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3 hours ago, oaksoft said:

You are correct that I'm accusing you of stating things. You then go on to state them once again in bold.

I agree about personal responsibility but none of what I posted falls into that category.

I've already explained the problem with your thinking as regards the bits in bold.

You can plan all you want but if the breadwinner falls ill, you are fucked on all counts regardless of what you plan or prepare.

No insurance policy is going to help you if you lose a £50k job at 50 years of age and you can't find another job at that salary for instance.

No insurance policy is going to help you if you develop type 1 diabetes and associated other autoimmune diseases after contracting a virus if you now can't work a full week as a second example.

With respect, you are not demonstrating any sign that you are thinking this through.

Not everyone on benefits is guilty of fecklessness and stupidity and it's a shame that this mindset runs so deeply through the Tory philosophy.

I’m not going to argue with you as I actually agree with what you’re saying.

Maybe I’m not getting that across.


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23 minutes ago, cyderspaceman said:

Here's some more info for you:-

Original definition of an idiot.    "person so mentally deficient as to be incapable of ordinary reasoning."

It’s absolutely none of my business in knowing about anyone else’s benefits situation.

Its between them and the DWP or the relevant department.

As an employer, the only instruction you take is from HMRC regarding the individuals Code Number.

Shame you couldn’t ‘reason’ that out.

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16 minutes ago, oaksoft said:

Fair enough. That actually wasn't clear TBH so it was worth you spelling it out - especially when you posted "Obviously, families need to take all those factors into account when planning their lives." on two occasions.

Well, I’m trying to get across that, as well as the state being required to help out when a person has hit hard times, there is also a requirement on the individual to take personal responsibility for things in his/her control.

Its a two way street.

It just seems that, for someone like me who is to the right in politics, it’s impossible to get that across without being accused of being uncaring, nasty, whatever.......

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2 minutes ago, Dawson Park Boy said:

Well, I’m trying to get across that, as well as the state being required to help out when a person has hit hard times, there is also a requirement on the individual to take personal responsibility for things in his/her control.

Its a two way street.

It just seems that, for someone like me who is to the right in politics, it’s impossible to get that across without being accused of being uncaring, nasty, whatever.......


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 With brain donor and all round nasty person Lee Anderson getting a bit of exposure at the Tory conference this week, I went back and rewatched this masterpiece. Most people have probably seen it but if you haven’t, trust me it’s worth 6 minutes of your time. 

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These Wokesoft exchanges with DPB are increasingly becoming like he's arguing with himself from five or six years back.

Very strange for anyone with a memory longer than a goldfish.

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The Office of Boris Johnson Limited was incorporated on Companies House on Monday, with the ex-Tory leader listed under his full name of Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson.

A spokesman for Johnson said: “The Office of Boris Johnson Limited will support Boris Johnson’s private office in line with similar structures established by former prime ministers.”

The private limited company will not undertake commercial activities and will solely support him as a private office in his function as a former prime minister, a source told PA.


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58 minutes ago, BFTD said:

These Wokesoft exchanges with DPB are increasingly becoming like he's arguing with himself from five or six years back.

Very strange for anyone with a memory longer than a goldfish.

Stop sitting on the fence, man. Pick a side!

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