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When Is It Acceptable To Physically Assault Someone?

Dee Man

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1 hour ago, Dee Man said:

Self-explanatory title relating to a debate on another thread discussing whether Neymar was justified in hitting someone on the back of the head after allegedly being a victim of racist abuse from a Marseille player - he later said his only regret is not hitting the player on the face. 

What is your personal sliding scale of verbal abuse where a violent response becomes merited?

Have you ever assaulted someone and why? Do you think it was justified? 

Have you ever been assaulted, and in hindsight, do you think you deserved it?

Have you ever fantasised about sticking the head on Niall McGinn?

Personally I enjoy videos of school bullies getting battered by their victims so there's one example where I think it's justified. Especially the one where the fat kid picks his aggressor up and smashes him off the ground. That was ace. 


And that kid? Brock Lesnar.

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23 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

This maybe isn't the thread for this but you have got halfway to dealing with your victim complex. What happened to you was shite of course but if you're still letting it affect how you go about your business as an adult it suggests you need to spend some hard effort to consciously reset what your brain thinks is a threat. I recognise a lot of what you say across the forum and how you interpret things from my mother who spent her whole life thinking the world was against her because of her childhood. She's going to die a lonely and isolated person because she has never faced this head on (not her fault but you need to play the hand you're dealt) and has never spent the difficult time consciously interrupting her skewed impulses until it retrains her brain not to see the world as a threat.


Anyway back on topic: sparking out nazis is natural and good. 

I don’t disagree and the way it manifested was a slow slide into mental health issues which started with me isolating myself more and more. Had no idea about therapy or self help back then, seemed like something only rich Americans do, and was too ashamed to share it with anyone, also no internet. I even tried reaching out, yes stupid I know, to them after a while and just got nowhere. 
My thinking became, I was nice and it made things worse. I’m still nice and maybe it’s easier if I just don’t trust anyone and keep myself to myself.

Twice when I’ve started to recover I got more shit off people and it sent me backwards but over time I’ve realised that if someone acts like that then they’re in a bad way themselves. I believe that I’m working in a toxic environment, I don’t believe that this is imagined but I do think that my reaction to it is more acute than others due to previous. There is something that certain b*****ds see in people that makes them targets, dunno hard to explain. Again it feels like being good works against you. I don’t feel like that playing fives and don’t feel on edge, folk are sound. Just need to meet the right group and hoping through exercise I can push myself into joining more groups somehow. At my age it’s difficult and it would be difficult for anyone with no hang ups to meet others imo. I wish it was easier and living in a big city with lots of meetup events it wouldn’t be a chore. 
Most folk can’t and won’t understand or have time for comprehending that good people can fail, say they will help but do nothing meaningful. Have to say that the depression thread on here is excellent. Just wish posters wouldn’t try and drag stuff from there onto other threads to wind people up. 

Sorry to have gone off on a tangent but your post deserved a reply. 

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Due to a mispent youth in the 80s where gang culture then casuals were not uncommon I saw the odd bit if violence. 

In my case it was always a case of me being just as guilty as the other party.  I recognise however that innocent parties could get caught up in that way of behaviour and it can scar them for life.

I look back now and think of so many occasions as to how things/my life could have turned out differently.

I am sure sociologists could analyse it and tell me my lifestyle could have been my way of fulfilling the loss of bonding I never had with my siblings as I was 9 years younger than the other three and my that as my dad was what they called a "man's man" and my brother had joined the army at 17 I grew up without that male role in my life so sought it elsewhere... 

I prefer to see it as just being an absolute immature bawbag for a few years and it is not something I am proud of.

As I got older and wiser thanfully I saw the error of my ways.

Nowadays I work with 16-24 year olds to help them overcome personal barriers and help them move on in their luves.  I try to use my own experiences to help me understand why some of them get involved in violence.  I also try to show them that there is an alternative and that sometimes it does indeed take a bigger person to walk away.  I teach them techniques in how to avoid violence preventing itself in the first place or how to diffuse a situation.  The bottom line, regardless of our upbringing we are ultimately still responsible for our own actions.

In a weird way as I write this I see similarities between the people I ran about with back then and the team I work with now. Some you trust implicitly and know that if I found myself in a difficult situation would come running to my aid.  Others you know not to rely on who would turn to their heels and run.

As somebody said however,  there is nothing funnier than somebody thinking they are hard/racist as feck getting decked on their arse.


Edited by Sugar_Army
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14 minutes ago, Romeo said:

Tried to add this to my earlier post but doesn't seem to have worked.

Buzz Aldrin shows incredible restraint before gubbing a moon landing conspiracy nut.

"Swear on the Bible you walked on the moon".  

I love the fact that people think if you place your hand on a book full of myth and fantasy written hundreds of years ago to suit who ever was in power at the time, you are suddenly going to confess all.

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If you are a renowned superhero confronting a criminal mastermind seeking world domination then strong language might not be enough.

Apart from that self defence and defending the weak and vulnerable would be the best reasons.

Anyway.  Where's my cape?  A busy night of crime busting awaits.

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I rather liked the tale of a guy who burgled an old guys house thinking he would be a soft target only to be knocked out by the old guy...who was a former boxer.

The other good bit of violence was our coach's teenage daughter getting harassed by two yokels at a Scottish Cup tie in darkest Galloway and she landed a fine punch on one of them.

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