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Aberdeen's Next Permanent Manager

Who will be Aberdeen's next permanent manager?   

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9 minutes ago, CCB19035 said:

The buildings are grey because they are made out of granite, purely because that's what was to hand when creating the city. 



Does "Soulless" just mean 'nae pink, nae blue, nae red?"


Load of pish you're speaking. 

I do agree the city should be invested in, I've lived in Dundee which is comparable to Aberdeen and they are certainly trying in comparison.  

I think its the granite and the 70s concrete builds (same as any other town) just makes it all badly blend in together in winter makes it seem worse. Because of this the nicer granite buildings do not get appreciated  Thankfully the old council building being pulled down and Marsichal college getting  brought back to its former glory is perhaps turning the tide a bit.

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City needs revamped, no doubt about it, it's not like it's a third world country, though, as many like to make out. 
"A lot of Aberdonians are miserable" is a fair assessment of Scottish folk at large, no? We're a nation of self haters. 


I find it mostly with aberdonians tbh.

There was a comment above about grey buildings. Some of the granite buildings are actually cracking
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Guest Bob Mahelp
56 minutes ago, Ric said:

It should  be noted that Aberdonians voted for this odious cûnt, granted Aberdeen South contains the farmers around Cults and Peterculter, but it also includes a fucking huge chunk of the city too.


It also incudes Torry, which is probably the least Tory place I can think of.

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13 minutes ago, CCB19035 said:

I'm sure plenty are. 

Some of the political beliefs of your average punter up here are insane. 

Aye, Fermers and inaboot comers in Bridge of Don maybe, not those from Woodside, Kincorth, Torry, Summerhill etc...

4 minutes ago, Bob Mahelp said:

It also incudes Torry, which is probably the least Tory place I can think of.

Like folk fae Torry are registered to vote.

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15 minutes ago, afc_blockhead said:


West of Scotland voters voted for this odious little child !

Yeah, you are wrong there, he is a list MSP so nobody voted for him, they voted for the Greens. Whereas Thomson was directly elected for a constituency seat.

However, I'd love to see how you spin that Greer is in any way worse than Thomson. Go on, give it a shot.

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2 minutes ago, CCB19035 said:

Aye, I'm from Dyce and going by election results there's plenty Tory vermin in amongst. 

It's what happens when folk make a few Bob, unfortunately, they think the weegies on the dole are after their money. 



Bridge of Don, Dyce, same same.

Not true, I made a few bob and have never / will never vote Tory.

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12 minutes ago, The Real Saints said:

Sven has ruled himself out of the running, saying that he wouldn’t work in Scottish football as he’s ‘not desperate’. What a dickhead. I wouldn’t want that kind of negative energy in Aberdeen. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

Considering his last 4 jobs have been 3 huge pay packet Chinese teams, and a calamitous reign as the Philippines manager, one would suggest "desperate" is exactly what Eriksson is.

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2 hours ago, Aufc said:

I wouldnt like to be a young single guy in aberdeen as nightlife is average.


I don't really care too much about that any more at my age, but it was a belter of a night out in the late 80s/ 90s - my era.   There are a couple of social media sites dedicated to the pubs and clubs of that time and it's difficult not to get nostalgic reading some of the stuff.

It's probably all changed these days - everything does - albeit the good mainstay boozers are still there.

Coming on to the point on why that would affect a footballer's decision to relocate here - yes, we do need to pay a premium, but moreso because the majority of the people in Scotland live 20 miles either side of the M8 and we are one of the few clubs that would expect the players to relocate.

It's less of an issue for rUK or overseas players as we have good airport links.............but McInnes tended to constrain himself in the UK/Ireland market with a heavy emphasis on players that previously played in Scotland, and any foreign national he did sign had played in Britain.

Edited by tarapoa
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54 minutes ago, CCB19035 said:

That's a strange one. 

Aberdonains are certainly less 'look at me' than your west coast "big man byraway sae it is byraway" type gadji. Wouldn't say more miserable. 


I'm not from Aberdeen and only moved there for uni. Aberdonians are no more miserable than people anywhere else I've lived.

They've definitely got less time than anywhere else I've lived, however, for west coasters, especially your weegie patter merchants as described above.


It is quite ironic to see people from central belt post-industrial hellscapes or 1950's new towns with third world standards of life expectancy slagging off anywhere though.   

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Sorry interrupt this 'how good/shite is Aberdeen' thread, but looks like Sven's poo-pooed any talk of him being involved. So just Stephen Glass and Scott Brown.


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10 minutes ago, RossBFaeDundee said:

Sorry interrupt this 'how good/shite is Aberdeen' thread, but looks like Sven's poo-pooed any talk of him being involved. So just Stephen Glass and Scott Brown.


The original article on Eriksson said he had been "put forward". The paper that printed it, of course, never state what that means.  Similar to when they use the word 'linked'.

i.e. an official representative of Eriksson contacted AFC expressing a wish to be considered - or Jimmy on Twitter just posted saying it might be a good idea?


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