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The Official Farewell to President Donald J Trump Thread


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13 hours ago, RiG said:

When he got a print of "The Republican Club" painting hung up in The White House:



I was trying to work out the Presidents in the picture:

From left: Grant, GHW Bush. Ronnie, GW Bush, Abe, Ike, Ford, The Donald, Tricky Dicky, Teddy, Silent Cal and I think Harding and Hoover are in the background behind Teddy.

If it's all of them then Hayes (background behind GHW Bush?), Arthur, McKinley, Taft and Harrison should be in there somewhere but I can't be arsed looking closely. Is that Taft behind Ford (Taft was a fat b*****d)?

Edited by tamthebam
Removal of grocer's apostrophe inserted by predictive text
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I think that could be Taft to the right. What I want to know is who that woman is, and who's staring at her pint in hand, either angry or concerned? Her Dad?

Maybe one of the Presidents has got her pregnant and she's about to confront them, Donald most likely. She doesn't look happy.



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23 hours ago, GordonS said:

I think possibly the biggest part of his appeal to those who voted for him was how much it annoyed liberals. They didn't like his conduct, but they knew it drove the other side crazy, and that made them happy. They claim to be patriotic Americans, but they'd it's more important to them that their President is a wind up merchant than one who can speak in sentences. 

American Vinyl Make Liberals Cry Again Bumper Sticker (Trump 2020 MAGA KAG Funny Anti Left)

Last Monday I spent some time sitting at a red light behind a socially aware patriot with one of these on his pickemup. You can buy them on Amazon. To your point; the Repubs didn't care "what" Trump did. Liberals hated him and that was all they needed.

This article further illustrates the point.

He's not hurting the people he should be hurting.

"But Crystal Minton, a secretary at the prison who is also a single mother caring for disabled parents, had a somewhat different reaction — one that reveals an essential truth about the core Trump’s political appeal.

“I voted for him, and he’s the one who’s doing this,” Minton told Mazzei. “I thought he was going to do good things. He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”

He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.

Think about that line for a second. Roll it over in your head. In essence, Minton is declaring that one aim of the Trump administration is to hurt people — the right people. Making America great again, in her mind, involves inflicting pain."


2 hours ago, tamthebam said:

I was trying to work out the Presidents in the picture:

From left: Grant, GHW Bush. Ronnie, GW Bush, Abe, Ike, Ford, The Donald, Tricky Dicky, Teddy, Silent Cal and I think Harding and Hoover are in the background behind Teddy.

If it's all of them then Hayes (background behind GHW Bush?), Arthur, McKinley, Taft and Harrison should be in there somewhere but I can't be arsed looking closely. Is that Taft behind Ford (Taft was a fat b*****d)?

You're missing Daddy Bush standing behind St. Ronnie, no?

At the time this Garrison-esque bollocks came up, there was much hilarity at the idea of those men wanting to be in the same room as Trump, much less sitting around a table laughing along with him. Not to mention that none of them would get elected in today's climate. Commie libtards all.

Anyway; another couple of Trumpisms, which I don't think have been mentioned was when he visited Scotland one of his golf courses in Scotland and talked about how Brexit was "A great thing" and praised the Scottish people for "Taking their country back."

And when the children of the White House Press Corp visited for Halloween, he told one wee lass "Well, you have no weight problems, that's the good news, right?"

Knows his audience, does our Donald.

Edited by Shotgun
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Bill Barr taking unprecedented action in investigating voter fraud prior to the counts being certified and contested; despite no evidence of such fraud.  Leading to the resignation of his director of elections crimes.

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On 08/11/2020 at 19:04, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Right, heres the thing for me, the man is a monster, hes a bigot, hes an arsehole, his hotels are shite, everyone hates him, he lies, hes just an awful awful person, but I cant help but think he’s the ultimate troll. I despise the man, but jesus christ he really could have shot someone on 5th Avenue and got away with it. But he is the absolute king of trolling, his inadvertent ‘banter’ and his general just being shite at his jobiness has done nothing but make me (sad) laugh for the past 5 years at just how awful he actually is. He has completey exposed how stupid and daft American politics is and has turned it into an art form. Its like when baxter ate the whole wheel of cheese, im not mad, im impressed. 

No doubt about it, said it all along, he's the greatest troll of all time.

And no way could he be that stupid.  I will be called a liar so won't elaborate but I've spent some time in the company of people who know him and have met him, and every one has said he isn't nearly as stupid as he comes across on TV, that's an act.

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On 08/11/2020 at 22:07, Fullerene said:

What exactly is the objection to someone being a career politician?  Honest question.

After all if I wanted  to be a brain surgeon I wouldn't train to be a lawyer.

(Not that I ever had any wish to be any of the above.)

Cause you're supposed to enter politics to make a difference not to make money.  Someone like Biden who has been in politics for 47 years should set massive alarm bells ringing.  You don't last that long without being utterly corrupted, as we know he is.

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8 minutes ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

Yeah I knew that.  I've met like fifty people who are friends of his or have had lunch with him etc.  And when I say met I mean spent hours in their company. I could tell quite a few Trump stories that are excellent but won't share on here.


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2 minutes ago, Inanimate Carbon Rod said:

Share or gtf.

Well my favourite one is the ATand T tournament at Pebble Beach.  Pro-Am, the most prestigious in the world. Trump played in it once or twice about 10-15 years ago.

So nobody wanted to caddy for Trump. This story comes from the guy that did, second hand.  He turns up, all the caddies refuse to work for him, so they get a 16 year old from the pro shop to do it.

The deal is you work for the week, then they give you about two grand.  So he works for Trump for a week, gets like 7 or 8 hundred dollars at the end of the week.

Kids dad is enraged, follows Trump to a local private airport as he's leaving, says to him that's disgraceful, he could have earned more just working in the pro shop this week, Trump throws two hundred dollar bills on the ground as he's getting onto the plane.

Then Pebble Beach told him he's banned for life for stiffing his caddie.  He'll never get to play in that tournament again.

He also spent ten years trying to play in the Dunhill  right up until he was elected basically, and was told to f**k off, and personally visited the R and A in St Andrews to try to get the Open at his course in Aberdeen and was ejected from the building within ten minutes.  This was just prior to him becoming president.

All that is 100% true, can take it to the bank.

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Just now, Angusfifer said:


Its true.  I knew I'd get this Incase you hadn't gathered I spent years caddying at one of the top ten golf courses in the world.  You get people from the highest echelons of American politics all the time.  Off the top of my head in recent years I've had the governor of Alabama, Joe Biden's chief of staff, a guy who co-owned a political consulting firm with Karl Rove, a city commissioner from Cincinatti, a Democratic Senator from California, on and on and on.  And if it isn't a figure directly involved in politics they generally are very well connected to those that are.


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1 minute ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

Its true.  I knew I'd get this Incase you hadn't gathered I spent years caddying at one of the top ten golf courses in the world.  You get people from the highest echelons of American politics all the time.  Off the top of my head in recent years I've had the governor of Alabama, Joe Biden's chief of staff, a guy who co-owned a political consulting firm with Karl Rove, a city commissioner from Cincinatti, a Democratic Senator from California, on and on and on.  And if it isn't a figure directly involved in politics they generally are very well connected to those that are.


What course? I caddied at Dalmuir municipal and met the lord provost and a guy who claimed he was jesus. 

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9 hours ago, tamthebam said:

I was trying to work out the Presidents in the picture:

From left: Grant, GHW Bush. Ronnie, GW Bush, Abe, Ike, Ford, The Donald, Tricky Dicky, Teddy, Silent Cal and I think Harding and Hoover are in the background behind Teddy.

If it's all of them then Hayes (background behind GHW Bush?), Arthur, McKinley, Taft and Harrison should be in there somewhere but I can't be arsed looking closely. Is that Taft behind Ford (Taft was a fat b*****d)?


6 hours ago, Shotgun said:



You're missing Daddy Bush standing behind St. Ronnie, no?



How many Bushes do you think were president?

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