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The US Presidential election prediction thread


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1 hour ago, AyrshireTon said:

Was he the one that was writing a letter of resignation anyway?

Aye. And was keen to rename US bases currently bearing the name of Confederates. Poor Donny doesn’t realise he’s just given the guy’s CV the kiss of life by punting him. 

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3 hours ago, Jambomo said:

Via Twitter apparently 🤣

Yeah, CNN are saying that refused to let Trump use the army in the BLM protests. 

Must more useful in the next 3 months to have an army that will do what he tells them to, than one which answers to the people. 

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I've heard snippets from Trump spokesmen about dodgy software used to count the ballots. It comes from this guy. The video is old and a taster, the meat is in the linked article. This whole post election farce could have been written by Carl Hiaasen or Elmore Leonard.


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Potential boost for the Dems in the Georgia Senate run offs if the Supreme Court decide in Trump's favour on Obamacare today.


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On 07/11/2020 at 18:35, welshbairn said:

You have to pray that some civil servant will leak out the alternative tweet if Trump had won, like Boris's two Telegraph columns for his Brexit decision. 

Please somebody crack this?


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Biden's majority in Georgia is now 12,428. There's no chance of that being reversed in a recount. This will be the first time Georgia has voted for a Democrat that wasn't a Southerner since Kennedy in 1960, before the great civil rights realignment. 

Atlanta seems to be a really interesting place. It's become much more white in recent years, and about 15% of the population identify as LGBT. Average attendance at Atlanta Utd last season was over 52,000. It's become a creative hub, with only LA and New York ahead of it, and a magnet for well-educated liberals. Another state where the demographics are moving away from Republicans. 

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On 10/11/2020 at 14:42, GordonS said:

Biden's majority in Georgia is now 12,428. There's no chance of that being reversed in a recount. This will be the first time Georgia has voted for a Democrat that wasn't a Southerner since Kennedy in 1960, before the great civil rights realignment. 

Atlanta seems to be a really interesting place. It's become much more white in recent years, and about 15% of the population identify as LGBT. Average attendance at Atlanta Utd last season was over 52,000. It's become a creative hub, with only LA and New York ahead of it, and a magnet for well-educated liberals. Another state where the demographics are moving away from Republicans. 

Yes, interesting. I did wonder what it was now all about in Atlanta, going Democrat.

If someone had ever asked me for 3 names that I'd associate with  slaving, lynchings, red neckery etc., I'd have said Atlanta, Alabama and Missouri.


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There was a video online two weeks ago or so and it was Trump and some Republican big wig/ legal guy giving a speech...when it finished and they were walking away chatting the guy with Trump just stopped and stared at him while Trump went on...can't help but wonder if that was Trump telling him he was going to try this card as (possibly literally)  get out of jail...

I remember the comments at the time being very much of the 'what did Trump say to make him act like that...', wish i could find the clip now!!

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