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The US Presidential election prediction thread


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Extra Secret Service agents have been deployed to Delaware (where Biden is) in anticipation for him winning.  It's to mirror what the POTUS gets while in office.

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50 minutes ago, craigkillie said:

The way it is done there seems fairer - essentially the vote is cast when it is sent, not when it arrives. Depositing it into your postbox is basically the same as depositing it into a polling box at a polling station - it's someone else's responsibility to ensure that it arrives at the count in a reasonable amount of time, that's not something you have any control over. Forcing them to arrive by a certain date leaves you beholden to other circumstances - what if there was a postal strike in the days leading up to the election and no mail was being delivered?

Our system where the vote has to arrive by a certain date is much less fair. For the 2015 GE, I was living in Australia but still eligible to vote. I applied for a postal vote in plenty of time, but it didn't arrive until the day before the deadline for it being received back in the UK, thus rendering it impossible for me to get it there in time. Under our system, I was disenfranchised, whereas under the US system I'd have been able to send it that day and it would still have counted.

There are logistical reasons why the UK option might be better in terms of getting a timely result, but it's definitely not fairer.

My sister was over here for the New Zealand election, she was able to vote online by a secure download, signing and marking the ballot paper, scanning and returning it electronically. Apparently most people vote online in Estonia, hasn't increased participation though which is a bit surprising.

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They must have employed the slowest counters they could find in these states, just sums up how much of a shambles the best country in the world really is, the shopping trolley collectors of the western world. 

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Nothing much seems to have been counted in North Carolina for 2 days. Trump's 76,737 votes ahead, and it was trending red before the last count, but there are only mail in ballots left with 5% left to count, which tend in other states to go Biden's way. Maybe throwing away profits but got 15/2 with Bet365, now down to 5/1.

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Jesus wept - 


Trump’s allies have grown concerned that someone is going to have to reckon with the President that his time in office is potentially coming to an end, though they have not decided who should be the one to do it. There has been talk of potentially Jared Kushner or Ivanka Trump doing so, sources said. 


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