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P&B Chess League - Season 8 coming soon….

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On 14/05/2021 at 09:11, Frank Grimes said:

Round 10

Johnnydun418 v RBWatson



1 hour ago, Aim Here said:

Nicely done - refuting the Fried Liver attack with a Scholar's mate! Stuff your 25 moves of opening theory and your engine lines, we play REAL chess in the seaside leagues!


*Logs off to do some research*

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On 14/05/2021 at 13:51, Scorge said:

Yeah go for it, one game won't be a problem. Having seen things on here, no chance I'd have been able to do the prawn sandwich league any justice at the moment.

Pawn sandwich, surely.



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Pleslie999 beats Dandies1983 by resignation


Was a really good game, I lost an early rook, then traded Queens and was pretty close, I felt I was always behind until a couple mistakes allowed me back in. My opponent admitted being a few cans in near the end of the game so I reckon that maybe played a part lol! I'll take another win though! Cheers for the game, enjoyed it. 

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1 hour ago, invergowrie arab said:

Invergowrie beats @pleslie99 by checkmate.

Still no idea how I won that really. Got myself in all sorts of trouble in the middle game.

Good game though really enjoyed it 

Was a really good game, I felt I was ahead for a bit but couldn't find the move to make it count, u having a queen made the difference in the end I think. Well played.

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On 10/05/2021 at 17:20, Ziggy said:

1. d4.    d5

2 c4 dxc4

White offers the c pawn in return for open lines, quick development & central control. (hopefully)


Ah ha, got that played against me which i accepted by Dearyme which is Queens Gambit accepted....learning. Hope it doesn't develop into anything serious 😉

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PurpleKangaro89 @craigkillie  defeats Bri1962 Division A by checkmate. Didn't see that coming was wondering where our game went:lol: was too intent on getting you into checkmate but a really good game. Well played.

It's gonna be a long season i think.


Edited by keptie
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Division C Round 10, GordonS496 kicks mackieboz's khunt in.

That engine knows a lot about chess but not much about people. It says that the move that opened the game up and gave me a big advantage was an inaccuracy. There was a way out of it if he'd spotted it early enough, but even then I'd have lost nothing and probably gained a little bit of position.

Mate the first time I played you you were, to be fair, sh*te. But all the games since then have been difficult and enjoyable. Today was probably the best I've ever played (not saying much obv) and I'm sure the rematch will be tighter. 

Thankful only to have one game this weekend, I've had an ear infection that's had me wishing for the sweet relief of death.

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Division C Round 10, GordonS496 kicks mackieboz's khunt in.
That engine knows a lot about chess but not much about people. It says that the move that opened the game up and gave me a big advantage was an inaccuracy. There was a way out of it if he'd spotted it early enough, but even then I'd have lost nothing and probably gained a little bit of position.
Mate the first time I played you you were, to be fair, sh*te. But all the games since then have been difficult and enjoyable. Today was probably the best I've ever played (not saying much obv) and I'm sure the rematch will be tighter. 
Thankful only to have one game this weekend, I've had an ear infection that's had me wishing for the sweet relief of death.
Next time we play I'm gonna smash your other ear. Well played!
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A double win to report!

markf268 wins over DieHardDoonhamer by resignation - took the advantage with a knight fork of his queen and king but far too slow in actually closing it out, including a missed win. Was a bit cautious with it and ended up swapping my queen for a rook and bishop (not entirely deliberately!)

markf268 beats mackieboz by checkmate - blunders everywhere, not read the full analysis yet but I apparently had 5. A lot of the game was probably spent one move away from disaster for both of us, but with a small piece advantage I was able to get over the line.

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League A

GordonEF beats PurpleKangaroo89 by resignation

A tight game most of the way through. We got down to one rook and six pawns each and even though I had the slight advantage in pawn structure, I though we were probably heading to a stalemate but a mistake let me force a rook exchange and come out with a bigger pawn advantage. Still wasn't totally sure I could force a promotion at that point but by sending my h pawn on a suicide mission it would have forced his king away from the centre enough to give me the space to clear up the middle.

Good game @craigkillie

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