence. Wiki says 

Veterans Today is a pro-Kremlin, antisemitic conspiracy theory and fake news website. It describes itself as a "military veterans and foreign affairs journal", but the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) had said "the anti-Israel bent on VT can slide pretty quickly into overt anti-Semitism."

Is it not our resident compulsive liar’s conspiratorial news medium of choice?   I’m pretty sure Pepp likes to sing the praises of several of its “leading” writers.  

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27 minutes ago, throbber said:

I don’t know if the pyramids count as a conspiracy theory or just a proper mystery but I find the Great Pyramid of Giza to be particularly sensational to the point of believing that aliens building it is a reasonable hypotheses. To begin with there is the mystery of how they even got the stone to site and lifted into place in the first place, made with mortar that can’t be recreated today and built with mathematical principals that weren’t discovered officially until thousands of years later and built to scaled dimensions that mirror exact dimensions of the earth and the sun. It also was discovered in 1940 to be the only pyramid to have 8 sides rather than 4 as a slight concave that is only visible from above was spotted by a pilot flying over it, you can apparently only see this concave during sunrise and sunset on the autumn and spring equinoxes. It was also discovered in 1864 to be located on the geographical centre of the earth ie the exact point where the  north/south and east/west lines incorporating the largest land masses meet one another. Probably best illustrated by the below picture. More recent studies have shown that this exact position may be located somewhere in Turkey some 1800 km away but who ever did that calculation is probably a c**t.



Why would aliens build the pyramids then just f**k off, leaving zero trace behind and leaving zero verbal history behind?

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On 02/08/2020 at 17:20, Hillonearth said:

I'm sure I read a while back in something reputable that there's evidence of an impact in the Indian Ocean somewhere near Madagascar around 3000BC which would have caused local inundations in the Fertile Crescent just as civilisation was getting started and lived on in folk memory as a great flood  when the whole world was under water.

In terms of lost civilisations now underwater, given the timescale of the last major rise in sea levels it's unlikely. That being said, there's another theory that evidence of some of the transitional missing links in human evolution now lie under the sea, as we're unique amongst the great apes in having an affinity for water...drop a chimp, gorilla or orangutan in water and all they'll do is drown. We may have gone through a coastal semi-aquatic stage a good while back which would account for this quirk which none of our closest relatives share.

There is already strong evidence though that the origins of the flood myths date back to the end of the ice age, and the flooding of the black sea, 3000BC is already in the written records age so wouldn't be old enough for the sort of myth / legend era


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24 minutes ago, honestly united said:

There is already strong evidence though that the origins of the flood myths date back to the end of the ice age, and the flooding of the black sea, 3000BC is already in the written records age so wouldn't be old enough for the sort of myth / legend era


Hadn't heard of that one - I'd initially read of the 3000BC thing in a book some time ago that I don't recall the title of, but this sounds like the same one I was thinking of:


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1 hour ago, Bigmouth Strikes Again said:

That ones probably fake, but this ones real...........

Time travel proof: Riddle of 'planes and helicopter' found in ...

If only the ancient Egyptians had tippex they wouldn't have had to scrawl one hieroglyph over another to confuse people 3000 years later.


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3 hours ago, throbber said:

I don’t know if the pyramids count as a conspiracy theory or just a proper mystery but I find the Great Pyramid of Giza to be particularly sensational to the point of believing that aliens building it is a reasonable hypotheses. To begin with there is the mystery of how they even got the stone to site and lifted into place in the first place, made with mortar that can’t be recreated today and built with mathematical principals that weren’t discovered officially until thousands of years later and built to scaled dimensions that mirror exact dimensions of the earth and the sun. It also was discovered in 1940 to be the only pyramid to have 8 sides rather than 4 as a slight concave that is only visible from above was spotted by a pilot flying over it, you can apparently only see this concave during sunrise and sunset on the autumn and spring equinoxes. It was also discovered in 1864 to be located on the geographical centre of the earth ie the exact point where the  north/south and east/west lines incorporating the largest land masses meet one another. Probably best illustrated by the below picture. More recent studies have shown that this exact position may be located somewhere in Turkey some 1800 km away but who ever did that calculation is probably a c**t.



The Egyptians started with cuboids  before adding additional storeys with indents ( presumably because non terraced ones just collapsed)  which led to stepped pyramids. There was a bit of trial and error while they figured out how steep the sides could be.  There is archaeological evidence for a clear evolutionary progression. At which point did the aliens join in?

what do you mean about the pyramids being scaled to the exact dimensions of the earth and the sun? That sounds a bit iffy.

Just eyeballing those lines you could have them crossing every landmass if they were centred on any point in an area with corners in the balkans, Chad, Ethiopia and Iraq. 

I assume you’re not serious.


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