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St. Johnstone v Aberdeen (The Massey-Ferguson Main Event)

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6 hours ago, Saint Huck said:

The whole lockdown was to stop hospitals and the healthcare service from being overwhelmed all at once.  I dont think we are going to stop people getting infected in growing numbers until there is a vaccine especially now that people are getting out and about more. People will also become lax and less careful - its just human nature.  We will probably see a lot more cases affecting footballers as well as the general public.  This is just the start unfortunately.

New Zealand, 100 days since last Covid case and playing rugby to packed stadiums. What are they doing differently? 


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Jonny Hayes claiming (ludicrously) that the players thought all 8 of them were part of the same household and therefore were OK to go to the pub together.

This suggests yet again that there is no "bubble" and that the players have simply been asked to religiously follow the same rules as everyone else. It would be nice if the actual protocol was made public to save any gnashing of teeth in future.

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15 hours ago, Shaggy Jenkins said:

It's not really difficult to understand.

How do you think clusters start? This is an  incredibly virulent and relatively easily transmitted virus when in close proximity to others. It only takes one person to then start a cluster. 

Anyone with half a brain could see that being in a crowded pub during this time has the potential for the virus to be transmitted and your cluster then created.

Employing a modicum of common sense you should realise the dangers of puting yourself into that situation, therefore endangering yourself, others and enabling the virus to spread. Just because the stats don't show it right then an there on any significant nubers the fact is this virus is still very much active and just waiting for the right conditions.

So effectively saying it's ok the government said it was fine is not really a defence IMO.

Erm, all of these considerations fall under the responsibility of the government to control rather than a bunch of professional footballers. If it is okay for an actual NHS worker or care home staff to go to a pub in their free time the it is absolutely fine for footballers to do so. The risk profile for their profession is absolutely minimal and the sooner that people stop clutching their pearls about the precious protocol on this point, the better.

And btw if there are actually no cases in a relatively contained area then the virus is not actually likely to be still active at all. It was most likely re-imported either from abroad or from our wonderful open border with England where it never came close to being eliminated in the community). Again, it is the government's job to advise the public and take further action if needed, not that of some Aberdeen players to lock themselves up for no valid reason.


The gov can only really be reactionary to confirmed outbreaks and try and shut them down quickly.

Except that you said earlier that any old idiot could foresee an outbreak happening due to a pub being open, so the government should actually have been able to shut them down in time if it were quite as simple as your moral grandstanding argument would suggest. But it's not though.



They have to trust that people use their better judgement, see the situation, turnedaround and go home or to another venue where proper social distancing measures were being adhered to therefore minimising the risk and not create an environment where there is an outbreak in the first onstance.

Unfortunately it seem many are incapable or just to bloody selfish to employ the level of critical thinking required. 


There was a similar if smaller-scale outbreak linked to a pharmacy in Port Glasgow the week before this Aberdeen case, with no evidence that failing to comply with 'proper social distancing measures' had played any role in that happening at all. It isn't a black or white, safe/unsafe environment out there: it's rather a sliding scale of risk. Aberdeen players could have contracted the virus from getting the morning rolls or visiting the supermarket (and indeed there is only circumstantial evidence that they picked it up due to being out last Saturday night instead). The sum total of tangible society-wide measures that the players appear to have actually breached involves the maximum number of households that you should be interacting with, which is such a piece of nonsense 'rule' that it is widely ignored/forgotten about on a daily basis. Footballers should be judged to no higher or lower standard on that front than any member of the general public.

The story ticks all of the boxes for a great tabloid-level moral indignation but when it now comes to discussing actual disciplinary action from the club against employees and the great importance of begging forgiveness from Saint Johnstone FC it's clear that horse has been flogged pretty much to death. 


But hey you carry on. I would expect nothing more from P&Bs resident contrarian pseudo intellectual.

There's nothing 'psuedo' about it champ. 



Edited by vikingTON
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6 hours ago, The Marly said:
On 08/08/2020 at 12:28, Detournement said:
Normalising the idea that your work can punish you for getting ill or just mildly risky behaviour in general is a slippy slope. 
Stupid footballers is always a popular witch hunt in the UK but people need to remember they are just workers like the majority of us. 

Their "work"is a bit different though. Part of their terms and conditions will be to keep themselves fit and able to play football. This will be viewed the same as if they went bungee jumping on their day off.

Nonsense, the chances of getting injured bungee jumping are almost none existent. If something was to go wrong doing it then being fit for a match against saints or Hamilton  would be the least of a players worries!

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Nonsense, the chances of getting injured bungee jumping are almost none existent. If something was to go wrong doing it then being fit for a match against saints or Hamilton  would be the least of a players worries!
Most players have clauses in their contract prohibiting them participating in extreme sports.
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On 09/08/2020 at 08:30, tree house tam said:

It seems that the usual suspects who dramatize every wee thing to do with Saints, have been replied to from the usual suspects who really should know better. Now to work out who's trolling who? 

f**k that you fannies.

Anyway in the rearranged game Saints to win 3-1.

This post started off promisingly but you've let yourself down with the last line. 

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On 09/08/2020 at 10:13, Fife Saint said:

I think the lack of self-awareness displayed by Aberdeen points to a cultural fault at the top. Little wonder when the guy calling the shots looks like a low budget Wayne Lineker.

What’s this seemingly fashionable “Wayne Lineker” shit?

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56 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

What’s this seemingly fashionable “Wayne Lineker” shit?

Poor comparison in my opinion, the Sun article clearly stated that Wayne Lineker used hand sanitizer before pushing all those lassies into the swimming pool. 

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